saa's adventures

My name is Sarah, I am 23 years old and I have written almost 10 children's stories over this year. I have always known I wanted to be a teacher when "I grew up" but thought my dream was dead when I had to drop out of school in grade 10 due to family issues. I worked retail for a few years and thought about getting my GED but never got the courage to get it done. I applied to College as a mature student for the ECA Program. After completing the ECA program I took a few courses to upgrade into the ECE 2nd year program. I loved teaching and found out that I also enjoyed learning. I was given an opportunity to apply for an "Outreach Program" and was chosen to be one of 10 students to be sent to Negril to teach in 3 schools, work with over 500 children and participate in a fundraising adventure that would allow us to bring over $7000 worth of materials and teaching supplies to donate to the Westmoreland area. It was an amazing experience and something that truly changed my life. For so long I thought my life was worthless, but after going to Jamaica it really opened my eyes to how much I had gained within a few years, and how much I was able to give to others.

After Jamaica I had the courage to do ANYTHING! I packed my bags and headed for Seoul, South Korea to teach for 5 months. It was a difficult experience but I found my voice in writing my journal; I wrote to my family and discovered a stronger bond with them than I have ever had before; and I realised that I had lots of stories in me that NEEDED to get onto paper and to children who would (hopefully) love them.

Quite a few years ago, I went to a psychic. I had never been to one before, didn't know what to expect and hadn't really been interested in finding one. This woman told me "you are going to teach, you are going to travel, you are going to fall in love and you are going to write books"; three of the four have come true and I could live the rest of my life being satisfied that they have. I think I could be counted as one of the happiest and luckiest women in the world if the last one would come true as well.

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last updated: 2005-04-30 01:04:42
this user's total entries: 179
user since: 2003-08-02

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