Would you like some cheese with your whine?

My God, this thing still exists.

My favorite diaries:

grouse profile - diary
comments: He puts a little bit of Wyoming in Montana.
laurenrocks2 profile - diary

My favorite music:

Bad Religion
comments: A PhD main singer. An owner of a record label backup. Cynicism, politics, and songs that make me think. Excellent.
Flogging Molly
comments: He's not such an ugly bastard like he claims he is. Completly worth 25% of my hearing to see them live. On the rail, no less.
Greg Graffin
comments: Mr PhD main singer on his own. His voice wanders through my head like smoke in air.
The Beatles
comments: Without them (or Elvis, Buddy Holly, the Supremes, etc), music nowadays would SUCK MORE THEN IT ALREADY DOES.
comments: Like the Rolling Stones, there's just something about 50 year old + men ROCKING OUT.

My favorite movies:

Reefer Madness
comments: Why you shouldn't do pot
Lilo and Stitch
comments: Being different is good
To Kill a Mockingbird
comments: Sometimes its hard to do whats right
A Mighty Wind
comments: Oh, Christopher Quest. How can you be wrong?
The Shawshank Redemption
comments: (and more as well).

My favorite authors:

Richard Feynmann
comments: Phamous Physicist. Wow, I'm going to hell for that.
Sigmund Freud
comments: Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar
JD Salinger
comments: Catcher in the Rye - a book that made me open my eyes again and again
Harper Lee
comments: To Kill A Mockingbird - best book. EVER.
John Steinbeck
comments: (amd many, many more!)

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last updated: 2008-11-19 21:38:28
this user's total entries: 1082
user since: 2000-07-26

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