being a dirtynerd lover...

Only two people in the world have the Easy-Flow Elbow, and one of them happens to be named Bruce Willis.

My favorite diaries:

dirtnerdluv profile - diary
comments: this is the grandaddy of all diaries
xdani profile - diary
comments: its nice to know someday ill be able to leech off of someone else's fame and wealth
buttsalad profile - diary
comments: pam makes me feel good about curse words and the term 'curse words'
luminescent profile - diary
keera profile - diary
comments: can i bum a smoke?
boing profile - diary
jamesdee1 profile - diary
comments: he writes a diary too only his is funny. and he works with the guy that wrote "Everybody wants something" by Zit Remedy
central-red profile - diary
ida-red profile - diary
not-a-finger profile - diary
meli profile - diary
applejack profile - diary
casperwoo profile - diary
margaretyang profile - diary
brkfstfnys profile - diary
steviebadazz profile - diary
isra profile - diary
lisasays profile - diary
kneesocks profile - diary
mr-sparkles profile - diary
yardsale profile - diary
afuzzyorange profile - diary
sugamaniak profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Posies
comments: i found them through the goodness of napster and guess what RIAA? i went out and bought all their cds. hrmm.
Jason Falkner
Year of the Rabbit
comments: Ken Andrews and Tim Dow can totally go up my sweater

My favorite movies:

Dark Passage
The Matrix
In The Mood For Love
The Ox-Bow Incident
Chacun cherche son chat
comments: Garance Clavel, why dont you call?

My favorite authors:

Naomi Klien
Donna Tartt
Vine Deloria, Jr.
Andrew Cha
comments: Yes, Andrew Cha.
William Gibson

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last updated: 2005-06-30 17:24:50
this user's total entries: 112
user since: 2001-06-10

AOL IM name: luku2
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Yahoo Messenger name: lukuskywalker
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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