To much to do...Not enough Time

As the title suggests, I feel like I have to much to do and not enough time. So much has happened to me in the last couple of years I don't even know where to start. I guess the best place to start is March 2002 when my fiancee committed suicide 6 months before we were going to get married. No warning no nothing. Exactly one year to the day after, I packed up my belongings and moved. Final destination: Charlotte, NC.

My favorite diaries:

Rue25 profile - diary
comments: She's the one who turned me on to this site and a girl I know from my motorcycle message board.
Zlicius profile - diary
comments: Another girl that I know from my motorcycle message board.
Smoog profile - diary
comments: Someone I stubbled across who isn't afraid to talk about their depression.
vbitch profile - diary
comments: Someone I stubbled across and have found interesting.
misstress profile - diary
comments: From reading her entries, she seems extremely cool
mattieluna profile - diary
comments: someone I want to read more.
virtuosic profile - diary
excessa profile - diary
comments: CF Chica....:D
mrgrey profile - diary
comments: Interesting....hmmm
barbiewoman profile - diary
comments: A fellow Charlotte Chick. :D
island- profile - diary
xunleashedx profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: Saw them live in concert while living in Michigan. One word: AWESOME
comments: I can relate to so many of her songs. It's almost like, "been there done that".
comments: Another band I've seen live. Good show, the last concert I went to with my ex
Finger Eleven
comments: Saw them with Seven Dust....way cool
Seven Dust
comments: Saw them live in concert and now I'm hooked

My favorite movies:

Somewhere in Time
Pearl Harbor
Black Hawk Down
Lilo and Stitch

My favorite authors:

Anne Rice
comments: One word: Riviting
Dean Koontz
Nora Roberts
comments: Spell Binding

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last updated: 2005-07-20 18:46:00
this user's total entries: 105
user since: 2003-08-19

AOL IM name: djlit26
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: djlit
MSN Messenger name: djlit26

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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