messages to hadassah:
(click here to add new message):

from hadassah :
Don’t know whatever happened to diaryland but trying to pay for a new diary here is useless, a big waste of time and energy because Andrew doesn’t send you the sign up link after you pay I give up after three times of having to get my money back diaryland is crap now
from lobo21 :
Not sure if your are still around. I know I haven't been but I thought I would send you a little "hello" and wish you a Happy New Year.
from lobo21 :
I haven't been on here for some time and I apologize for letting time slip away. I pray all is well with you and yours.
from anarchrist7 :
Hey there, was interested in reading some of what u have to say. That's a hell of of a lot of entries. I'm sure there's some valuable things to learn in there! Anyway, I don't have MSN and that's all I saw to contact u by, so u can email me if u want at [email protected] That's a zero in there ;-)
from whystinger :
it has been a while. I don't remember if I have the password credentials to read your diary... I hope all is well
from lobo21 :
My thoughts and prayers are of you and your family.
from lobo21 :
I hope you are well. I noticed you are posting a lot and I pray it's about the abundance of blessings you are receiving from the Lord. Take care. David
from ohmegah :
locked? what happened? sorry I've been out of the loop, but let's catch up, shall we? I'll be on this site regularly, so just shoot me a note. Hope all is well. Hadassah is more than a word...
from lobo21 :
I am soo sorry you've been going through this for so long, outraged that social services would do such a thing with no regard for the sacrifices you've made for the children and the love you've given to those in need. I'm appalled you have no support there. I know you are loved so much by God and He will meet you in your need. I pray for you and Jake. I am happy you feel the one who loves you most will never abandon you and will always love you as His beautiful child.
from lobo21 :
We learn early on that life isn't always going to be positive and thankfully we don't have to bare these seasons alone.
from lobo21 :
It has been lacking some lately, feel like having a tag-a-long? Hope you and yours are well.
from lobo21 :
Thinking of you and praying God will lay His healing hands upon you. May He also make Himself more known to you and capture your heart completely. God Bless.
from lobo21 :
Thinking of your little man there. Praying for you both and hoping you are well.
from lobo21 :
Thinking of your little man there. Praying for you both and hoping you are well.
from ghostofgor :
Hi! Havent had a chance to catch up on things but Im hoping to get a new pc in less than a month. Hope all is well. G
from lobo21 :
hi. Thank you for your note. I am hoping your young man is doing ok and you'll get in for an appointment very soon. You are both in my prayers, and so thankful God is giving you peace.
from lobo21 :
:) happy to hear there is improvement? Be blessed and much prayer for you and yours. David
from lobo21 :
Hi. Meant to say in my last note that your new pic on your page looks great! :) You already know I think you are amazing and have so much to give to the right person and hopefully the right person will see it too and give you right back all the wonderful things you have to offer them. :) You are blessed and you are a blessing.
from lobo21 :
Thank you for the note. :) It is nice to see your updates too. Hope he's feeling better soon.
from lobo21 :
You are blessed, knew that all along. Hope you are well.
from lobo21 :
hi there. Hope things are moving in a positive direction for you and you feel the Lord moving and working in your life. I hope all is well with you and yours. Wanted you to know I'm thinking of you.
from lobo21 :
hi :) I am glad to see you writing, and more glad you have a peace with your birth background. :) I hope things are getting better on the health from. Thanks for the note on FB. :) I will soon. :)
from lobo21 :
hey there. Sorry to find you've had to lock up. Hope you are well. Take care.
from lobo21 :
hey there. Sorry to find you've had to lock up. Hope you are well. Take care.
from lobo21 :
maranatha dear one. bless your beautiful heart and prayers for all who have yet come to Christ our Saviour. His first coming is our geatest Christmas present and how much greater will His eary return be for us? unbelievably amazing. take care and blessings
from lobo21 :
ayup, that's pretty rough. Hang in there, none of us can or have done as much for our kids as they think we could have. I hope it is just the season of hightened emotions and she'll come around to seeing things differently. I know your heart and the love you have for all your kids. Be blessed.
from invisibledon :
re: Depth... I can relate my daughter and I only have a passing relationship now and I was the only one there for her when her mom kicked her out of her house and told her some pretty horrid things ... she is coming around a bit more now a few years later. Prayers for you that things will turn around for you too.
from lobo21 :
hey there. I can imagine that's unfun. Glad you are on the mend.
from lobo21 :
Hi ya. I'm sure it can feel like you're always under pressure there and no relief in sight. Hope things get easier or at least you can find some time to take a breather some where.
from lobo21 :
hey there. Hope you enjoy your family mini getaway. take care.
from ghostofgor :
I think we have that black mold too. And I have lung issues. But as for the 6 weeks along... that seems to be the sign of the times. Problem is you cant tell "them" its they dont listen to thing's adults say. Hindsight is 20/20....
from lobo21 :
hey there. Hoping things are going to settle down soon. Tough going when kids figure it's better to stick together than tell the truth. Sorry to hear how long it went. Did you enjoy the movie at least? Take care
from whystinger :
Dropped in to say hello and read.
from lobo21 :
kindergarten eh? Ayup, bigger and bigger they're getting. *sigh* Wow two ribs huh. Remind me not to rough house with him. lol Be blessed
from lobo21 :
hmm, sorry somebody can't let go of things. Hope they come around for you
from killsoft :
i once made love to a pastry tart.
from lobo21 :
sorry to hear of the no show. Hopefully there comes a good reason for it. Take care.
from killsoft :
i just get in a weird mood sometimes and say whatever. it's not to be hurtful.
from killsoft :
and actually i'm not sure it's a valid harassment claim if you can just block someone from being able to leave comments in the first place or delete them. i apologize that my humor so much bothered you. i won't joke with you like that. k?
from killsoft :
feel free to delete me. if not my latest entry is half for you. peace.
from lobo21 :
hey there. sorry to hear someone's being an idiot. Hope things lighten up. Thanks for the email. Quite accurate and has made me think what the world is coming to.
from ghostofgor :
Deleting is fine. Id still report them for harassment.
from ghostofgor :
you could report them. Might get them banned for harassment. Or have a team of angels punish them for being stupid.
from ghostofgor :
I try to peek and I got my eyes poked out. x_x
from lobo21 :
Wow pretty scary stuff. So glad everyone is alright and the Good Lord is watching over you. Take care and I don't believe you're getting fat. Not for a second. :)
from lobo21 :
Ayup, we've had that conversation before. :) My thinking was in response to Sean wondering if I'm working on meeting someone new. lol, and I was thinking about what kind of time I might have to put into a new relationship and even if I wanted to. Valid thoughts, you do it if it's something you want. Thinking I'm not looking to open up again to someone new.
from lobo21 :
ah, yep. That's what I meant. lol
from lobo21 :
ah, yep. That's what I meant. lol
from lobo21 :
awww not DD, well I enjoyed the company more than the coffee anyway. :) Glad to hear you are feeling much better.
from lobo21 :
Let me guess DD? I so miss their coffee. :)
from lobo21 :
I agree, a lot more. and more of your singing too. :)
from lobo21 :
Hey there. Sorry your determination didn't pan out. The world needs more happy endings.
from ghostofgor :
I saw the piccie, and you have a fan!!!! And not just the mechanical one blowing on your toque. Ha! I know something! >.> Hai! Best wishes.
from lobo21 :
hi. I'm glad your birthday turned out well, and that I didn't miss the chance to send you birthday wished. :) Nice pic btw.
from stardumb :
thank you hadassah, i really appreciate that. :)
from erases :
how are you these days, hadassah?
from ghostofgor :
Do they have you treating the house too? With Pyrethrin or sulfers? I hope all works out. Any infestation is bad. I remember living in poorly kept shelters, where it wasnt uncommon to catch something. Good luck.
from lobo21 :
Hang in there! Many prayers. :)
from lobo21 :
Awesome news! Extremely happy for you.
from ghostofgor :
I thought you did have a baby? All the movement? Im so sorry hun. :( Much love.
from lobo21 :
oh no, that's awful. I guess it is always one day at a time and you just can't see these things coming. I am sad and sorry you had more hardship. Praying for you and hoping things are better tomorrow.
from lobo21 :
Hey there! Active huh? and a love for music already I bet. Praying for the two of you to have a healthy pregnancy. God definitely has a sense of humour, but also never wastes a blessing and you are very blessed. :)
from invisibledon :
been reading for a while found you through lobo's page, hope you can find a smile your latest entry made me sad
from starhearts :
Life is going ok, well kind of anyways. I have figured out that I don't like "just living together". I thought it was no big deal but honestly I don't think it is for me. Steve made a comment when I tried to talk to him again about marriage rather then this live together thing..he said "I am here and I am supporting you."...yes...good qualities and believe me when I say he does support me emotionally and physically (meaning being helpful). He said out of the blue as he was taking the laundry down to the laundryroom down the hall in the apartment building..."I don't know how you would be without me here to help you". or something like that..meaning he gives a hand in helping daily with caring for the pets, cleaning if I ask, doing dishes, etc if prompted and he seems to be taking on more of these daily tasks which is SO HELPFUL!! That means I work and I can come home and do alot less then I use to. Soon I will be only working part time and that will change how much time I have for working around here too. Goodness knows it needs some help. Still trying to decide what to do with my house. The break in has thrown my plans a bit as I am now cautious as to what I put there..which can't be much unless I want it gone. What a PAIN. I wanted to and planned to get rid of the storage unit this month and now I feel I can't. Stupid really. I was advertising the house to rent and I am really unsure about that too...I don't trust it. I think I am best really to sell or to live in it. If I move back to Newbury though it is TOO CLOSE to Steve's family and I really get more strange and stressed out there then I do here..which is starting to shift as I am starting to get more stressed here too...seems to follow me somehow I think. Financially I am struggling to keep it together and not doing a good job at all of it..there is not enough income for the expenses and with my hours getting cut AGAIN...that is a bigger issue yet then it was before. I wonder sometimes if I would be best off to throw in the towel and bottom out to then start over from a clean slate rather then figuring out how to make it with this gross income that is high anough to live on but that by the time you take 1/2 for child's support bottoms out to not even coming close to making ends meet in the net. I can't do it and emotionally I can't do it either..I am beat. Today we are going to my house in Newbury to work on it. I do think seriously that we have to look at moving again...gosh I hate this bouncing around and not being able to is CRAZY. I just wish that Steve had let me stay in Glencoe long anough for us to move to my house which was the plan in the first place...sigh. Now I am in a year's lease and will be in court if I mess up in trying to move before next January which is nuts. There are apartments here that are empty so subletting here won't be likely though they say it is possible it is highly probable that it won't happen. I really don't know anymore what is best!!! C.
from starhearts :
Normally I wouldn't write..but you are sooo wrong...there is no way my friend would have fallen for you if you were not some extremely wonderful, dynamic person with class. Known him for a long time over a very very long distance but, everything you have just said about yourself cannot possibly ever be true. You've got to be pretty special for him to look at you twice and to have want to see you and know more....C.
from ghostofgor :
I am sorry to hear about everything. Maybe some miracle will occur and you will be blissfully happy again. Its been known to happen. G
from ghostofgor :
Engaged? I had no idea. Just remember, engage also means to prepare for combat. Best Regards. G
from ghostofgor :
all attempts at picking the lock have failed. I will try to slide under the door next. Or when you peek in the mailbox I will be there to pounce.
from illusionless :
I can't imagine how tough it would be to raise kids. It must be hard, but believe me I think you are making a difference in those girls lives. Girls that age can be that way most times. I'm sure deep down they do appreciate what you do, you sound like a wonderful mom, but it's hard to see it that way in the teens stage of life. You are a wonderful person. God bless.
from illusionless :
I mean how she and you handled the situatons sorry. lol!
from illusionless :
Hello, long time no read! How are you? Your situation with your two girls smoking pot sounds like a similar situation to my sister and her girls. As a matter of fact what she and you handled the situations are almost the same. I find that pretty cool! Stay well. :)
from swimmmer72 :
I hope he recovers! How can anyone NOT love a pet?
from lobo21 :
Love can be a paradox that way. We find ourselves in losing ourselves in someone else. Be blessed and know he is the luckiest man in the world. Take care.
from lobo21 :
Miss Haddy, you really must get a decent nights sleep and stop allowing yourself to be pestered by said someone, no matter how well meaning they may be. Take care and God Bless.
from swimmmer72 :
Good for you!!! Smiles can never be a bad thing!! :)
from bindyree :
Howdy, Had1 I got your message. I have no idea how to embed music into a website! I am sure there are resources out there, but since putting music on a website is not something I would ever do personally, I just haven't done the research. Look for the words 'embed' plus 'music' plus 'html' and go from there. Also, ask your readership what they want. :) Xoxoxo!!!
from lobo21 :
Those days are tough when it seems that you're the only person that gets you. I know that feeling well. Stay strong and know that we believe in a God that answers prayer. God Bless!
from lobo21 :
Well you beat you me. I just have 3. My eldest is almost out the door (she graduated this year) the other two are in elementary school.
from lobo21 :
Thank you for your note, and the offer. I will take you up on it soon. I'll also be back to read more of your experiences. Funny I was going to ask how long you've walked with God and then your entry answered it. God bless.
from lobo21 :
He is just awesome. What more can one say?
from lobo21 :
He is just awesome. What more can one say?
from lobo21 :
I found my way through another's page. I hope you don't mind if I make my way back from time to time. Glad your marbles aren't lost. Now do you have one of those nice crown royal bags to put them in? Take care.
from ghostofgor :
whats wrong hun? Im worried for you. :(
from ghostofgor :
My favorite cure for a headache is 1 tablet of sudafed, and 2 tabs of excedrin. My favorite cure for heartache, is sad music, lots of chocolate, and a nap. Best cure for boredom is saying random things to strangers, or the girls who cut my hair. Feel better. <3
from whystinger :
Friends can be a blessing and a pain...
from erases :
it's been so long. how are you?
from whystinger :
It will be good and healing for you to go visit your family.
from whystinger :
I am happy for you, that you found some new love and it is not one sided. That is great! Hey, I managed to vote a few times, what happened with the boat? I am curious.
from gomerx :
you should read Joyce Meyer books. You'll learn a lot about yourself is totally human. You are beautiful, by the way...inside and out
from whystinger :
So I click on your banner and find you and am surprised that you have read me... I wonder why I didn't know of your diary sooner??
from and-darling :
Alberta. It's not as exotic as British Colombia or Toronto, but eh.
from and-darling :
Ah yes. Oddly enough I was wondering about the "other side" of things. This would satisfy that craving. Thanks~
from swimmmer72 :
What would you like to know? Middle aged male; Erie, PA; decidedly non-traditional; wandering my way through life. Feel free to inquire about anything more specific. ;)
from erases :
thanks; twenty.
from swimmmer72 :
Hi! I noticed you mispelled my link. # m's in swimmmer, since 2 m's was already taken. Anyway, about pining for someone... Sometimes you just can't help yourself. It takes time and there really isn't a shortcut.
from erases :
from webmiss :
My mother has glaucoma. She's legally blind in her right eye. I'm sorry that you're having to go through that too. A seeing eye ferret sounds WAY cool though!!
from wyndspirit :
Wow, that's scary!!!
from erases :
i'm daniel, i wrote you an e-mail
from erases :
what's your name?
from whystinger :
Interesting diary. I just clicked in on your banner and read a few entries... We both read Gr8chick. I wouldn't want a woman that wanted to have implants, I am a breast man, but don't care for implants. I want someone that I can accept for who they are and who accepts me for who I am. My wife works hard to change me... Gotta bookmark you and read more.
from chaosdaily :
thanks for the add. i see we have a lot of buddies in common. guess i have some reading to do, too!
from planet-maxx :
OMG !! - What a BEAUTIFUL song. You have no idea how much that fits my life right now. Thank you so very very much for sharing that with me.
from miedema2002 :
:D sure thing hun!
from miedema2002 :
If I lived closer I'd drop everything and come and see you.
from planet-maxx :
btw - I was already doing most of the tips you spoke about in your other entry. Funny though, still no interest.....I just don't understand ;o)
from planet-maxx :
Hey. Anyone who sings Sheryl Crowe stuff AND likes Tori Amos, is one cool lady. So what sort of stuff do you write ?? Do you got somewhere I can listen to some ??
from ghostofgor :
I was going to write about how silly it would be to assit a man you want for yourself to impress the other girls, until I read the first clue. Ive got almost all of theose things pinned. Just a few more to work on and I will be cruisin the streets. Im sure I will need to find someone to bail me out of jail in the morning.
from wordwhore :
hm, if i decide to try again to get pregnant, i will definitely try that toe-sucking thing ;)
from shadow-box :
Hiho, I clicked on your banner, it had Tarot cards on it, I read Tarot, so I was like, I gotta go check that out, plus the Sun card was smiling at me, that's always a good thing. I haven't read much yet, but I'll check back later :)
from ohmegah :
I admire people that do what they can to better themselves for themselves. On other news: Version 4.0.1 is now available for download.
from kointuition :
Check out ghostwrite. He is a big writer in NY and CA of telelvision and screen. I know him personally. You need to hook-up....great possibilities. And he only dabbles in this stuff to talk to people through riddles. Trust me.
from erases :
thank you for your kind words. i didn't think anyone would ever find me. keep me a secret. xo
from amazinfuckup :
Thank you :)
from kointuition :
go for it....I am!
from miedema2002 :
A novel! That sounds exciting! Good luck in writing it.
from kointuition :
I too can relate - when did we loose our self esteem (i like to say self acceptance)and how do we get it back? Hang in there - I'm with you on this.
from kointuition :
You are a treasure, no matter what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future....don't forget it.
from webmiss :
Have you contacted any local churches in your area? Usually you don't have to be a member or even believe in their religion, you just need to need help. There might also be a crisis line listed in your phone book, it would be someone to talk to with the skills to help you and maybe they could point you to some resources to help.
from ohmegah :
I think people allow themselves to believe in others that are assholes because something is missing inside of them, not cuz they need the other. Oh and thanks for the welcome, but I've been on Diaryland for almost four years, with three different names or as my readers like to call them, "transformations"
from kointuition :
Your my first diary....thanks for saying it all so well.
from bindyree :
In answer to your note over on my diary, yes, sure, not a problem at all. I love to do banners and am happy to do one for you! Send me the copy and the concept and we'll get started!
from ghostofgor :
Sorry your internet is gone. Really. Sadness. :(
from ghostofgor :
Blocked, like sudden death in a hockey game.
from ghostofgor :
Nothing can drag it from your heart but you my dear. For when you are ready to share the most intimate of details they wuill pour from you like rays of light. When you are ready you will hold no shame or fear for what it is that you carry inside you. I wish you lcuk in quitting. You ahve the strentgh. More than you know and it is in you waiting to get out. You just have to want it, and not let the little things overpower the great things you have. Like your babies. Be well. Ghost
from miedema2002 :
Wow, what is it like to be a parent and hearing that your child is suicidal??? You are lucky that your children can be so open with you. Homeschooling sounds like a good idea. Bullying is such a horrible thing.
from miedema2002 :
sorry that note was intended for a different useer I clicked on your username by mistake. Just delete it. Thank you for wishing me luck on outing myself.
from miedema2002 :
Thank you for your kind notes. I appreciate your support. I think you may have misunderstood what I think is weird though. I have come to peace with my bi-sexuality in terms of accepting it. I was just wondering if those behaviours or preferences had any indication of my bi-sexuality and if those were weird traits to have. Thanks again. Emily
from miedema2002 :
Hi, you put my url wrong in your profile it's miedema2002. you have "erna" just incase that's why you don't see me update. Later.
from ghostofgor :
You will get what you want dear. All because you really do want it. Only time keeps it from you. Best regards. GOG
from rkwj1 :
Nice to see you back. I'm happy that things are going well with you and yours. Later, ROB
from ghostofgor :
Adorable. Happy new year, and merry kwanzanakkah
from ghostofgor :
Men can commit. You can overcome the hurt in time. But you wont trust the same, and the poor bastard you will fall for will have to work extra hard because of all the assholes before him.
from ghostofgor :
A fatty? Smoke? How about I eat a fat piece of chocolate cake instead. o_o Cures the munchies AND the blues without the middle man.
from ghostofgor :
that baby looks extremely pissed off.
from rkwj1 :
It's nice to have you back writing in here again. I have been away so I have to catch up an all of your recent entries. Sounds like your doing well and I'm happy for you. later,ROB
from trinamami90 :
"you don't know my son other than a few notes he left behind so don't judge". On the contrary, and 11 year old leaving such profane notes on my site completely unprovoked at that. I've never even seen that screen name until I saw those notes. So while I may not *know* him. I can make all the judgements I want as well as judge the parenting in which this kid has received. Face it, we all judge. T I still don't even know why those notes were posted in the first place, and if your son is as smart as you claim, he doesn't represent it well. cheers.
from spoonthug :
"My oldest boy. Make's a mom proud." You must have low standards. Unless maybe you think having a future gas station attendant as a son is enough merit to make you proud.
from jakes-bro :
Hi mom I was just snooping around a bit and wanted to tell you i love you.
from rkwj1 :
Congrats!!! That's awesome and I'm glad to see you back. Hope everything else is O.K.. Later,ROB
from rkwj1 :
Have not heard from you in awhile. I hope everything is alright. I'm sure you're busy with baby stuff. Later,ROB
from candora :
sending love to you - Happy Valentine's Day :)
from hamiltonian :
Best wishes to you and do not ever give up. I'll email more of thoughts soon...
from rkwj1 :
Good to have you back. I'm really glad that things are going well. Later,ROB
from rkwj1 :
I already said a prayer for you. Hope it helps. Good luck with all of this crazy stuff that's going on in your life. Things are bound to get better so keep your head up. Later,ROB
from hamiltonian :
I wish you well in court...
from hamiltonian :
You will make it through.
from hamiltonian :
I love your journal...
from rkwj1 :
Glad to see you're writing in your diary again. I was beginning to miss you. Later,ROB
from rkwj1 :
Hope all is well. later,ROB
from rkwj1 :
I really like that poem in one of your last entries called poetry shime. Really nice. I read it about 5 times. Later,ROB
from ghostofgor :
There is something to be said for a submissive girl, especially when she is in your arms. But there is also something to be said for a girl who has a head on her shoulders. Glad your not a doormat. Best regards. GOG
from juniperhexum :
I haven't had the chance to catch up on everybody just yet, but finally did with you. I hate seeing you go through so much struggle constantly and to lose the baby on top of it... I'm sorry for that loss. I'm so sorry you have to deal with all this shit all the time. You're in my thoughts and I hope the custody thing goes well for you.
from rkwj1 :
Havn't seen an entry in a couple of days, Hope all is well with you.
from rkwj1 :
I am very sorry to hear that. I know from experience that it can be very emotional, My wife has had three miscarriges. Hope you are O.K.. later,ROB
from rkwj1 :
Thanks for the note. everything is good here. I hope all is well with you. I read your diary whenever you update. Good luck with the pregnancy and with the guy. Twins! Wow. Later, ROB
from ghostofgor :
happy mothers day, for what it is worth, you deserve far more credit than people give you. May they rot in piles of their own blood. I should write Hallmark cards....... best regards. GOG
from ghostofgor :
wish i could say something witty, but that wouldnt be My style. May the flames of hell lick the testicles of men who would impregnate you further. There, I said it......have a nice day.
from ghostofgor :
there are always going to be polar extremes when it comes to relationships. There are "nice" ones out there. if finding the perfect mate were easy Id wish someone would figure it out finally. Best of luck and make sure the "other guy" knows his place.
from rkwj1 :
Good luck and don't be nervous. It's just singing and you do it very well. Later,ROB
from rkwj1 :
luckily I read the entry after the april fools joke first. That would have sucked. I mean I don't even know you but I think I would have been pretty bummed out to have read that. Glad it was only a joke. Oh by the way I signed a three record deal on wednesday with atlantic Records. I start recording in New york Next week. April Fools! There, I got you back. It would be nice though. Later,ROB
from relisted :
hi -
from rkwj1 :
Happy St. Patricks Day May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. Later,ROB
from rkwj1 :
The song is beautiful. I'm so used to hearing the other version that when I clicked on your page I was really suprised. great piano line and the vocal is smooth and powerful at the same time. Love it! Good luck with it. I'd love to share some of my stuff with you. We have similar tastes I think. later,ROB
from rkwj1 :
Good Luck, I hope you get the job. I'll sya a prayer for good luck. Later,ROB
from rkwj1 :
Glad to see that you are happier. And your right, Parenthood is definetly a gift. I feel you pain with the whole car thing too. Cars suck! It always seems that when you absolutely need them the most they break down. Such is life. Later,ROB
from candora :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (one for me, one for you :)
from mrgrey :
Unbelievable how?
from guderian :
Aloha Hadassah, Long time no write, I am sorry, I am back working and readjusting my life to that as well as preparing to move to a larger place (Next Door) about four times as large as my current place. My new e-mail address is [email protected]. Talk to you soon, Love Marty and Guderian
from lindzacracka :
Hey! I found your diary via my friend Jeff's Diary to which you left comments. I've been reading your diary lately and I really like it. Keep up the good work and watch out for Porch Monkeys with attitude :)
from mrgrey :
Well, I'm not one to brag, but I do have certain appealing qualities. As for how I got away with it, she set the rules, and we both had exercised them fully.
from mnowicki81 :
Hadassah... Thanks for all of your love and support. By the time you read this my diary will be gone forever. You are wonderful and special. God bless you always. With love Mark
from livingwreck :
My bruised leg is better than nothing. Thank you. Sure I can't interest you in anything else? lol
from chokenstroke :
No... I am DEFINATELY not married
from mnowicki81 :
I hope you had a lovely Christmas with your family. Mine was pretty good. Take care.
from some-trouble :
I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas hon. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful day together! Love, Jo XXX
from laukat :
=) Happy Holidays!
from rkwj1 :
Happy Holidays! Later, Rob
from chokenstroke :
nope. you don't know me. I found you by luck. take care
from serenaville :
Thank you for the holiday well-wishes you left in my notes. You are more than welcome. Just hope I didn't overstep. I truly hope you and your children have a great holiday too. Please give them both a huge hug from me. They've got a special mom, even if she didn't vote in the poll. ;)
from darienme :
Hadassah, you are a beautiful loving kind forgiving gentle soul. I will think of you constantly while i am gone. Please make the best of the time with you children and be good to yourself. Dont forget 11pm. I will be with you then and always. Your love, Carl
from thethrilla :
Could I have your computer sucks adn I couldn't get to the email through your diary.
from hadassah :
she (Miss pleasure from orgasmic reviews) had it out for me from day one.
from thethrilla :
how do you leave a contribution to the readers a note or is there a special link?
from rkwj1 :
Congrats!!! That is awesome. Can't wait to hear the next song. Later, ROB
from mnowicki81 :
Thank you for your lovely notes and well wishes. You are gorgeous. Lots of Love ~Me~
from ciulionn :
thank you.
from stupidgoose :
-thank you-
from rkwj1 :
Good luck with the publishing. Keep us posted. Sorry to hear about the guy thing. I promise not all guys are bad. well then again maybe they are. Just move on and don't even look back. You have a great talent and it's during times like these that some of the greatest songs are written. Later, ROB
from banshee-rose :
lmao boy do i ever know! haha
from banshee-rose :
lol have u seen how i cuss in my diary say whatever u want lol
from banshee-rose :
hmmm men fuck everybody up
from thethrilla :
Hello, Love your layout. I found you through a series of notes starting at Andy's page. I am a musician as clarify singer, as I have almost no instrumental ability. What kind of music do you perform? When did you start? For some reason I am rather interested, your diary intrigues me I guess. I only have time tonight to read 2 or 3 entries though. I am in a show choir and we are singing a song called "I believe," so I saw that you wrote a song called "I believe"...anywho, hopefully we'll talk some time. -Mike
from shewhowalks :
Funny how I don't feel like I deserve anything at all. I don't even deserve my angel girl. I guess looking from the inside out always looks different than outside in.
from shewhowalks :
Email me and let me know how it goes. Good luck.
from sugardrawers :
thank you for your thoughtful 'endorsement' of my diary.
from monstrance :
I am so sorry to hear about what is happening with your baby.
from minstrelite :
And you, in turn, helped me greatly tonight. Thank you for you warmth, your compassion, and your understanding. I also read your beautiful entry, and I hope to God you weren't writing about me! But even if you were, you probably needed an outlet for your feelings. And you do write beautifully. May God bless you and keep you always, my dear friend.
from laukat :
from rkwj1 :
Happy Thanksgiving! Later, ROB
from mnowicki81 :
i hate typos... trust me I can spell AND
from mnowicki81 :
thank you for always being there for me... you are gorgeous. take care amd lots of love - me
from laukat :
Thank you SO much -- I am SO glad he's alive. Even though he is no longer my boyfriend, he IS my best friend and I couldn't go on without him.
from some-trouble :
Thanks for the note - I'm glad you found the joke funny! Well done on quitting smoking too - I know it's hard to beat an addiction! Have a great weekend!
from minstrelite :
You got it! You have my e-mail address - just e-mail me your snail-mail address and I'll pop it in the mail on Monday. Talk to you soon.
from banshee-rose :
thanks i am feelin a tad better
from guderian :
Aloha hadassah, Thanks for the compliment, I just sent you an email.
from guderian :
Aloha Hadassah, I am 47 but I am very immature=D. Thanks for the Compliment I am flattened, I mean flattered!=D
from guderian :
Aloha, I forgot to mention I added the picture to my A Gift for My Niece A Christmas Story diary entry! Well I put a picture of myself and my niece Synthia (katie's was just the name I used for her in my story till I got her permission to use her real name). This picture was taken this morning. I don't photograph well but at least you get an Idea of what my ugly mug looks like. Lots of Love, Marty, Synthia Und Guderian
from minstrelite :
I was praying for you so hard last night on my route that I missed an exit and started going the wrong way on the freeway! I fear that you have fallen prey to a deception, and I think I know what the deception is. I will be at home and largely online today after three PM. Pacific Daylight Time. I received a cancellation, otherwise I would be working later. Consider me a friend. I hope we can connect tonight, and I will listen to everything you have to say.
from rkwj1 :
Wow, I wasn't expecting to read that. I wouldn't worry about it though. Your a strong person from what I can tell and strong people always survive. Have faith but have faith most of all in yourself. Look to yourself for the answers and I'm sure everything will work out in your favor and the favor of your new child. Kids Rule!!! Later, ROB
from guderian :
Aloha hadassah, I am praying for your comfort and well being, I see that you are getting to know minstrelite, He is someone well worth knowing. He will definitely be a blessing to you. God Bless You and Your Children, Love Your Buddies Marty Und Guderian
from minstrelite :
P.S. Don't give up, please. God hasn't given up on you. I know that. Hang in there, and I'll be with you soon.
from minstrelite :
Sorry, Hadassah - I wound up doing errands in my free time, than after my early evening piano lessons I went for the chess game and didn't return until late. My handle, as you have it is correct. I have prayed for you constantly throughout the day, and I hope we can connect on Saturday, if that's convenient for you. I will read the site about your brother then. God be with you in the meantime - I'm sure He will be.
from babyisblue :
...i'm not being kind darling... i'm just stating the obvious :) ♥
from monstrance :
Do you want to chat for a little while? I am online and I added you to my messenger. My name is [email protected].
from monstrance :
Oh Hadassah. I wouldn't change my mind over that. I want to congratulate you on our pregnancy although I know that you probably wanted it to be done in a much different way. In any case I want to offer all my support and also want to commend you on your courage for not only being able to write about what happened in your diary but also for your courage to have the baby. I think it is so admirable that you are going to see this pregnancy through. God will be with you. Take care and I love you.
from minstrelite :
OK, I found the note. You wrote "Hi there, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Grief is a hard process, if you ever need to talk feel free to talk with me. I lost my brother awhile back and I know how hard it is...... You'll be in my prayers hon." Did I reply? I get a lot of notes, and I just don't remember. I hope I expressed proper condolences over the loss of your brother - if I didn't, please accept them now. Again, don't think I don't have time to chat with you. Thank you for your prayers, and know that you are in mine as well. God be with you.
from minstrelite :
P.S. I learned by reading a note from monstrance that you had written to me regarding your brother. Either I've lost that part of my memory, or I never received or read the note. What happened to your brother? Is it the same thing that happened to my mother? Please reply when convenient...
from minstrelite :
Well, if you change your mind, know that I'm up for a chat. Today would be a good day, in fact, as I only work 1 1/2 hours, not counting driving time, on Wednesdays now. Tonight I'll be playing chess with Rob. Tomorrow and Friday are nixed. Saturday afternoon and into the evening would be excellent. I do hope you have a change of heart, as I'd be most interested in chatting with you, hadassah.
from monstrance :
All right. I could e-mail you. Let us see...e-mailing a friendly and beautiful woman...I don't know that might be jk! I will talk to you later. By the way, I am very sorry about your brother. I learned by reading a note you had written to minstrilite (sp). Take care and God bless.
from minstrelite :
Sure, we can chat.
from monstrance :
I think it is interesting how all of warmleftover's favorites are women and how all the pics in his gallery are of women. Smart man actually...LOL! I had to check out his diary since he is the first one of your favorites. I hope you don't mind.
from monstrance :
It will be easier for me to add you. At home I have this webtv type messenger which is a msn type messenger. It allows me to "message" those who have the typical pc msn messengers. I will go by monstrance, I think. So if a monstrance is talking to you then THAT'S ME!!! LOL!
from monstrance :
That is so cute that your little girl has a diary. That is so awesome.
from monstrance :
Hey Hadassah! Sure I will add you on and look for you. Are you on typically at night? By the way, do you live in pacific, mountain, central, or eastern time? :)
from babyisblue :
aww your so pretty! ♥
from monstrance :
(continuation of my last note that was accidently entered in) think it is funny that anyone could even think that they could review diaries. I mean you can, but It is pretty pointless. Everyone has their own taste and it is not like anyone's opinion has any type of authority. You know what they say,"Opinions are like ____. Everyone has one." By the way, I would love to chat with you sometime, but I don't have yahoo messenger. I do have msn though if you have an msn messenger account.
from monstrance :
Who cares what easyreview thinks? I
from hadassah :
she (Easy Review) says I suck!
from easyreviews :
You review is up at Sorry it took so long!
from guderian :
Aloha I got your e-mail I still don't know what to say, I sent you a short reply but really not a deep thought just a quick off the cuff comment. A real response will take some comment, I am going out of town for today I won't be back till tomorrow, I e-mail you then. Keep your chin up and pray. Love, Marty Und Guderian
from mnowicki81 :
Make sure you put dot co dot uk (not dot com). If that doesn't work, I have a hotmail address with the same user name.
from babyisblue :
thank you sweetheart, i like yours as well... is that you in all those pictures?
from guderian :
Aloha Hadassah, that last message was suppose to and if I was there not and it was there. I can be a terrible proof reader. Stay warm sweetie. I hope You feel better. Muah! God Bless You and Your Children, Love Marty Und Guderian
from guderian :
Aloha Hadassah, I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I hope that you feel better, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Plenty of sleep, lots of fluids especially clear fluids, and it was there I'd make you chicken soup or whatever you like. Stay warm, Muah! God Bless You and Your Children, Love Marty Und Guderian
from mnowicki81 :
Hey, i hope you got my email address. Look forward to hearing from you. :o)
from rkwj1 :
I hear ya. I think the reason that we strive for love is that felling you get when your in it. I mean really in love. I have only felt it a couple of times but to me it was like a fucking bomb going off. Thats what keeps you going back for more. That feeling of total love...that piont in time when you can think of nothing else. It totally consumes your body and soul. To say powerful would be an understatment. To live without that would not be much of a life no matter how painful it can be at times. I would love to keep talking about this but I feel like I'm hogging the note page here. You'll find it again Hadassah I'm sure. As they say..."love is a many splendored thing" Later, ROB
from rosytears :
I wish I was somewhere as pretty as you *looks around wistfully* How old are you anyway? Are you from the US or something?
from rosytears :
Woah! You're awfully pretty!
from rosytears :
Great diary! Is that girl in the picture you?
from banshee-rose :
lol yes well its a shame i dont have one of those...oh well I'll live.
from banshee-rose :
lol thanks for the note. I talked to a friend and decided to just shave my legs instead and pamper myself up a bit...its kinda workin but oh well ive sent him several IMs and emails so its up to him whatever i cant do anything else...but sesh males are just evil!
from monstrance :
You are more than welcome. Good luck with your music. I hope you go far.
from monstrance :
Hadassah, you are very beautiful. I hope you don't mind me saying so.
from rkwj1 :
I was sorry to here about your past with your ex. But it seems that you have put all of the peices back together and in the order that you want them to be in. That to me is the single greatest mark of a strong and confident person. I am glad to here that you are happy and that your days are good ones. Oh and the song sound great by the way. Later, ROB
from banshee-rose :
I sure will hun. Glad you enjoyed the survey. :)
from guderian :
Aloha Hadassah, I just read your diary entry and I have had a good cry over those tragic events that have transpired. I don't know what to say I am sending you a poem in my next email. And I am going to reread this diary entry over and over till the enormity of these events sinks in. I have no words to describe how this entry has made me feel. Love, Marty
from banshee-rose :
Hey thanks for taking the survey it was my first one so I didn't know if I would do good or not but I think I did OK. hehe and nah u don't need anger managment hehe
from funda :
good words.
from guderian :
Aloha Guderian Just got hannahs note and he is writing back. in just a moment sorry about not writing yesterday, system glich, wouldn't allow it. In other words I was otherwise asleep, because of cold medicine. So sorry! Love Guderian and Marty
from mnowicki81 :
Thanks for your note. The day gets worse. What can you do? My condolences about your beloved washing machine. When it rains it pours. Thanks for reading (as always). Take care, Mark xxx
from blab :
ohhhhh... *grin* sorry I didn't have my speakers on last time. Nice! Good guitar, too. Will you remember us little people when you get famous?
from blab :
Thanks for the compliment! I'll write again someday, so come back and read 'cause I'm a sucker for attention. Nice layout, I read a couple entries (including a surprisingly good poem, I'm so sick of bad poetry in diaryland). You should link to an mp3 of yours or something, I'd listen... hasta -blab
from ladyhannah7 :
Dear mom It makes my heart warm when you say that to me you always make me happy.
from juniperhexum :
I'm glad I make you laugh!
from guderian :
Aloha Hadassah (famed Hockey Players Mom!), I just sent you an e-mail and Guderian just sent one to Hannah with pictures of some of his doggy friends=D I hope Hannah likes them. I am glad you are home safe and sound and that the children are with you! Blessings to you all Marty and Guderian
from bushidogirl :
I just want to say that you have a wonderful voice, and I love your song and your diary! Shannon Petan
from ciulionn :
Wow. What an amazingly flattering description. Thank you so much!
from guderian :
Aloha Hadassah, That was excellent, the best part is your voice, you go girl!!!! So cool! I'm going to listen to it again!
from rkwj1 :
Sounds great! can't wait to hear the finished product. I know how you feel about being in the sound proof booth. I have been there myself and I know exactly what you mean. Love the song. Later, Rob
from my-new-start :
Thank you for the note you left in my diary. Your diary is really great. It looks like you have put a lot of work into it.
from laukat :
No problem, and thanks!!! Good luck with your demo, by the way! Music is life.
from marinedream :
Thanks!! I really appreciate it!! Do you mind if I add you to my list? I think yours is really cool, too!!
from guderian :
I almost forgot I will contribute to your fund as soon as I get my paypal problems straightened, they said it will take 7 to 10 business days. I'm sorry about that!
from guderian :
Aloha haddasah, Thanks for your compliment about my diary, I left Hannah a little note from my puppy, I hope you approve. I don't know if you read my story Someone to watch over Me. If you did already, I just want to say I added a picture of my dad taken around that time when he was a Sailor. I put at the bottom of the story. Check him out, I think he was and still is a very handsome man. Bless You and Hannah, Your Buddies Marty Und Guderian P.S. Best wishes on your demo, I am praying for your success I believe in you, you have what it takes, you are gifted. I to hope to make it in the entertainment field as well. My family makes me do my stand up routines all the time, but my real passion is Music. But I am definitely better with the jokes, but I people seem to like my lyrics though. Bless You have a great night!
from missleigh :
Thanks for stopping by, hadassah. Good luck with your demo.
from guderian :
Aloha Hannah is so cute, Hannah and my nieces Heather and Megan look alot a like, they could be all be sisters. I will add her, Thank for answering so soon. Bless You and Hannah, sincerely Marty Und Guderian (the Barbarian)
from guderian :
Aloha hadassah, I just visited your daughter's diary, how cute, she sounds adorable.=D I was wondering if it would be alright with you if I added her as a favorite diary and sent her a little note from my puppy. Let me know if it's okay. If you get a chance maybe you could read her my entries called Flight of Guderian(reprise)and Guderian's Choice, she may think those entries are funny. I also joined your artist diaryring. Bless You and Yours, Ciao Bambina, Guderian (actually that is my puppy's name. My name is Marty)
from juniperhexum :
Thanks for stopping by and leaving that kind note. I appreciate it. And thank you for offering help. I appreciate that too. Somedays it's just weird how I remember him and it's just been right in my face lately. Again, thank you for stopping by and being so nice.
from mnowicki81 :
Hey... Thank you for stopping by my humble little diary. You are welcome anytime, I shall endeavour to make it interesting (mind you, it is all about me... so I may be stretching it a bit) :oP
from laukat :
No problem! I just updated a few minutes ago. Unfortunately, I'm severely medicated at the moment, so it might ramble on.
from laukat :
I love your diary... I found the link through Jacob [stupidgoose] and now I'm hooked on it!!!
from spritopias :
you have the same name as my twin
from gnu-high :
Thanks for stopping by to read. :) I read through a couple different entries, but really enjoyed your openness expressed in ~One Decision~.
from guderian :
Aloha hadassah, Thank you for adding me to your diary Fav's, I am humbled and honored. No fooling, you have such an awesome diary. I am at a loss for words *sniff* *gulp* I think I need some time to myself.... Okay, I'm back now. Seriously though Thank You and Bless You and Yours! Sincerely Ciao Bambina, Guderian
from strippedraw :
thanks :)
from stupidgoose :
Finally a candel in the dark...
from warmleftover :
I am sorry about your puppy. Its an awful thing have to explain to someone else on top of your own grief. I am think about you, WL
from some-trouble :
Thanks for stopping by my diary and for taking the time to leave me a note. I'm sorry to hear about your puppy, losing a pet is like losing a member of your family and I'm sorry for your loss. Good luck with getting your songs published. I'm sure your determination will help you reach your goal. Take Care!
from banshee-rose :
If you go to the Music seals image link below my entries that is where I got the music. You just copy the code you can find in the Music/Codes section and paste it where you want it.
from banshee-rose :
Aww *Hugs* sorry about the puppy. That really is sad.
from cc7o2 :
Wow, your diary is great!! Keep it up!! I LOVE the rose post that you did 10-19-03... ^_^
from rkwj1 :
Stumbled onto your diary I think because of a banner I saw and started to read some of your entries. Great poems and lyrics. Hope everything works out with getting them published. Good Luck!
from ladyhannah7 :
DEAR mom I am going to have breakfast care to join me and after lets dance
from ladyhannah7 :
dear mom you are so good at sports , so I am going to cuddle you out of your brains, and thats not only why ,because I love you.
from warmleftover :
Thank you for the contribution to my readers gallery and the compliment, you are pretty cutie yourself!
from minstrelite :
Thanks for your note of appreciation. That was very kind of you.
from terrified :
who wrote the words on your margins? to "holy"? i like you.

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