Waffle Wonderland

AUGH! Ergh. Big font!

What you'll get from my D-Land: Mostly amusement. I make too many apologies and try to be too rational when really all I am is an emotional nutcase.

Recently graduated from college with a degree in computer science, now pondering what to do with my life. Options include grad school (most probable), job (most practical), or running away to some big city and becoming a writer (most desired). I spend my time mostly updating my Diaryland (multiple times a day, usually), playing piano and guitar, obsessing over Sid, or arguing with Aditya. Though what I'd really like to do is be the leader of my own cult of worship...

(I thought the max was 250 characters, but inarticulate has a very long and ironically articulate profile, so I'll see if D-Land lets me get away with a long one.)

My favorite diaries:

janene profile - diary
comments: Well-written, thoughtful, wide range of emotions, layout's not too annoying. My favorite DLand diary.
jennawong profile - diary
comments: Very good friend of mine.
wobbly profile - diary
comments: really good diary. Makes me think, and it's beautifully written too.
syi97 profile - diary
comments: yay! I hope I can say I'm responsible for her conversion.
SaveCraig profile - diary
comments: I wish my diary were this funny.
crepeguru profile - diary
comments: Starts off as "List of Actresses [he] Admires", and ends up being much much more.
inarticulate profile - diary
ssavara profile - diary
comments: Pooh? Oh, pooh yourself, Sid. (in reference to what he said about ME and MY DIARY in his profile.)Anyway, Sid is one of my favorite people in the world.
PikaPuff profile - diary
comments: friend of mine
yummychuckle profile - diary
comments: I dunno if she writes anymore, but....she vaguely reminds me of me, reversed and inside-outted.
valerian profile - diary
comments: Wow!
ree-say profile - diary
comments: She writes in her Xanga now though.
iamamerica profile - diary
comments: Public diary for people ranting about political issues
theseus profile - diary
comments: Little bits of stuff
poorlydrawn profile - diary
comments: good stuff
stardwarf profile - diary
sam profile - diary
fuchsia-ao profile - diary

My favorite music:

Impulse 306
comments: My favorite band!!!! =) i306 ROCKS!!!!!

My favorite movies:

Only Yesterday
Kiki's Delivery Service
comments: ...actually, pretty much anything else Hayao Miyazaki

My favorite authors:

Diana Wynne Jones
Zilpha Keatley Snyder

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last updated: 2003-09-21 01:47:43
this user's total entries: 1578
user since: 2000-12-22

AOL IM name: dkatscully
ICQ number: 19638328
Yahoo Messenger name: dkatscully
MSN Messenger name: dkatscully

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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