Nightngale's Song

My favorite diaries:

caerula profile - diary
comments: Sweet girl that I like to think of as my friend. Very, very talented. And oh, her life is like a sit-com. Really.
evilena profile - diary
comments: She's moved, but I think this page has a link to her new stuff. Also a good friend of mine, for a very long time now. Wow, I feel old all of a sudden.
smartypants profile - diary
comments: Very witty city girl, makes me snort out loud.
weetabix profile - diary
comments: Curvy round Midwestern goddess, who reminds me of myself sometimes. Except that she's funny as hell.
neon7c profile - diary
comments: Beautiful thoughts for emotional days. Reminds me that life is definitely a roller coaster.
plain-jane profile - diary
comments: Plain speaking from Plain Jane. Also a mom, so how could I resist?
mercurial73 profile - diary
comments: Home of Mistress Sinister, Villainess Extraordinaire. A fellow artistic soul and Whose Line? lover.

My favorite music:

Nine Inch Nails
comments: Everyone should have some favorite angry music.
comments: Spectacular writer, makes me sing along at the top of my lungs.
Sarah McLachlan
comments: Beautiful music, lyrics and emotions. And great for singing along
Fiona Apple
comments: See Sarah McLachlan comments
Tori Amos
comments: Uh huh, her too.

My favorite movies:

The Matrix
comments: The meaning of Life
The Princess Bride
comments: Me and Hubby's favorite movie from the dating years
Beauty & The Beast
comments: Yeah, I know it's a Disney cartoon, but it's so romantic!
Lord of the Rings
comments: And this would go under favorite books too, because I am a geek. And proud of it!

My favorite authors:

Neil Gaiman
Melanie Rawn
Diana Gabaldon

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last updated: 2006-04-15 11:01:08
this user's total entries: 369
user since: 2001-08-03

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MSN Messenger name: Seraphina

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