Forgotten Desires

Trust me...I'm hard enough to believe *don't* want to know...

My favorite diaries:

cedric-lives profile - diary
comments: A fellow Harry Potter obsessee...great fun to read!
royaleblue profile - diary
comments: Very very nice!!!! ^___^ Woo-hoo Kym! =D
pezloko profile - diary
comments: A wicked cool gal who loves Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Artemis Fowl......
donkeyshow profile - diary
comments: This kid's got some major issues, but he has a kick-ass layout, so he made it up here.
penmaster profile - diary
comments: BI BOYS KICK ASS!, can I get this kid and another guy in bed? ;D
catsdiet profile - diary
comments: My alternate, weight loss diary! =D

My favorite music:

Smashing Pumpkins
comments: This is the best band I have ever heard. Well, maybe not, but hell, I like *every single* song that they have ever made. So that's really saying something...

My favorite movies:

Harry Potter
comments: Yah, yah, yah....I wanna tie up Draco and do dirty-dirty things to him...then get his daddy, Lucius, involved, and make him do dirty-dirty things to his little boy... >:)

My favorite authors:

J.K. Rowling
comments: All right, so I admit it. I'm a Harry Potter geek-freak. ^_^ But I fancy the daker side, and I can't *wait* to see who Voldie's gonna kill next! Hopefully Ginny or Cho... ;)
Eoin Colfer
comments: Artemis Fowl books are just bloody excellent!
Galadriel Waters
comments: The Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter. I'd suggest this book to ANYONE who's a fan...or just wants more insight into the books!

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last updated: 2004-02-04 13:56:46
this user's total entries: 161
user since: 2002-07-11

AOL IM name: KittyGotDarkMark
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Yahoo Messenger name: all_malfoys_are_good_in_bed
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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