messages to miraii:
(click here to add new message):

from starla-june :
murph?! oh baby.. no... what...? that sucks... i mean.. i'm sorry babe..
from starla-june :
i can vote, but i'm not going to. the reason is that i think i am planning to e vad e my taxes. i think that the US government wants to tax me for money i made in canada while living in canada. which is SHIT. so, they don't know my new last name OR my address. and i'm not planning on ever moving back to the US.. so.. i'm just not going to report my earnings (which are meager).. so, in conclusion, i probably shouldn't register to vote because if i do then they might want me to pay my taxes. which i'm not going to. and anyways, i'm a registered independent so i can't vote in primaries anyways.. :)
from starla-june :
uhm.. i mean.. i WATCHED... not wanted..
from starla-june :
i wanted an interview with Clark and I went back and forth between believing him and thinking he was a pile of shit. I'm assuming the "pile of shit" part is due to the fact that he's a politician. I liked what he said though.
from starla-june :
kaaaaaaaaaate where aaaaaaaare you!?
from starla-june :
kate kate bo-bate banana fanna fo fate me my mo mate.. KATE! come online.. i misses your kisses!
from raven72d :
Oh, yes. You *do* write clever entries!
from vbitch :
your entry on X2 and men it so true...the good ones are already taken and the others are just asses...complete jackasses.
from vbitch :
your entry on X2 and men it so true...the good ones are already taken and the others are just asses...complete jackasses.
from bansheerose :
Hi thanks. I will link you and give you credit don't worry. It was just worded so great.
from rosesecrets :
"I hate boys. Every single boy who is worth dating already has a girlfriend. If they appear to be worth dating but don't have a girlfriend, don't be fooled! He'll turn out to be incredibly needy and dependant, or completely self-centered, or... some other obnoxious personality flaw." -- That is just great! Can I quote you on that on my next anti boy rant? Great dairy hun. I was very entertained by that. Oh I was signed into my locked diary account when i clicked your banner but my public one is
from pookahed :
Don't be sad. This is all temporary and illusion. It does get better. It's the hardest time, between highschool and when life finally picks you up and spins you around. Hang in there girl.
from starla-june :
CONGRADS ON THE JOB!!!! (are you now a baker?)
from starla-june :
from mistresslink :
shameless plug for my new jeff noon and vurt rings. :)
from deaddadaist :
All sorts of sorry. Darling, very drunk again, as we always are. But never mind what it is... whatever so sorry. Always know yous. Good day GHood night ndrunmk lovelty. Sam.
from cateract :
Hey, I agree with you on the whole 'disposable issue', but I thought I'd let ya know. They do make disposable clothes. Batheing suites and bikinis to be exact. I saw it in a magazine that somebody left in our green room one day. There's just no explaining some people...
from starla-june :
i miss you? how's your life? oh my withdrawls! OH MY! :) heart heart heart!
from starla-june :
from starla-june :
yeah well.. you haven't lived until you've almost been frozen to death.. so.. MLA!
from starla-june :
yeah well he's still mine bitch! i need more than just one man to satisify this woman! i need some high school, possibly underage, ass near my grass! OH YEAH!
from starla-june :
U R Freaking KEWL 2 MAN! EYE LURVE U! u r 2 kool 2 b 4gotten!
from beachybaybah :
hay I love bjork ur layout rocks ur diary is bad ass too!!!!!
from writeraurie :
I'm leaving a note because you listed my old diary as one of your favorites. And i've moved to This diary is, and i would like to stress it, ENTIRELY fictional. ~~Aurie
from joshcohen :
Regarding taking a stand on fascism... Fascism is a left-wing philosophy where the government controls everything. If you're a liberal, you're closer to being a fascist than if you're a conservative. You are right in that the government is trying to take too much power, but being a liberal won't help that. It'll just redistribute the power. Fascism is about three steps away from total Communism... it goes (from farthest left) Communism, Socialism, Fascism. The only difference is the size of the "ruling elite". Be happy you live in America, where you still have a choice to do things. In other news, I enjoy reading your diary. :)
from starla-june :
hey babe! i'm alive! i was out of town this weekend because everett's gramma died on thursday. thanks for the phone message though! it was a nice welcome back to the apartment
from leviathan3 :
I'm sure you'll appreciate this thread from my crazy EQ boards. Good Two Towers parody, with plenty of homosexual references. Yay for homosexual, whatever.
from starla-june :
from ruhee :
lol what a new opinion on TTT! i'm a huge LotR fan, so not sharing all the things you said, but a few. hey, btw, his name's Sméagol. :) and Frodo and Sam can't share the ring-carrying (I know, I was thinking that too) because -- hear this, it's the fantasy stuff -- the Ring chooses the Ring-bearer. So Frodo's been chosen. And Sam can't help him. Pah, eh?
from eve-elle :
hahaha well thats okay then. sorry. just had to get a little defensive for shitty little australia. its the little country that could. like the train. if you have no idea what im talking about, never mind me.. just have a merry christmas!!
from eve-elle :
what do you mean, australian wine? like its crap or couldnt be good? Australian wine is damn fine dammit. i have loads of friends with vineyards and i drink their free wine with pleasure.
from starla-june :
mmm.. you HAVE to see that movie though! and when he has picard all tied up and he's yelling at him.. oh my.. your loins will quiver. the shadowing on his face. his snear. his... oooohhh.. i'm shaking as i type! :) THREE WEEKS! TWO AND A TWO DAYS UNTIL YOU'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
from machewlotan :
Dude, geniuses (geniui?) are the people who can write real shit about their lives and still make it totally interesting and entertaining and piss funny. (I'm talking about you) But thanks.
from starla-june :
reply to my surveeeeeeeeey!
from eve-elle :
hey i have forgotten how to make paper cranes too! i once made a thousand of them for a friends birthday, man did that take a long time...i thought i could do it in one night! i almost lost my mind. and after that you would think one would be able to remember how to fold the damn things. but i've if you rember. let me know okay?!
from starla-june :
yeah.. heh heh.. well i guess he'll have to find another parking lot though because i have no visitor parking and you need pass during certain hours to park on the street. :)
from eve-elle :
i understand your pain! i cant stand girls like that. i gave up on girls in high school for that exact reason. THEY SUCKED!! but i am discovering now that not all girls are horribly girly and shallow or complete lesbian dykes in opposition. And now i just feel sorry for the girls who are so horribly image orientated and completely lame because in a few years their looks are gonna turn to shit and they will be left with NOTHING!! HA HA!! at least i will still have my personality and my brain..And hey, knitting is cool! I never finished knitting my winter scarf and now its way too hot. Good luck with the hat though im not that clever.
from eve-elle :
haha someone sounds like THEY need a goooood nights sleep!!! just kidding please dont kill me. i hate it when people tell me whats "normal" too. and eating babies is wrong. wrong and gross.
from starla-june :
from nalomeli : Look at this guys survey responses! He got like every single one wrong!!! I think he got negative points! He answered Washington DC as the state to sink into the ocean. THATS NOT A STATE!!!!
from eve-elle :
ha HA! i told you your midterm would be fine, and it was better than fine, easy or not. CONGRATULATIONS! i say. hope you feel better soon.
from eve-elle :
hahaha ants and all things that creep and crawl are gross and i strongly stick by the NO ONE SURVIVES rule. its a mantra. and as far as excessive, well, incorrect use of exclamation marks go, i have been known to use them excessively myself!!!!!!! ahahahahaha!!!!! see how funny it is?!!!! okay. i guess not.
from cdghost :
yr run on sentences are too dye for!
from doryishness :
"There was a sale, though. Let us honor our nation's veterans... by buying clothes at a discount! Nothing says "Thanks for fighting and/or dying for your country!" like 25% off on bras." Lol, I LOVE that qoute, you're really funny : )
from eve-elle :
Stop stressing about your midterm silly!! anyone can see you will be FINE! or better than fine, if you prefer. Art galleries rock, the art you dont understand is even more fun, because then it can mean anything you want it to. Great banner, keep up the good work.
from unbornlove :
i really like yr banner
from starla-june :
so how is katie? like... is benjamin an asshole?
from starla-june :
mom can't afford my plane ticket!
from rumblelizard :
Mac vs. PC or Mutts vs. Purebreds or Godzilla vs. The Tick or Forgetting and Leaving Your Clothes in the Washing Machine for So Long They Smell Funny
from nalomeli :
old school rapping
from nalomeli :
chewable asprin
from nalomeli :
apothocary table
from starla-june :
from starla-june :
I LOVE YOU! (in case you forgot)
from mihoman :
Get he cool..... Get the cool shoe shine.... Get the cool..... Get the cool shoe shine.....
from nalomeli :
Man, Should I never read Sam's diary again! Cause it makes me want to do things its not my place to do. By the time you read this I may have tracked him down and givin him a talking to. Dont be mad at me, I couldnt help it. Determinism baby, hoo yeah! And neither you nor Ken is around to stop me so my notorious lack of will power is getting the best of me.
from broken-glass :
Beautiful diary! Love your writing.
from starla-june :
did you know that Moloko in russian means Milk? just thought i'd pass that on. oh yeah.. GET YOUR ASS BACK TO ME HOT MAMMA! :)
from bnhsugar :
I'm sorry. And yes, that is disturbing. And I don't think he'd do that.
from starla-june :
WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!? I MISSES YOUR KISSES!!! what happened babycake? please call me when you get home. we need to taaaaaaaaaaaaalk (and shop!) i hearts you! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
from mia-xxx :
if you ever feel inspired i would like to hear your comments. take care. xoxo
from starla-june :
from mihoman :
Good luck on your interview!
from brandyjeanne :
I was also at the park tonight. I thought that was you and sam, but I wasnt sure, and I didn't want to interrupt. so since I didn't say it at the park. Hello. How are you? Have a nice evening. See you later.
from crepeguru :
Great diary! I have to agree with you wholeheartedly on a lot of points, especially that we need some sexy-sounding words for genitals and... that Swordfish sucked ass. That movie stunk. Have a good day.
from starla-june :
kate kate kate! can i come over and watch crossroads with you tomarrow? i don't work thursday! i totally hope you haven't seen it yet cause I want to see it with you! sorry i was sleeping.. nooooo! :)
from bnhsugar :
Though I have never had sex, I very much agree with you on the whole fucking thing. Yes, it is associated with power (especially with Kristopher Fahndrich) and it sounds better than "sex" or "making love." Just my innocent, naive little opinion. When I do fuck, perhaps I can elaborate more on your ideas with the word. Ha. I am so stupid. And going now too.
from bnhsugar :
Elizabeth - really good movie Losing Isaiah - Sad times, but good, especially because of Samuel L Jackson Sling Blade - AWESOME Vanilla Sky is good, though you've probably already seen it. I want to see Magnolia too. Supposedly it's pretty magnificent. Haha. okay. I'm tired. And I'm so done.
from starla-june :
that guy who committed suicide on I-5? Yeah. My co-worker Tammy went to his wedding. He wasn't even married six months. His (former?) wife's sister is her best friend. six degrees of anything, eh?
from iamopposite :
i dont know.. i like to take surveys!
from starla-june :
ps. the bitch (mrs b) will be at the bridal shower. yeah. katie invites mrs baker.. MRS BAKER. ARGH! fun times!
from starla-june :
dude! alex's mom did NOT find it in his pocket! he left it on his windowsill and gaby found it! yo! i can't believe you forgot! (who leaves a joint on their windowsil? totally irresponsibile!)
from phonegurl :
Hey, why not mix all your personalities together? You could be a girlie in skirts who beats the shit out of 6' thugs while sipping your cosmopolitan, pontificating on the works of Austen, Orwell, and ...maybe the Joy of Sex. Oh, to be well rounded! ;) -Jamie
from macus :
yes, yes, it may be funny to you, but it made me all choked up and shite. soooo...ya movin' away, eh? i'm sorry to hear that, i just barely met you!!! well, given the very limited account of our shared experiences, i will miss you, the kate. ~makkus
from bnhsugar :
yeah, Baker can be a bitch. Blegh. Uhm. let's see here. i don't really have anything to say. thanks for reading my diary, i guess. i read yours too. i like you updating constantly. it keeps me busy. wish i could write as well as you. someday. i'm usually very vague. when i write. i'm done. talking. buh bye
from starla-june :
hey remember me?!?!? well i think that you should see if mrs baker has an e-mail address and try to apologize (or whatever) with that method. that way you can carefully plan out what you want to say without her big bitch mouth interrupting you. just my suggestion! :)
from starla-june :
dude yo.. i love you yo.. you're awesome yo! we should picnic in jefferson yo. totally dude seriously dude yo! yeah yo! bye yo!
from starla-june :
hey kate? i did talk to robert and told him that you want to talk to him so things dont have to be so weird and i was really serious about it and robert said that he'd be up for clearing all this air. i made him say that if you ask him to talk that he'd make some time to have a conversation. for what it's worth, i thought i'd let you know. heart you!
from brandyjeanne :
Wow. Thank you much. I love that dress. hehe. The senior award... hmm. supprised me. I'm not sure I deserved it, but thank you anyway. I wish I would have had the chance to talk to you.
from starla-june :
dude i love your entry! men are pigs! :)
from mihoman :
Just for the record, I was 26. Until then, it just wasn't right. Well, more accurately, didn't feel right. Doesn't matter to me if someone's been with 0 partners or 1000, so long as they ar happy with their number. Anyway, just wanted to react. *hug*
from starla-june :
dude, i'm like totally leaving you a note. and hey, dude, did you know that they're making a sequal: Seriously, Dude, Where's my Car.. and Dude, i'm not making this up *L*
from nalomeli :
dude, update already!!!!
from starla-june :
Dude, I dont like Tom Cruise either but he rocked as Lestat!
from mihoman :
as requested, I am leaving you a note. NOTE! miss my favourite mad monk desperately... ;)Talk to ya later, babe!
from bnhsugar :
I was in Portland Friday. I am so sorry I didn't stop by, but I didn't think my Aunt, Cousin and his friend would've appreciated it. Next time though, I will stop by. SW 5th? Yeah? All right. Good times. Adieu, Rasputin.
from hermione-202 :
hi im kinda new anddo u like Harry Potter?
from hermione-202 :
hi im kinda new anddo u like Harry Potter?
from angelofblood :
Boom. Uhm, Hello? Boom BOOM.
from random-fluff :
This morning I woke up, and then went straight back to sleep. How come other people have the self discipline to get up?! I *admire* you! :D
from starla-june :
from bnhsugar :
*anyone. ahem.
from bnhsugar :
Oh, and don't worry, whatever happens, I will NOT lower my standards for everyone. I like being respected. ;-) (just in case that thought ran through your mind...)
from bnhsugar :
Good. Thanks for asking. A little confused, if you read my entries... Yeah, he's fickle and everything, but see everyone's fickle, if you look at it a certain way. I'm fickle sometimes and lately, I don't know what to do. I should tell Jim I like him, but I don't want another dissapointment, you know? Yeah. Anyway, that's how I am. I should call you soon and see if you're free anytime and drag Daniel's lazy ass and myself up there to visit you because you are quite lovely. Oh yeah! My birthday was pretty damn swell. You should've been there. Let's not get started about Dream... we can talk about that later. I am making it a priority of mine to visit you before... well soon. Ciao babe.
from filmgirl :
hi, i think we just might be soulmates. i just emailed you. Yes that is blood the last vampire. such a good film. ok see yas
from nalomeli :
Hey, we have plans for tommorrow to watch fast times at ridgemont high and look for a job. Are you ditching me for Steve? Do you love Steve more than me now? sniff. sniff. whimper. When are you going to your moms? I was hoping to do a little house hunting this weekend, will you still be here friday?
from onyxsunshine :
I am alive! This is Lyndsay. I know you complained when I closed my angeltoad diary, so now you can keep up with my oh-so-exciting life in my new diary. I'm sure you are excited. I miss you.
from nalomeli :
me too.
from starla-june :
sure thing! i'll drive joey and everett and we'll live in your changing closet! yeah! :)
from mihoman :
hey - did you know thatyour 'forward' link goes to your latest entry instead of the next one? P.S. - baby says: ;\9p-xzza0- 87u75m iobbn,mgug
from nalomeli :
Tell me about this so called crazy weekend baby. Im all ears.
from nalomeli :
I was the one who said that huh. damn Im funny.
from nalomeli :
The take my father outside this is the job for a 15 year old girl quote. Its fuuuuunnnnny.
from angelofblood :
Kate saw the Buffy Musical, and apparently the whole tape. I almost came out there to watch TV with you dear. Lovely.
from nalomeli :
I sent in another quote from your diary just now. Thats 2 for 0. You know sometimes I think that your not dedicated to the queen melissa cause.
from bnhsugar :
Schubert's "Ave Maria" is lovely. I recommend not listening to the Frank Sinatra version because the classical one is much, much better.
from bnhsugar :
Happy Belated Birthday Rasputin! Sorry I didn't call you yesterday. We should get together soon. Ciao.
from angelofblood :
Notes Notes Notes BOOM.
from mihoman :
Just thought you might like to know - Talked to Justin from Hair yesterday - he lives down here in LA now - he misses you too... :) Toodles, Miho
from bnhsugar :
from brandyjeanne :
sorry. p.s I MISS YOU!!!!!
from nalomeli :
from nalomeli of jeffnoonring: Just wanted to let you know that Ive redone the site, and in doing so added alot of new features for members. The new site is Please visit it soon, then drop me a note and let me know how you feel.
from bnhsugar :
That's wonderful. Thanks hon.
from larrielou :
I hope you find your cool metal lunchbox and win your crusade for a new leader of the Powerangers...I really, really do.
from bnhsugar :
The heating room? Why's the door locked? I don't get it. Where's it supposed to go? HAHAHA :)
from bnhsugar :
heh heh heh >:)
from bnhsugar :
There are no buttons...
from leviathan3 :
No friends eh? Well I guess that Mel and I are just your "ex-landlords", my bad.
from mihoman :
Just wanted to note for the record that I own a copy of the Women's Encyclopedia of Myths & Secrets. I also heartily reccomed The Feminist Companion to Mythology, which I also own. Wanna borrow?
from nalomeli :
Your dream sickens and disgusts me. I choose to believe that Ken and Robert where having sex while I was simply trying to get dressed. Ew its so nasty, I tried to call to complain and tell me you are longer allowed to dream filthy things about me but you werent home. So now Im alone, sitting in my office drinkin lemonade, feeling all violated.
from miraii :
Oh Kate, you are so amazing and wonderful. -Why thank you Kate, it's true, I am. -Why Kate, did you know that you are the most amazing writer of bullshit cover letters that ever was? -Oh thank you, Kate, but you flatter me! -No I don't, you are simply amazing. I bow down to your genius! -Oh, Kate, stop it, you're embarrassing me! -Oh, all right, I'll stop, but that doesn't mean it's not true!
from leviathan3 :
Don't get too discouraged about the job thing. The part that sucks is the time you spend looking for one, as walking around isn't that fun, but most people spend forever, you just get a job randomly. I was extremely lucky to get my job, it was perfect and random. Actually OD is hiring so you should come down and apply, for a cashier position or even Copy & Print person. What are your limitations as far as a job is concerned? Have you tried the restuarant downstairs, or safeway, or blockbuster? I dunno, next day we are off we can look together,I work till forever tho..
from mihoman :
yup. it was Monday the 8th. I'm sad that I never see you on line anymore..... It was nice, thanks. It would have been better if I could have had more friends around, but what is is. ::bows:: Jon
from marlena :
Bonjour! Quest-que ce tu fait? Tu est fatigue et je suis fatigue et Nous, nous sont FATIGUE. Mais j'ai traivaillee le tout jour et tu dort. C'est tragique. Tu ne compris pas ma frances. Tu ne compris pas LE TOUT de francias. Mes erruers ne matter pas. Je ne faire pas le sense mais tu ne parle pas, any way. This is all four years of Highschool french has left me with.
from marlena :
from marlena :
I am NOT
from starla-june :
i am a note
from marlena :
You are in the shower so I am typing along with the tune in my head...You are really missing half the joy of this note beacuse you can't hear the soooooooong. I loovvee yyyooou and hurry causee weee neeed JOOOOOOOBBBBSSSS annd I amm overly motivated (sorry) but donnnt take it personalllllly. EEEEeeeeee:) me
from nalomeli :
you know, I update way more often now. Dont you think you could say somethin just a smiggin nicer in your profile...? I mean, Kens had his diary for like 6 months, and he has written one entry, you dont accuse him of not posting often enough. :) hee hee hee
from nalomeli :
I hear ya on the comercial song. It wouldnt even be so bad where it not for the incredibly irritating voice of the guy who sings it. He sounds so whinny.
from marlena :
Yeeeeesssssssss I thought i was alone but I am not. Ken was hiding in the bed room. Quasi-haiku.
from mihoman :
My advice is to take the fun job. Money is good, but personal satisfaction is priceless. Having had plenty of jobs I hated, I know what I'm talking about. Follow your bliss, and be well. Love ya, Jon.
from marlena :
Patience for the rice crazy girl. Yellow. Good freaking job for you, mellissa. rrg.
from marlena :
Dude. Where's my car? Are you mad? I am your daughter....oHMYGOD
from mskaos :
Let diarylanders unite. Let everyone unite. Never forget. Interested? -m.
from marlena :
Oh i love you you know i do. Goddamn fecking carpet people in the hallway. I am thinking of Tony... Wondering where he is, who he's with; what he is doing, what he's thinking, if he's thinking of me and if he'll ever return to me someday.
from mihoman :
Of course we all still love you, you ninny! (And I say that in a non-threatening sense, of course! ;) ) Best of luck in the 'big' city - keep in touch!
from marlena :
Hey lookits me! Becha didn't know I was in here! YOuare mine. I am not drunk. I heart you... MMME
from nalomeli :
What do you think of my new layout?
from starla-june :
hello note. hello kalin. are you feeling well? yes, and you? quite the same. fancy that... COME TO FUCKING CANADA!
from angeltoad :
Kate, this is Lyndsay. I was reading over your past entries and I just wanted to say I love you. God, that sounds goofy seeing as I didn't know you didn't hate me until you signed my yearbook. But honestly, I had always idolized you in my mind and for you to have told me the other night that you think of me as a little sister or something, it made me feel so good. You are so awesome and I hope that we don't loose touch. I know that everyone can read this and I'll probably look really stupid, but oh well. It is worth it. You rock Kate!
from nalomeli :
Dude, Amazon? What are you thinking>,!!!!! Missa have discount.
from moonmama84 :
Hey Kate, this Elizabeth Jellison. Just wanted to let you know who it was
from nalomeli :
Did you and Robert break up? Call me if your at home. Also, have you read my last post? Join my webring!!!!! JeffNoonring. yeah! Its going to be great, all about helping budding authors.
from bnhsugar :
You love how I carry myself. I love how you express yourself through words.
from mihoman :
I have replied. And, for the record, it was "You make me wish I was 15 years younger, single, had a vagina, and that you had low standards." If you're gonna quote me, at least get it right...
from bnhsugar :

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