Shut up and Listen

24, lost, confused, and writing

My diary, my thoughts, don't like it? don't read it...

My favorite diaries:

aislinn- profile - diary
comments: It's like going to the store to get a 1 gallon thing of milk, and they hand you a 4 gallon, and you're like, 'wow; i've never seen one of these this big.'
ananzie profile - diary
comments: "[He] proved to [us] that yes he does like boys. That was really hot."
doomscape profile - diary
comments: "Evil cannot be fought without pants. Having worn a bathrobe and then a pair of shorts, I had to go get a pair of pants from the wash just to feel safe. And now I do."
gianajho-bt profile - diary
comments: "This is my twighlight zone where shadows mingle nervously with light and you have to dig for the stars burried under 14 year oldsheeps wool and peanut raisin trail mix."
joyia profile - diary
comments: "GAAA! hes turning me into a mushy GIRL!!! "
moonieelf profile - diary
comments: " *sniff sniff* Ok. I'm over it."
notfukdupasu profile - diary
comments: "I got saddled with duty yesterday. I say 'saddled' because nobody likes duty, except maybe me."
pixie-led profile - diary
comments: " Thank god! No, wait. Thank Jay. In my world the two are close enough anyway. Except I capitalize "Jay" and not "god." "
porktornado profile - diary
comments: "The degree to which any given thing scares you is inversely and exponentially proportional to how much clothing you have on. "
zombieslayer profile - diary
comments: "I woke up to the cruel cold air and a heavy pillow being thunked into my head."

My favorite music:

Tori Amos
comments: From the Choirgirl Hotel
comments: Throwing Copper
Paul Simon
comments: Graceland
comments: ok computer
comments: Haunted

My favorite movies:

Dark Crystal
Big Fish
Kill Bill
Dead Poets Society
What Dreams May Come

My favorite authors:

Marian Zimmer Bradley
comments: The Mists of Avalon, The Firebrand, The Darkover Novels
Mercedes Lackey
comments: The Valdemar Novels
Ellen Datlow and Terry Windling
comments: They release collections of short stories based on Fairy Tales (check out "Snow White, Blood Red", or "Demons and Dreams")
Robert Jordan
comments: Wheel of Time series
J. K. Rowling
comments: Harry Potter

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last updated: 2008-06-04 23:19:46
this user's total entries: 532
user since: 2001-11-26

AOL IM name: Imandra2
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: XxImandraxX
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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