
I have the bestest doggie in the whole wide world.

My favorite diaries:

loveburns profile - diary
comments: jackie cracks me up!
andrew profile - diary
comments: andrew is the funniest thing in the world ever ever ever.
realjesus profile - diary
comments: and the real jesus is the second funniest.
invinciblegirl profile - diary
comments: IG hates everything and is very amusing in the process.

My favorite music:

David Sylvian
comments: and Japan too. He's a little too mellow for me these days, but up until the mid 90s, he was god.
Redd Kross
comments: They are a part of me. Like my elbow or my ass or something.
Continental Drifters
comments: Not only do they live in my town and I am lucky enough to see them every other month or so, I get to run into Vicki Peterson at the hair salon! I love them SO MUCH. I almost cry everytime I see them.
Jason Falkner
comments: He is the most amazing genius I have ever met.

My favorite movies:

Velvet Goldmine
comments: beautiful british boys in makeup and glitter - need i say more? to misquote my friend Mike, "You shouldn't be so into this movie. It's not like Velvet Goldmine is going to go on TOUR and you can meet Jack Fairy and Brian Slade!"
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
comments: cliche? perhaps. chock full of awesome one-liners, fashion, and music? definitely. Come into my den said the spider...etcetera... and Z-Man *IS* Zee Man! wheeeew!
comments: Even though I haven't seen it in years, I've seen it a billion times, and listen to the soundtrack often. What little girl in the late 70's/early 80's DIDN'T want to be ONJ???
Almost Famous
comments: They don't even know what it is to be a fan! To blindly love some silly piece of music... or some band so much that it hurts...
The Grifters
comments: I have seen this movie 15 times probably. It is horrifyingly dark and sick, but it is undeniably AWESOME.

My favorite authors:

Tim Powers
comments: the most amazingly complex historical (sci-) fiction you will ever read. he ROCKS!
Pamela Des Barres
comments: anyone who does not WORSHIP Miss Pamela is a loser.
Robert Heinlein
comments: Although he's got millions of books, and I've only read 3, I can't say enough about "Stranger in a Strange Land."
Christopher Pike
comments: His adult books are really awesome. So are the "Young Adult" books too up until a point. Lately, they aren't so good.
J.K. Rowling
comments: Yes, I am a total sheep, but the Harry Potter books are AWESOME! And this from someone with a B.A. in English Lit!

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last updated: 2004-05-12 10:18:01
this user's total entries: 131
user since: 2001-09-05

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