Sudden Transitions, Continued...

this is just a continuation of what started three years ago.

Sudden Transitions, Continued... is just picking up where left off. As for me, I'm 21 and I live in Hawaii. I'm Filipina/Irish/Welsh with a dab of Spanish and Indian (dots and feathers). Also, I'm a Christian and, an avid tea drinker. I love videography/film/photography and my career involves all three. And travel is always a plus.

Read if you'd like and don't forget to sign the guestbook.

My favorite diaries:

acneboy profile - diary
comments: big islander with a passion for dance dance revolution
raevyn808 profile - diary
comments: acneboy's woman. korean chicken cooker and orlando bloom fan.
yamatoilet profile - diary
comments: creator of the poopy fish and long time friend.
edwardflinch profile - diary
comments: film maker extraordinaire. aka flinchie straight bangs.
ntrainbabble profile - diary
comments: part islander, part big city girl. affinity for hedwig and the angry inch.
penmaster profile - diary
comments: frisco filipino who loves Jesus, boys, and girls.
exiles profile - diary
comments: one who loves to change his templates.
lastoneout profile - diary
comments: the "proverbial spinster" as she calls herself. one of the loves of my life.

My favorite music:

Blonde Redhead
Rainer Maria
Death Cab for Cutie
John Mayer
Missy Elliot

My favorite movies:

Mallrats or Dogma
But I'm a Cheerleader
Red Violin or Twin Idaho Falls
Sister Act 1 & 2

My favorite authors:

leave a note for wadatah
diaryrings which wadatah belongs to
diaries which list wadatah as a favorite diary
last updated: 2003-11-24 17:45:17
this user's total entries: 81
user since: 2003-07-08

AOL IM name: BiggieShortay
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: imjustCandy
MSN Messenger name:

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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