The Great Experiment

Think of this as the behind the music of all the funness that IS the Amy-Carolyn Whipple, a directing major at Rowan University. I live with my crazy actress best friend and own a cat named Barrymoore.

My favorite diaries:

My favorite music:

comments: Horrah for Train, cause a lot of people are like, blah, how many songs can I listen to about a guy who loves a quirky girl? Well, I just have this to say. Suck it. Suck it long and suck it hard. Thier music reminds me of home.
Van Morrison
comments: Greatest. Ever. Back in the day, like, all the way back, when I still thought I could be one of those singing girls ontop of a piano all rollin' around ontop of it I wanted to cover all of his songs and I had this silly fantasy that he'd like,
Eric Clapton
comments: I'd have his babies...just so his genes could live on.

My favorite movies:

As Good As It Gets
comments: I don't think there is ANYONE who doesn't like this movie. I think it might be impossible.
The Emperor's New Groove
comments: I can't even think about this movie without laughing.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
comments: In my apartment, there is a rule. This movie is watched everyday from September first until Christmas Eve. Then we watch it once a week.

My favorite authors:

David Sedaris
comments: Perhaps the finest, funniest, sarcastic man in the business of makin' books. A must read for everyone who has parents...wait, you say. Isn't that everyone? Yes, I respond. Yes it is.
Darby Conley
comments: He's the cartoonist who writes Get Fuzzy. It was a total surprise that I've become dependent on this cartoon to start my morning out right because I didn't want to have anything to do with it. The only reason I read it in the first place
Chistopher Moore
comments: The man is a genius. I have books of his that I refuse to finish because I don't want them to end.
Peter Mayle
comments: For anyone who's ever been to France, likes food, or thinks English people are neat.

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last updated: 2003-11-04 23:58:18
this user's total entries: 102
user since: 2003-02-16

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