Arrr, motherfucker.

Something about words.

My favorite diaries:

anisettekiss profile - diary
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blulinepaper profile - diary
comments: My heart lives here.
catspajamas profile - diary
chickpea981 profile - diary
discodoll profile - diary
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peth profile - diary
pissymystic profile - diary
scurvymates profile - diary
shutupmom profile - diary
sixelasauce profile - diary
slobber profile - diary
sturge profile - diary

My favorite music:

Violent Femmes
comments: My favorite. I hold no prejudices against music otherwise.

My favorite movies:

Pirates of the Caribbean
comments: Sixteen and counting.
Kevin Smith
comments: A genius. A legend. I want to visit Red Bank again.
comments: It makes me want to go to Paris and fall in love...
Monty Python
comments: You can't leave out the classics. This shit never ceases to be funny.
Quentin Tarantino
comments: Obsessed, Motherfucker.

My favorite authors:

Kurt Vonnegut
comments: Jack Kerouac, Charlotte Bronte, Jo Stanley, Carl Hiaasen, Tom Robbins, Hunter S. Thompson, Lynda Barry, Francesca Lia Block, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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last updated: 2008-01-07 01:45:26
this user's total entries: 996
user since: 2002-06-18

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