Oh. So Attractive.

One girl's love affair with run-on sentances.

My favorite diaries:

starla-june profile - diary
comments: She's awesome in a thouroughly non-Canadian way.
nalomeli profile - diary
comments: Locked now. Sorry!
femmeproject profile - diary
comments: A great idea and some astonishingly beautiful pieces.
singingcynic profile - diary
comments: One of the most lyrical writers I've had the pleasure to read.
tanisanne profile - diary
comments: Her posts are exactly like the ones I intend to write but never do. Plus she's a fellow fametracker, which is rad. FT Pride! REPRESENT.

My favorite music:

comments: Infinitely complex, stunning, and incredible. Nobody is more versatile and original.
Cibo Matto
comments: In twenty years, everyone will list them as an influence.
comments: Badass rhymes from the hard streets of Iceland.
The Pillows
comments: I never thought I'd like another rock band again. Then I heard "Little Busters."
Brother Ali
comments: "Splatter semantics on his canvasses." Intelligent hiphop.

My favorite movies:

Moulin Rouge
comments: Ewan MacGregor is seriously brilliant in this.
The Ring
comments: Just feel like giving some love to my current-favorite movie for scaring myself shitless. That horrid little girl does it to me every. Damn. Time. I'm almost too scared to check out the original.
Pride and Prejudice
comments: The A&E miniseries. It's like comfort food for me. Except in movie form.
Ed Wood
comments: Remember back when Tim Burton kicked ass? Yeah. So do I.
Donnie Darko
comments: Awesome script, both story-wise and dialogue-wise. And kind of ambigious, which is always good.

My favorite authors:

Jeff Noon
comments: I still (heart) Scribble more than almost any other literary character.
Natsuki Takaya
comments: Manga-ka of Fruits Basket.
Margaret Atwood
comments: I race through her novels, needing the revelation of the end as much as I need air.
Jeffrey Eugenides
comments: So, so gorgeous.
Jane Austen
comments: Somehow still rings true.

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last updated: 2016-07-19 04:53:12
this user's total entries: 868
user since: 2001-06-17

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