licorne en lises

It's me, the true me & the posing me - you'll have to find out who's who -you'll find glimpses of my mind - reading my diary & that's more thyn enough

My favorite diaries:

culotte profile - diary
comments: simply the best - a pleasure to read
bluecharis profile - diary
comments: just started reading her from her archives - from au-pair to lawyer - she must be a very nice & sympathetic & balanced person, living in her own world - so why not peep in her diary every day?
inkysoso profile - diary
comments: I found her diary by chance - she is very narrative & pointy - I hope she writes on & on - very inky indeed!
vizionz profile - diary
comments: true, witty & superior to what happens in real life - let's have vizionz! (& she's hot!!)

My favorite music:

Steve Marriott
comments: what for John Lennon was the voice of Elvis, was for me Steve's voice - silver screaming, shouting, like the scream of my inner soul..
comments: Ray Davies & his gentle voice - a genius storyteller with the charisma excellent voices & melodies
Rolling Stones
comments: I'll have an excursion of my fave bands in one of my diary entries sooner or later - so look there!
Neil Young
comments: I have a lot of favourite groups & singers, so can't decide which to be put on front
Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen
comments: Who, Stones, Small Faces, Humble Pie, Joe Walsh, Dave Mason, Traffic, Eagles, John Lennon, Simon & Garfunkel, Jimi Hendrix, Cat Stevens etc.

My favorite movies:

comments: What the fuck is a movie?
comments: You mean all these ever changing pictures on a movie screen, you see sometimes on a market-place, when you look in one of these obscure little lenses behind these strange boxes, where you never never know, which is the real one 'picture'?
comments: But if you mean - "Who is your favorite painter?" I'd say: "Gustave Moureau" & "Vincent van Gogh" & as Jugendstil-Painter naturally: "Audrey Beardsley" (the perfect drawing-line)
comments: yes I like movies - I have my fave regisseurs & my fave actors - but can't decide anymore, what is my my best - in my youth I could - but now I'm too experienced..
Harold and Maude
comments: why not - but it's not my real favourite - I have million of favourites from Audrey Hepburn, Charley & Geraldine Chaplin to Rudger Howard, Carlos Saura Woody Allan etc. etc.

My favorite authors:

Oscar Wilde
comments: influenced me a time in my life a lot - I even dedicated a poem to him - all the good bonmots he gave me..
Leonard Cohen
comments: jewish canadian singer & poet - very true & deep - accompanied decades of my life
J.K. Huysmans
comments: he was the king of decadence writing - 'the 'verderberischen yellow books' O. wilde was mentioning..
Balzac, Baudelaire, Rimbaud etc.
comments: most of my fave authors were of the last 2 centuries, french & british,
Gustav Meyrink, E.T.A. Hoffmann, E.A. Poe. Mark Twain, Lewis Carrol, Kafka, Hesse etc.
comments: but also some science fiction & fantasy authors like Theodore Sturgeon, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Stanislaw Lem & even this H.Potter writing Rowling

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last updated: 2014-03-31 01:48:04
this user's total entries: 420
user since: 2003-10-18

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