messages to pansycline:
(click here to add new message):

from orgami :
life Online I dont know where you are but i miss you im just very tired feeling and wanted to say that i havent been here in a long time i see life happened so much went on Im rather sad but thats okay the way i live my life Im always alone the mostest when this happens and no one cares so what else is new? I love the night the moon and people even though i dont iknow how to livewith them or near them so old now anyway guess I never just got it
from dinahsoar :
How synchronistic! I, too, just dropped back into Diaryland. Must be in the water. I loved your entry. Very fresh and offhand and real. Welcome back!
from orgami :
Merry Christmas Pansycline ..O..
from orgami :
HEllo out there hmmmm silence oh well I am fine just reading up on my notes have not been writing much myself busy with summer bill paying getting ready to move or depression etc the usual usualness of life anyway just a note to say HELLO from me to YOU
from acecoolg :
Where ya been?
from beckers-j :
I'm sorry, but your most recent garbage doesn't sound all that appealing to me. If only you had more sailor candles. I'm rather despondent. ;)
from beckers-j :
I can't believe you didn't give me first dibs on those sailor candles! The nerve! ;)
from marie-soleil :
youR littLe gRubbeRs wiLL catch up. good thing you mentioned it as i haven't fed mine in oveR a week.........egads!
from hardsauce :
I hadn't thought of it that way, but your explanation seems plausible. Great. Sweatshops for all! Nauseating.
from metonym :
Thanks - I was able to follow the link to the article. It was helpful, though in a kind of depressing way; I need to get the computer sooner rather than later, so I just learned that I may be shooting myself in the foot. Oh well.
from metonym :
Hey - don't worry, I got the sarcasm there. But I've been searchign the NYT page & haven't found the article - do you know the name of it? Would it be too much trouble to tell me?
from beckers-j :
Aw, I really hope it works out for yous-two. ;)
from beckers-j :
You should get one of those coffee pots that you can set up the night before to make the coffee for you at a given time in the morning. That's what we have, and then the coffee is all ready when we come downstairs!
from marie-soleil :
peRhaps you need to tickLe youR aLanaLda...maybe that wiLL cLeaR youR head.
from marie-soleil :
non non non, the dRums aRe in my CLASSROOM!!!! whoop! we'Re doing CCR *down on the coRneR* foR the taLent show! whoop! and gRamps, weLL he hates youR fRiends, RemembeR!?!
from marie-soleil :
okay, i know i have negLected the d-Land, but who is this man? is it gRamps again!?! what!?! i feeL as though we aRe in a time-waRp.
from beckers-j :
Ugh - no internet? That would give me the shudders for sure. ;) And I find it very interesting that you hate to shower on a full stomach.
from sparkspark :
You know, I plan to become one of those pickled old lady lushes--unless I think of a better plan, which is highly unlikely. You can always come hang out with me and my flask. And 32 cats, probably. Do you like cats? Great. And yes: I did write those articles, actually, on an unrelated note. [Insert belated applause for your Prince dance party idea.] XO Violet
from acecoolg :
Every Saturday around 3 in the a.m. I say to myself, "drinking 10 beers has got to get boring eventually", but no, so far it's still enjoyable. Perhaps the brain cells that would become tired of such a thing are the first ones that alcohol destroys? Who knows, I'm no scientician. All I'm saying is, in the words of Brain Candy, "My empire is CRUMBLING!"
from acecoolg :
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who goes to shows alone. At least you got a free beer out of it--I never get that kind of hook up. Maybe it's because I always bring a book and then look like a huge tool trying to read by myself in the dark. But, I'm not going to change, as I find reading during a band's set to be the most sincere way of critiquing their performance.
from sparkspark :
I find your decription apt, not mean. I've been to shows like that, where I'm struck with a big Why Bother? and have to ditch. Circle jerk is probably the best way to describe it. XO Vio
from orgami :
it was raining out this morning plunking and plinking on things outside the windows of this apartment which are like right on ground level practially It was peaceful but the air made me nervous so I stayed home Its almost twelve oclock and I am just now going online and typing people I have missed writing too The sun is shinning out now and for some reason I can mentally hear Kittie Wells voice singing her songs of sadness and blue Hank Williams would go nice now but the only thing close is Kurt Cobain's unplugged I see people were adressing neighbours I went to talk to the upstairs kids who had loud parties at one time and they came around what would you think when this big tall scary looking indian dude knocked loudly in your door with flaring nostrils they brought it down to a level thats acceptable and even later on invited me to a game of Poker but I declined never ever learned how to play cards Last night I heard her crying which is strange to hear because Lori is so hard-core and never cries She has been on her own since she was fifteen And on that cue she comes in the door so I must go now but enjoy your notes thank you ..O..
from nikig :
Hilarious!! First of all...I hate neighbors too! Anyway. The loud talkin thing...funny stuff. I had a super loud talker living next me at one time and he talk to all hours of the night/morning. We must have had our beds against the same wall...cause his loud muffled laughs kept me awake all night. So I would pound on the wall and yell SHUT UP!!!! Ya...that didnt work. He just kept right on talking. And then he got married...and the talking turned into loud sex. Oh joy! But I have no problems being a loud neighbor myself;) What do I care what they think of me?!
from bobbysuprise :
I forgot how much I love this. Now I have 3 emails and 2 blogs again. I suppose it all works itself out now that we have fast fast non-dial-up interweb. I think the plan to do what J did is the best so far. No commitment but not giving up. Very hunteresque.
from lrig :
also, the only get rich quick schemes i can think of involve prostituting yr body.
from lrig :
im crossing my everything in the hopes that she maintains her disinterestedness so that you can have a shot at what you want. xoxo
from nikig :
I hope you get what you want. :} I think sometimes we have to treat guys like kittens. We cant just run over and grab them. They get scared and run away and hide if we do that. We have to be gentle and inviting...get some string for them to play with and they will come running to us. (does that help or make me look mental?) Not that I have tons of experience after my 10 yr relationship that just ended...and I have had no kittens come around to play with yet:(
from geeked-out :
Maybe she hasn't called because I stole her phone and locked her in a closet. Maybe. I won't admit to anything. You can walk my dog. I can't pay you much but he will love you forever.
from fleigen :
hey ladybird, we all want to win. don't panic. serenity now and all that crap. i have no words of advice, as i spent a good 3 years trying to win a game i didn't even like. sigh.
from nikig :
Relationships SUCK! They mess with your head and then just when you think you are all good...over it...or simply you are starting to feel better...then you are slapped in the face with some more emotional crap to deal with! sucks!
from beckers-j :
Aw, sweetie. You're not horrible at all, and what you're feeling is perfectly natural. I had similar issues when I found out that AirmanR was MARRIED, for Pete's sake! It's natural to miss having a relationship with someone when whatever the relationship may be now is put in jeopardy by the advent of a 'replacement'. What you need to do is remember all the reasons you didn't work out - because most of them probably still apply and will help you put this in perspective. Reading my old journals helped me do that. It helped me realize how many problems we had and how none of it ever really changed. You need to try to be logical instead of emotional, and I know how hard that is! You'll be okay. You're one cool broad. ;)
from sparkspark :
Oh, Bella, I feel you. XOX Violet
from coexistapart :
Yeah, I wasn't going to be the one to point it out if you chose FSU, BUT...Montreal is a lot more aesthetically pleasing, cultured, and fun then Florida. It's all just cement, SUVs, and gated communities. As long as you're happy with your choice.
from sparkspark :
Dude. Next time that happens, regardless of age, ask him up to your office to make out. Then tell us about it, so we can live vicariously through you. XO Violet
from beckers-j :
Look at you - dazzling cute boys with your beauty at the library. ;)
from hissandtell :
Hang on - a chocolate bar appearing on your keyboard sounds awfully magical to me. How do you do it? Please send me the spell! Love, R xxx
from coexistapart :
No, there really is no point to either of us flogging a dead horse. I wasn't so much agreeing with your sister on the point that it's her party and *she* can do what *she* wants (although I realize my last post seemed like that....) more that a good party does not need to have booze. What you're saying about the fact that in *your* family the party is important is probably a good characterization of why it is so difficult to see your sister take a "shortcut." I just wanted to illuminate that from my perspective, the result of two parents who were in AA for over 25+ years, recovering addicts who themselves did not mind serving wine at a dinner party, people my age who are talking about getting married cannot AFFORD liquour at their weddings. I don't see a wedding as an economic exchange between the guests who come to it and the bride who has to pay for it; I really view it as almost entirely one-sided on the part of the bride. But that's just me. None of the weddings I have been to would have been made or broken by a lack of booze.
from coexistapart :
I realize I missed the parade and all, but I really fail to see why not having wine at a wedding is a big deal. I don't drink much myself, though I don't care if others do, but seriously if I was getting married it's *my* don't have to come. Why should I have to cave to societal expecations that I throw a "good party" which must include alcohol? If it was a religious issue people wouldn't think twice about it, but because it's a personal choice it's not ok?!? Anyway, I realize it's your sister and there are obviously other bridezilla issues, but I am firmly on her side when it comes to something as PERSONAL as serving booze.
from beckers-j :
I don't see anything wrong with drinking alone - as long as it's not something one does all the time. I like it. But I do feel guilty doing it because of what "they say". Who gives a good GD about them anyway? ;) Also, my brain tends to be pretty mushy until about 11:00, so I feel ya on the crap-ass 9-5 deal.
from orgami :
saner now i used to dream that things I wrote would be like my Heroes and Heroinnes all I did as a kid was read no sports no scouts no hockey just books and more books and CBC radio's "brave new waves" and of course Siouxsie and the banshees still my theme songs for all my moods dark and bright i enjoy looking at my notes and drinking coffee seeing that i am not alone mentally that other people think and feel and write creatively that i have an existance here a place where my writing means something to people instead of just ending up in a pile or a grocery bag and then eventually in the rubbish since thirteen i have been writing trying to master the english reading poems and trying to make the flow work in works of words (wow thats a mouthful) thank you Pansycline for writing about your reaction how it brings forth your memories personal experiences Diaryland has been such a good thing for me to have found and I found it by accident after stumbling blind through chat sites I actually wrote in Diary to see if there was a site where people just wrote and after a few misses found this wonderful place I still cannot believe that this exists To finally have people say they understand and like my writing is phenomenally good anyway just wanted you to hear that from me thanks for you notes Pansycline Your freind ..O..
from beckers-j :
Of course you can ask me for tips. It's a little bit different kind of grant writing than what I do since it's grants for students, but I'm sure I can be at least a little bit helpful. ;) And no presents required.
from beckers-j :
The answer is both. I most often write proposals in response to funding announcements (government or private) and/or foundation guidelines for giving. However, we do sometimes approach corporations and businesses and such for donations. A lot of corporations actually do have funding guidelines and give grants. With others, you need to make a connection and request a donation because they don't give grants. Thanks for the gook (i.e., good luck - not Vietcong). That's pretty funny. ;)
from metonym :
Yeesh. When my friends Shelley & Jacob got married they provided wine - despite the fact that neither of them drink & Jacob actually made his wedding toast with grape juice rather than consume a drop of alcohol. I kind of understand the reluctance because wine is *expensive* really is a selfishness issue. You're right on target about that. Tailor a wedding to your own desires, but not at the *expense* of your guests' enjoyment.
from hissandtell :
Well, I hope they advertise the no-booze clause far and wide - in advance - so people can decide NOT TO GO! Honestly, if I got an invitation like that - even though I don't drink much these days anyway - I would probably get very self-righteous and assume that the hosts were being incredibly tightarsed cheapskatey self-centred wowsery moral guardians who weren't really interested in their guests' comforts or pleasures at all, and I'd wonder why they bothered to invite them anyway. (And I'd feel I'd have to take along an extra fifty in my purse just in case they demanded I pay a small contribution to the meal, or the cake costs - or would that be a BYO too?) Love, R xxx
from marie-soleil :
i hate bRides.
from sparkspark :
Yeah... bridezilla is missing two important concepts: 1) The job of the host is to provide a pleasant experience for his or her guests, in the hopes that the guests will enjoy themselves; and 2) Everyone is going to be complaining about the no-alcohol policy, which might detract from their ability to focus happily on her. At my cousin's no-alcohol wedding, people who didn't even drink were taking hits off my flask, in protest of the regulations. Woo! Rebellion!
from beckers-j :
No booze at a wedding?!? That's blasphemy, I say! ;)
from marie-soleil :
hey f.r.s.a. (feLLow RetiRed sandweech aRteeeste, as faR as i can teLL, aLL of youR aRchives have the same tempLate that you aRe using now and theRe is no pictuRe in the backgRound. it shouLd be noted that i'm woRking on a machine that is not that distant of a cousin to the commodoRe 64, so i cannot be tRusted to tRuLy view aLL things that most newfangLed machines aLLow. that's Right, i like my computeRs like my caRs: oLd, fRee and Rusty.
from lilmo-fo :
hey friend... i want to say concordia... mostly cuz its closer and they are giving you some money... but dude follow your guts... not down the toilet but elsewhere.... good luck good vibes! heart mo
from orgami :
hello again pansy thinking of doing the big move eh? I feel like moving too but I have my two cats tweet and crumb and my little Lori at home and my new couch to crash on and cable to watch hah hah beer.....drool slobber... beer drinking outside time sigh* must go to AA meeting tonight Thursdays its at St Brices drink coffee shake hands get hugs just back at the old library where I used to write from seems I have more things to say when I am writing from these computers anyway just wanted to say HAPPY SPRING DAY ...O...
from metonym :
Sorry for snapping. Not cool of me. And I only got three acceptances - so 2 offers is pretty close to my idea of rolling in them...
from coexistapart :
My favourite TA did his master's in religion at FSU and he really enjoyed. As far as I know, he only came here for his PhD so he could work under the prof whose class I took last spring. I don't know if I could live in Florida for five plus years.
from metonym :
I can tell you for a fact that at least some professors do get competitive over students and flatter or insult various students in their inter-departmental warfar. I can also assure you that everybody everywhere is not nice. Which is not to say that some of the people aren't nice. But not everybody. I thought everybody was nice when I was rolling around in acceptance letters too. And actually even when I hate my advisors when I talk to prospectives I say nice things and tell them I'm happy. I can't help it. The words just come out.
from beckers-j :
I don't think professors get offended by that sort of thing. I'm sure they've got enough going on as it is. As for Michael Bolton, I wonder every day why he didn't kill himself back when he had that horrible hair and made bad, bad songs. Does he still make bad, bad songs? Anyway, congrats on the fellowship!
from sparkspark :
Yes, bring a flask! My advice? Bring two, and a back-up bottle. I did this a few years back, when my newly religious cousin threw a daytime no-alcohol wedding. I was the most popular girl there, and all our relatives--even the ones who don't really drink--indulged. Nobody got crazy or tipped over the cake, but somebody told my cousin about it months later, and it took her about six years to lose the frosty tone in her voice when she speaks to me. She still hasn't totally thawed, but you know what? I DON'T CARE! Xo Vio
from marie-soleil : my motheR just bought me a book entitLed: finding mR. Right. i chucked it in the gaRbage. theRe aRe stiLL oLd woRLd tRaditions that have managed to Resist the new futuRe. ReLigion enabLes that. in the end, it is happiness that eveRyone seeks, the path that leads theRe is diffeRent foR each one of us. the univeRse is on youR side, lady!
from lilmo-fo :
oh friend! sometimes girls just really like the whole idea of a wedding... sometimes not the whole marriage part... i was almost a very young bride and before actually getting married to the idiot.... figured out it was a bad idea... she may not untill its too late... even then it may end up working out... who knows... hopefully she will travel the world with her mr wonderful... at least on a honeymoon....either way, you have led a very exciting fruitful life and continue to do what you want to do... one day your prince will come... and success now a days is most definitly not measured on how married you are... after all how many people stay married anymore?... not many... may i suggest dose flasks, one on each thigh... and possibly a good god fearing boy to deflower/defile... what have you... enjoy the party to the most of your abilities... go go thesis!! woot woot thesis train! yay! (trying to be encouraging...) heart mo
from lrig :
firstly! [sings along:: i like food! food tastes good! i like food! food tastes good! juicy burgers greasy fries...] and secondly! 21 is very young to be getting married. very young indeed. my experience with the god-fearing types [and im allowed to say this, since i used to be one] is that they are good at making commitments and then binding themself to that commitment even if the ship starts sinking and they might be better off cutting their losses... thirdly! you are not a failure and her embarking into this SHINY NEW stage of her life is not a reflection on you or an indication that you are somehow 'less than' for not having PICKED SOMEONE yet. fer realz. fourthly! i think yr amazing and i miss guestbook convos with you! xoxo lrig
from beckers-j :
Getting married at 21?!? Eeeeek. I don't know how people still do that these days. What is the freakin' rush anyway? I completely understand why you're annoyed. You've accomplished a lot more for yourself, but it will seem (to some people) that she has just because she's getting married. I hate that. As if marriage is such a big accomplishment anyway. Any idiot can do it. ;)
from beckers-j :
What kind of jackass grocery store doesn't have white chocolate chips? Sheesh. ;) And you're sweet. I've been thinking off and on about going back to school. I'd love to get my Masters in English or comparative literature or something like that, but then what would I do? Teach? I'm so lost. Poor me. ;) I'm sure I'll figure something out eventually. Thanks for looking out for me, bud.
from beckers-j :
Unfortunately, my hands are waaaaay lazier than my brain. Therefore, even my brain doesn't get credit for much. ;) And I baked chocolate and white chocolate chip cookies on Saturday!
from marie-soleil :
hey you pansy! 12 days, no dice!?! nose to the gRindstone oR what!?!
from beckers-j :
Thanks for your sympathetic comment. ;)
from beckers-j :
Yeah, a little extra weight isn't so bad at all. ;) And I'm sure you've seen Tudor homes before, right? Here's a link with some pics:
from beckers-j :
You're obviously some kind of gaylord. But since I happen to be part of both your gangs, I won't hold it against you. ;) That link is is the bomborama.
from beckers-j :
OUCH to the comment about your sister's poor boobies. Geeeeez. Maybe I'll skip the duct tape idea. And I say steel cage death match, of course. ;)
from marie-soleil :
whaaaaaaaaaaaaa! weLcome back to the singLe kingdom, wheRe the shit may stink, but you can Run faR, faR away fRom it, laughing, cuz you couLd give a Rat's ass! whooooop!
from beckers-j :
You are evil, cruel, and cold - now let's fight! ;) No, not really. Sorry it didn't work out, but I'm glad you're okay with it!
from beckers-j :
I do very much appreciate your brainstorming efforts. ;)
from beckers-j :
You're right. I COULD save up and go away for a couple of weeks. And that would be really great. But the feeling I get sometimes is not just for a vacation - it's to take off completely, pick up and move, get the hell out of here. ;) Ted is too tied to LI, so it won't happen.
from cherrypits :
le whoops whoop whoop.
from acecoolg :
I'm not sure if pigeons count as birds, but they DEFINITELY count as rats.
from marie-soleil :
good times, good music, good fRiends....what a good woRLd we live i'm hepped up on midoL Right now = deeeLishe!
from smedindy :
It helps to be up too damn late...
from smedindy :
My research shows it's an original. It was on their "The Image Has Cracked" record. (Not that I have it - but I know where to look -
from metonym :
Gogol Bordello = Best Concert I Have Ever Been To
from sparkspark :
Damn. It IS just in Canadia! Or at least, it's not in Santa Barbara. (Losers! We're losers!) Instead, it's Estee Lauder Bonus Time, so I got myself some coral-colored rouge and a cake mascara. It cost me $37.50, but it came with a free muu muu like Bea Arthur had on the Golden Girls.
from sparkspark :
It's Clinique Bonus Time!? Thank you for telling me! I'm running out right now, Macy's card in hand.
from metonym :
I don't dispute any of your points. My enjoyment of the movie really started when Colin Farrel exited the stage, and then subsequently I sort of forgave the beginning...I guess that on the level of a colonial narrative, it doesn't have a lot to recommend itself - but I thought that the girl who played Pocohontas was just so luminous and compelling, and I liked it as a story of how she comes of age and adjusts to the changes that are thrust upon her with real maturity...i.e., when she's kicked out of her tribe she dusts herself off and tries to adjust to this new role in the little colony, she chooses to abandon her first love for something that's more stable and enduring. I liked the scene of the court a lot; I liked seeing the American animals in cages and then Pocohontas there, caged into these European clothes, there was such an obvious parallel, the way the king and queen laughed seemed natural enough in that context. Plus, you have to admit that it was a rather beautifully shot film.
from beckers-j :
"let's think about snacks" - you're killin' me! That is too effin' funny, lady. ;)
from marie-soleil :
baLLs to the waLLs, lady!
from beckers-j :
I once chaired a panel. I didn't so much of anything or say much of anything and was a little disappointed in myself. Although it wasn't entirely my fault. I was actually a co-chair, and the other chair wouldn't shut her face. Ha. You're so right about Fuck-It-Day, by the way. :)
from marie-soleil :
ugh! i've become a compLete diRtcity diRtbag in an absoLuteLy UN-fabuLous way....weLL no, it's quite fabuLous being a boozehag and dancing like a maniac...what a disasteR.
from sparkspark :
The nacho cheese is real and so, so vibrant. I have consulted my paint samples, and for your purposes, I'll recommend either "lucky charm green," reminiscent of a deranged leprachaun or "snow cone green," a lighter shade of slime.
from beckers-j :
Yeah, never, ever, ever go out with a guy out of pity. I've done that before, too. It made me want to crawl right out of my skin any time we were together. Ick. And you're so right about Hugh Grant, by the way. ;)
from beckers-j :
What's the movie, Patsy? ;)
from hissandtell :
I always say I'm Edina and my friends (yes, I do have some) always contradict me and say I'm Patsy. I assume this is to do with the fact that a/ long ago, I used to have a pudding-basin haircut ala Lumley as Purdy in "New Avengers", b/ I rather enjoy letting my friends buy me drinks and weekends away and c/ I woke up underneath Keith Moon in a hotel room once. Love, R xxx
from beckers-j :
Thanks for the "lameass comment". ;) Miss ya, doll!
from marie-soleil :
pubLic swim cap, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! what about lice???? now that i'm a teacheR i am fucking teRRified of otheR peopLe's heads!!!!! yikes! even betteR is the fact that you needed assistance to put that suckeR on youR head!
from beckers-j :
WHAT?!? That's hysterical. Do you have pictures? ;)
from sparkspark :
s/w. I never saw that one before. I probably don't mind it in print, but if someone SAID "s/w," like the letters, out loud, it might get on my nerves. Everything, eventually, gets on my nerves. And, in other news: I didn't change my template! It's the same old template. Nothing to see, here.
from metonym :
Mutual admiration is nice. What are you applying to H for?
from beckers-j :
Dude! You tagged me? I'm actually not sure how I feel about that. ;) Nah, I'll get to it. Sorry the boy is already out. Crap.
from lrig :
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i posted a meme and tagged you! [how annoying of me!] happy friday, matey!
from marie-soleil :
heads up fRiend, oatmeaL & fResh pineappLe have RepLaced coffee & bananas!!! 2006's best bReakfast, give it up!!!! oh and it tastes just so much betteR when you aRe in bed. AWESOME!
from orgami :
what? no coffee OH MY FREAKIN' GOD I too am almost out of coffee and had to go talk to the phone god but the secretary was nice She remembered me when I was paying my bills for the last few successful due dates (oh sorry grovel grovel whine shuffle) and they called back and pushed the due date ahead of the month (well a good part of it anyway) Plus we are low on food now BUT Crumb has enough food and water is free and our rent is paid up and my school My rehab school days are going fine I hope I am learning something out of all this I think just the getting up in the morning and going twice a week does me some good And you are out of Pepsi? You poor dear We too ran out of pop awhile ago two cases and they are gone (sigh) and we have like a modem sitting here that we got when we were getting a computer but not quite knew what was in it and then found out nothing works except the basics (thank god I can get online from home instead of the library) ANYWAY I feel for you Pansy and am glad you have someone out there I have my Lori and boy its so nice to have a lovey dovey other even if they eat crackers when they are on the computer and the mouse pad is all full of crumbs True love ahh well good thoughts to you Pansy thanks for writing and I enjoy reading your diary entries You pal .O..
from lrig :
it would be sort of like <a href="">this</a>. but handdrawn and more explodey and i have no artistic ability at ALL.
from lrig :
ah thank you, thank you. [bows several times.] you inspired me. seeing a tshirt design here though. a heart, that is coming apart, into little tiny handdrawn kittens. do you see it? do you love it? have i gone too far now? did i ruin it? damn.
from lrig :
yr list SUCKED a lot of suckage. there was a lot of crappy and stressfyk stuff goin' on in there. but then i got to the end and my heart exploded into millions of tiny kittens! i hope yr listening to lots of t-rex!!
from beckers-j :
Awwww, that's so great! I won't say anymore so I don't jinx it FOR you. ;) But I'm really excited for you! Yay!
from beckers-j :
Happy New Year! Sorry to read about your friends and the whole whore thing. That's so freakin' lame. And sad, yes. Crap. Anyway, I hope you have other things to be happy about! ;)
from orgami :
the second set of signal lights are gone now No round black face and glass round metal stands and criss crossed signage RAILWAY CROSSING just the snow covered trail where people have skied walked jogged and sno mobiled already and the big orange barrels with refective stripes sit atop the bottom cement base a good dog stop for the dogs that are walked at evenings end when people take a refreshing stroll after dinner to get some air smoke a cigarette and marvel at the beauty of the city .........O..........
from hardsauce :
Merry Christmas! Oh. Sorry. I mean, happy... stuff. Seriously. I really mean it.
from lilmo-fo :
happy happy happy christmas to you pansy... i hope you enjoy your time and have fantastic days of sleeping in and eating baking and generally enjoying yourself... try not to dwell on the sad... focus on the RAD!!!!... enjoy enjoy enjoy!!! heart mo
from orgami :
Table Top Joe is my favourite tOM wAIts song hey I have to go with my b\unni to the drs appointment downtown will write more later byue and thanx for the notes Pansy
from sparkspark :
OK, I still have not posted a recipe. But I will. I know, you're biting your nails, waiting for this great development!
from lrig :
SERIOUSLY. why is the music pure sex? why?! i dont know, but i will not fight it. b/c it pretty much rules!! heres to hoping yr 2.5 weeks is as short as a celebrity marriage!!
from sparkspark :
Hi, Bella--I'm going to post a recipe today and link to your page. I'll look through my cookie recipes here at my desk, and see what I can come up with.
from beckers-j :
Mmm, those cookies sound goooood! I might have to work on those this week. ;) I think the recipe chain/swap thing is a good idea. Complicated but good.
from fleigen :
Good lord I love that song. It's like a mudpie on a sunny day.
from lrig :
um. my recipes are kind of sad. i WANT to know how to cook/bake, and if i had a recipe from YOU to follow, id probably try. but here is the cookie recipe i used: three rolls of pillsbury sugar cookie dough. twelve cookies on the cookie sheet and into the oven for 11 minutes as per instructions on side of pillsbury sugar cookie dough roll packaging. remove. cool. frost with white cream cheese frosting bought from the grocery store and colored with food coloring [some cookies ended up yellow, some were white, some were green, some were red]. i know. i am shamed now.
from sparkspark :
The tortures are scheduled to end at 5:30 p.m., so just get yourself some dental floss and a bottle of vodka, and hang tight. Everything's gonna be OK.
from beckers-j :
Rabbit IS tasty. ;) And thanks for the switchblade comb tip! Those things are great. Ted once spent about $20 trying to win one out of one of those drop-the-hook-into-the-prizes-and-grab-one thingies. Yeah, I don't know what they're called.
from smedindy :
As a man of the male persuasion, I could never figure out some women, ok, most women, but I kept at it until I found the right one. Then I made sure I'd never date again.
from lilmo-fo :
good grief... dating... how horrible... at least dating to reassure yourself is somehow valid... he didnt sound so pansyclinesque... hopefully you got a free meal or something out of the deal... i always thought it was a good reason to go out on a date... promise of free food to a starving body... no matter how mindnumbingly uninspiring this person may be your stomach is quite attracted to food... and your wallet to anything free... good luck with the grading... enjoy your supercrush for all his goodness... joyeuse noelle! heart mo
from beckers-j :
Oh, God - dating! What a nightmare!
from smedindy :
I only question it because that song came out in 1969, and the VU were over and done with by early 1970. A search of has no recordings by the VU of that - but it could have been a bootleg. At any rate, I bet it was misnamed. It was an out of character song for the Shondells, it was. I like reading your stuff, too.
from smedindy :
Read the ol' guest entry. The VU did "Crimson and Clover"? Really? As a musicologist (some would say snob) I did not know they did. I have the LONG verson of the Tommy James & the Shondells version with the incredible wah-wah guitar solo that's about three minutes long. Please, where does one FIND a VU version of that song?
from sparkspark :
Thanks, Ms PC! My boss was definitely feeling the Keelhauler love, as well. (In a totally non-gay way.) (I assume.) XO Violet
from beckers-j :
I just fixed it and added a link for you. :) Thanks again!!!
from beckers-j :
You are the coolest. ;) Thanks so much for the guest entry! It has far exceeded my high expectations of you. You rawk.
from iooi :
you remind me of a good friend of mine who lives in montreal. then i read that you like david foster wallace and that made sense too.
from beckers-j :
No pressure. Seriously. You can even use something you've already written. I don't care. ;)
from beckers-j :
Of course it's no rush! Whenever you get a chance is just fine. I'm not on any kind of regular schedule with these guest entries. Oh, and thanks for your opinion on the boots. ;)
from acecoolg :
It's no use trying to fight the magic of Britney Spears. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, that's what I say.
from lilmo-fo :
holy phewf batman... that clears some things up i was questioning... especially about who your crush was on dland... i was starting to wonder if your feelings had waned... but alas all is right in the world... JR was recently at our house in all his super tight pants glory... apparantly they were ladies tight pants... how hot they were... good job pansy... Heart mo
from beckers-j :
Yay! I'm looking forward to some fool's gold. Thanks for agreeing to be my guest!
from beckers-j :
Will you do a guest entry for me? I've added you, so when you click on "Add an entry" you'll see that you can post to my diary. I'm expecting great things, Ms. MAC-lipstick-in-the-gutter. ;)
from lilmo-fo :
i think you've hit your head one too many times... but hopefully your crankin' it loud enough to give your neighbour with the horrible music a taste of their own medecine! hope you have fun shakin' it britney style! Heart mo
from beckers-j :
Hit Me Baby One More Time?!? Ooooooh - the humanity! ;)
from lrig :
ewwwwww! i hate ze bad datez who also turn out to be ze bad kisserz! zey really suck ze monkey ballz!
from acecoolg :
Is cold mouth kissing a regional thing, or should I be concerned about it where I live as well?
from sparkspark :
Congratulations, Ms. Pansy! I would send you some Ice Pearl Mascara in celebration, but as you may know, I do not have any. But I will bring a bottle (or case) of Champagne if you invite me on your party airplane. And I promise I won't try to make out with you after knowing you only two hours.
from beckers-j :
Oh, yes, I've known of people wanting to do it with a complete stranger after less than two hours! However, I don't think a stiff tongue bodes well in those instances. ;) I do hope your crush is going well, though!
from marie-soleil :
W-T-F? no pansy foR x-mas? this in gRandiose donkey baLLs! just foR that i'm boycotting x-mas. which is fine as my motheR uninvited me foR giving heR shit again.
from lilmo-fo :
way to go! good job! ah-sam! and all the other little sticker sayings teachers put on assignments elementary... congrats on your doin' it... and the hot ah-sam sweater you scored!!! heart mo
from marie-soleil :
dude! feLicitations! you aRE done, we aRE aLL happy happy! so.......when aRe you coming back to the pRaiRies foR x-mas!?! we'LL be up in the cRack foR most of the time, but i beLieve we shouLd be back in diRtcity on the 2nd of jan foR the Rest of that week.....what's the pLan, stan?
from dieselengine :
For the haircut thing, try going to a cosmetology school in town. I got my hair cut and colored for a VERY affordable price. Give it a go, it couldn't be any worse than cutting your own hair!
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your note. Yeah, I know! I don't even personally know these celebrities and somehow you feel for them when you see their relationships fall apart. I guess because they're humanbeings and you know that even though they ARE rich and beautiful.. they suffer heartbreak just as much as we do. P.S. I started reading your diary a bit, your recent entry struck a chord in me. I've had "I hate my life" moments, where I just want to scream it out loud.
from marie-soleil :
OMIGAWD!!!! someone was just teLLing a *bugsy bRown* stoRy & i Recited the whoLe fReakin' diaLogue, both paRts of couRse...way to go, miss fitzhenRy!!! i am doubLement, meme tRipLement fieRe de toi!!!!
from sparkspark :
I'm begging you to join me in my leopard-chiffon sparkle madness. I can't do it alone. Well, I can, but it won't be much fun. And speaking of doing it alone, I can't tell if you're kidding about the "rub one out" definition. (Are you? It's so hard to tell in print.)
from beckers-j :
I agree completely.
from lrig :
you are so tricky! that is not you! its me on the inside!
from lrig :
how was juliette lewis? and more importantly, how was the boy? and you do not need to worry about trying to look super cute. you just are. there is nothing that you can do about it. true story. im going to check out the yellow shirt right now. hold on.
from marie-soleil :
BABY, I'M GONNA SEE YOU IN HELLLLLLL!!!! then we can taLk about cRotches and a-hoLes aLLL day long.....sounds like heaven to moi!
from lrig :
i sneaked a peek at you on myspace and you are SUPA CUTE, yo!!!
from beckers-j :
I just DO NOT get that kind of stuff. I'm not at all sympathetic to people's religious beliefs. Sure, have them if you want, but keep away from know, in case they're catching. I don't think you're going to hell. But that's because I don't think there is a hell, so I don't know if that helps. ;) Love ya!
from lilmo-fo :
holy crapola your hilario... i think it might be your pheromones or hormones or moaning in your sleep that might be disturbing poor little boulie... or not he could just be a little shit... ivan has taken to waking us up at 5:00 am by howling untill we let him out... what a little shit... and i won't let mr rad put him out overnight anymore cuz it's snowing and too cold... either way i would totally be your assitant! for free... er... well... maybe when you get richer... or die trying HA! either way i would still love you if you were gay... not in a gay way mind you... hmmm... well that makes things akward... (insert akward silence...) bye! heart mo (not gay heart either... god i'm going to hell for sure)
from fleigen :
sorry about sunday. life is getting fucking insane when you wake up at 5:30 pm and have no goddamn idea what day it even is. I was going to give you a call back, but I am lacking your phone number. call me
from sparkspark :
Many factors render it difficult to argue with "it doesn't matter what I believe; it's true." If you find out how to argue with that, please tell me. Right now, I resort to Qaaludes and alcohol. Qualuudes? How do you spell "Kway-ludes," anyway?" Ahn, it doesn't matter--they don't make them any more, anyway, so this whole thing is a farce. But, yeah: that argument is wack. Whack. Forget it.
from lrig :
pssssh! please! there are no dramatic pleas for forgiveness required my little nutterbutter! you are grading papers! mind-numbing papers! character building papers! im just grateful that you are still alive! go out and have Fun [with a capital F] this weekend! no papers! MWAH!
from marie-soleil :
dude, j'ai qqch pouR toi, queLLe est ton adResse?
from itineration :
here is a hot tip: i cannot even remember writing that drunken halloween entry.
from beckers-j :
You're so good to me! Love ya, doll.
from orgami :
hey Pansy Howsit going?? loved the fact that you love my descriptions I try to be a good writer and with my english upgrade may learn something new tomorrow I go to meet my teacher I am very excited about this made it down the hill with wet hair and jacket it is not raining heavy but just enough to make things damp including me but I had time to read a book before my time came up here its busy today and I wrote freinds and have left notes for others including you now love reading your diaries well almost out of time so I must go for today Your freind .O.....
from beckers-j :
I'll ask you on a date. But I have to warn you that I'm not very good a long distance relationships. Also, I'm missing some of the preferred equipment. Otherwise, I think we're perfect for each other. ;)
from acecoolg :
I don't understand...are you trying to say that they're NOT both all the same religion?
from orgami :
mildew we have this growing around the back bedroom window black fuzzy mould and the new paint doesn't stop it from growing I just have to keep wiping it off with a rag I used to have terrible asthma attacks from this stuff but I havent had an attack in years now so I am either getting healthier or my body just doesnt care about the mould anymore anyway its halloween so have a safe and happy one ...O....
from beckers-j :
Oh! Oh! I want the mildew! Ewwwwwww. :)
from fleigen :
hey lady, I currently reside at apt 307, 9915 88 Ave. ph 989-0923. and now anyone can stalk me. anyone... any takers at all????
from fleigen :
you're surrounded by.... cats, plants, beer? one can only hope. and perhaps a small little smidge of idiots. the lazy kind, where's my mildew?
from iamlearning :
the perfect skin comes from photoshop elements 3. i adjust all my pictures just enough to look perfect but not all that much that it's immediately noticable that they've been retouched.
from sparkspark :
Finally, my transition is complete! "Is it halloween, little kids?" I think I'm going to make that my new catch-phrase. (My old catch-phrase being "BOO-yah!") (Not really.)
from beckers-j :
I might be peeing my pants right now! But thas prolly cuz I'm drunk. :P And you quoted Eddie Vedder! I LOVE you!
from beckers-j :
Ugh, topic sentences! I'm with ya, homie! :P
from hardsauce :
Free MAC lipstick from the gods? You are so lucky! I found a penny in the parking lot yesterday, but that's about it.
from beckers-j :
I'm 26 now, and I think pregnant white trash twins would be so classy! Britney Spears has been very inspirational in that regard, so we should take some tips from her. "Ahm still sexay, y'all!"
from bobbysuprise :
whoot! whoot!
from beckers-j :
How whacked are you!? :P Are you wearing your MAC lipstick? What are we doin' for Halloween? ;)
from orgami :
shame on you not helping those crippled people those drowned and squashed between floors of concrete the homeless denizens of some far off land BUT THEN on the other hand ....... I don't have enough money to buy myself a coffee at Twigg's these days I would have loved to have seen their creativity though those people with homemade boxes and the bullhorns nothing like a great earthquake to motivate some people I think we are a doomed species on a rush to burn up use up pollute up everything I am going to drink all the expresso's I can when I get money before the end comes before Canada is hit with a volcano here in Ontario (not in a million years though) apparently HOw do they know and why could they not have predicted the earthquake over there with all this science and satellites probably more telivision satellites up there then science anyway every where I look up here on Clarence Street are dishes the little dishs on the side of the buildings I dont know It was fun Pansy reading your e-mail thanks for writing'.O
from lrig :
dont feel bad about being suspicious! healthy skepticism is good! its not crippling you. its not infringing upon the way that you live. you are not patently saying that you refuse to give to any kind of organization ever b/c 'you never really know who those people are and what theyre REALLY doing with that money!'. so i wouldnt feel bad about it. [i personally wish that i was a little more skeptical. i have lost count of the number of times i have given money to people in parking lots who claim that 'anything i can give them would be really great' b/c they 'are just trying to get home, and are only a few dollars short of enough'. sadly, i have even seen the SAME PEOPLE working this scheme at the same parking lot within the same month, and have given them moeny anyway. sucker is branded on my forehead.]
from lilmo-fo :
apparantly there was a wheelchair bound dude at the macs store before we went to johns place... or before we got to the bar... or on our way home... either way there was a wheelchair, macs store and pink panties all in the mix... totally hilario...
from lilmo-fo :
i vaugly remember the singalong at the stagette... mostly i remember the maids dresses with ridiculosly short hem lines... oh and your pink granny pannies under the fishnets you kept flashing around... mostly in the face of the dude in the wheel chair... THAT was funny! heart mo
from sparkspark :
from sparkspark :
I swear to you! I would not lie about Meatloaf-related news. And yes, you ARE a savant. (Wait. Is that an insult? I'm trying to compliment you.)
from beckers-j :
Oh my god, you are so funny. Speaking of pee, you almost made ME dribble down the side of MY leg just now. Thanks for that. :) Seriously!
from sparkspark :
Did you know that Jim Steinman, who wrote all of Meatloaf's great, spectacular hits, also wrote Total Eclipse of the Heart? Yeah. It's so great. Also: Happy Thanksgiving! Give thanks for drunken notes left to oneself. I have found a drunken karaoke note or two in my purse from time to time. One says "Pointing at the ceiling every time sealing wax Dr Johnny Fever." So, you know, there's that.
from lrig :
i hog yr notes! i am a little a ashamed to say that i am the messier of the two of us. b is quite possibly the neatest/cleanest person ive ever come into contact with in my life. he ALWAYS makes the bed in the morning, and he does a whole big entire apartment/house cleaning thing [complete w/ mopping and the scrubbing of the sink/toilet/tub/shower!] every saturday or sunday. plus, hes superhot and smart and nice and he likes me! I WIN! as for the patient with the neighbor thing? totally selfish. the lady is a train wreck, and i stare for my own amusement. ha! im a bad person!!
from lrig :
BWA! i forgetted you were in canadia! happy t-day to you!
from lrig :
so you sang 'total eclipse of the heart' karaoke-style. ...but did you MEAN it?! did you feel it in yr soul?! also, i kind of lied. cause we only really have to share the bathroom if we WANT to. we do have two bathrooms. and ive kind of taken over one of them. sooooo, its fun to shower together. but, im a cheater. b/c i dont HAVE to. and not having to is probably what makes it fun. also, tell me if im wrong, but gwen stefani? sounds mildly retarded when she sings.
from lrig :
yr hilarirararaririarious!! i read yr diary while i am at work and i chortle and people who walk by think im crazy, but it keeps the smile in my voice when i answer the phones, so you are good for my whole 'happy receptionist' persona. i appreciate that. also, the greatest thing that you could ever see, or _one_ of the greatest things you could ever see, is a drunk, sad girl, performing a karaoke version of 'total eclipse of the heart'. its priceless. i have seen it once. and truly, it moved me.
from marie-soleil :
....i'm so gLad that you'Re REveaLing youR LOOOOVE to meeeee...gRoove on, gRoove on, GROOVE ON. man, do i leLove j.cougaR & COCKTAiL! speaking of cocktaiLs & shRimp...what youR moLotov cocktaiL Ring needs is a littLe vodka in youR hot sauce & maybe toss a napkin in the middLe, foR effect of couRse. now, if you foLded that napkin into a biRd of paRadise, peopLe wouLd pRobabLy cRap.
from geeked-out :
haha he does sorta look like Stamos, unfortuantly it's not. maybe this person isn't as popular as I thought. I added some hints.
from fleigen :
i've heard his name around town- if i'm thinking of the right name. fuck i'm a whore. were the initials j.d. 'cuz if they were- then what?
from fleigen :
haha- yah, i remember that incident as well. you kicked a hole in my door. ok, we're both jerks. in my defence, i had no idea of what had gone on pre-me. fucking guy. he should be lynched.
from beckers-j :
Mozeltov - not sure on the spelling there, but that's the Jewish word for congrats. Therefore, mozeltov on your molotov cocktail ring. Hee!
from beckers-j :
Groove On, Miss Pansy - Groove On! That's awesome. And I do believe cocktail rings exist. Cock rings, too, of course, but I've had the shrimp ring (as I refer to it) before and would venture to say that cocktail ring is also an appropriate term. This subject matter is obviously very important to me. :P
from bobbysuprise :
shit - sorry - I gotta write one more thing - try Tom's underarm shit. nice, natural, and not an anti-persperant. I want to write perspireant but that is definitely not right.
from bobbysuprise :
oh sorry - I didn't mean to put it like that...let me try again...I...I...Iwannabeonyou. oh no - look, hey...I wanna BE ON YOU!!!
from bobbysuprise :
what does WHAT mean again, hansel? ps. I wanna be ON you!!!
from orgami :
armpits eh? yah well some people just find it hard to stomach any smells at all and then there are now scent free stuff and scent free policies to avoid epiliptics to have fits whom are set off by scents Myself I loves smells especially pumpkin pie for some reason but here at the library some people come down and sit next to everyone else here typing and they are like drenched in perfumes and some smell so enticing and then others are like barbs of a thistle I like the smell of the trees this time of year of the leaves that have fallen car exhaust by walking along the busy street cigarettes outside of business where people now have to smoke the apartment building where I live when The mop the hallways My Bunni's perfume My own Cologne I wear anyway that was funny diary about your arm pits Girl you are always coming up with neat ways of looking at life Keep up the good work! ..........O........
from acecoolg :
I used to go out with salmonella. She had really bad breath.
from bobbysuprise :
from fleigen :
and it was the same night that we broke up. pre-break up. before we went to the bar. just a little FYI.
from fleigen :
yah ya wench, I had totally forgotten about that little "incident". now I'm mad at you all over again. you screamed at me that night as well, when I asked you what the hell was going on. grrrrr- watch your back.
from beckers-j :
Backstabbing exes to strangers can be very therapeutic. Don't deprive yourself. :)
from bobbysuprise :
also...*I don't mean to be rude, but...*
from bobbysuprise :
personally, I think that your opinion is wrong. bwah ha ha I hate that too!
from marie-soleil :
dude! that annoying phRase just might beat *No offense, but....* fuckin' hate that!
from sparkspark :
Hekko. I will look up your birthday the second i get back to work--I am currently at home, and book-free. Well, unless you count these half-finished manuscripts about fictional serial killers that a neighbor asked me to "review" for him. i guess those count. Anyway, December 16, coming up shortly!
from beckers-j :
Isn't that just the worst? When you're watching someone do something completely unrelated to sex and you realize that you've just seen their "sex face"? Ugh, I hate that! Except sometimes it's funny.
from bluemeany :
Yes. The Jager Bomb is real, and it is lethal. I speak from experience, here -- dizzy, spinny, pukey, hangover-y experience. Fear the Jager Bomb.
from beckers-j :
That whole Rwanda situation is so fucked up. I can't even imagine. And you're still a smoker - like me! That sucks, huh? I wish I could quit, but I'm not to the point yet where I want it bad enough.
from sparkspark :
I am having a similar evening, and it's 9:31! Yay! Partay! (Whatever.) Anyway, I WISH I had a bunch of cigarettes. I would smoke them all at once. Instead, I'm just working on a very terrible article and drinking all the red wine I can find. Again: Yay, partay.
from sparkspark :
I think I've been branching out too far, with my "four chord" grandiose dreams. One chord really is all I need, and assuming I learn that one chord, can a successful recording career be far behind? (No. Or yes. I can't figure out which I want to say.)
from marie-soleil :
no woRd of a lie, miss micheKKe, compLete tRuth! TURN AROUND Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming round TURN AROUND Every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears TURN AROUND Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by TURN AROUND Every now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES Every now and then I fall apart TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES Every now and then I fall apart TURN AROUND Every now and then I get a little bit breathless and I dream of something wild TURN AROUND Every now and then I get a little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms TURN AROUND Every now and then I get a little bit angry and I know I got to get out and cry TURN AROUND Every now and then I get a little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES Every now and then I fall apart TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES Every now and then I fall apart And I need you now tonight And I need you more than ever And if you'll only hold me tight We'll be holding on forever And we'll only be making it right Cause we'll never be wrong Together We can take it to the end of the line Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (All of the time) I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks I really need you tonight Forever's gonna start tonight Forever's gonna start tonight Once upon a time I was falling in love But now I'm only falling apart There's nothing I can do A total eclipse of the heart Once upon a time there was light in my life But now there's only love in the dark Nothing I can say A total eclipse of the heart TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES TURN AROUND Every now and then I know you'll never be the boy you always wanted to be. TURN AROUND But every now and then I know you'll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I am. TURN AROUND Every now and then I know there's no one in the universe as magical and wondrous as you. TURN AROUND Every now and then I know there's nothing any better, there's nothing that I just wouldn't do. TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES Every now and then I fall apart TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES Every now and then I fall apart And I need you now tonight And I need you more than ever And if you'll only hold me tight We'll be holding on forever And we'll only be making it right Cause we'll never be wrong together We can take it to the end of the line Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time I don't know what to do, I'm always in the dark We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks I really need you tonight Forever's gonna start tonight Forever's gonna start tonight Once upon a time I was falling in love But now I'm only falling apart Nothing I can do A total eclipse of the heart Once upon a time there was light in my life But now there's only love in the dark Nothing I can say A total eclipse of the heart A total eclipse of the heart A total eclipse of the heart TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES TURN AROUND, BRIGHT EYES TURN AROUND
from marie-soleil :
i am in cRisis & you like gRapes!~?! how is this faiR? goddamn you michekke!
from beckers-j :
Wow, you're trying to quit smoking? Geez, I really need to do that myself. Good luck! I can imagine how hard it is - particularly when watching The Royal Tenenbaums. :)
from beckers-j :
Can't buy alcohol after 11:00 p.m.? Geez, that's lame! And ingrown hair's are the devil's work. Seriously. I've seen him do it. :)
from marie-soleil :
dude, i can just imagine you using peppeR spRay in youR dRunken state! i'm imagining it Right now, actuaLLy. pLease foRgive me foR snickeRing like a mad woman.
from bobbysuprise :
I could not help but laugh my face off here in the TKUC common area...that was the best of the best entries! funny thing is is some guys are talking about pepper spray and they said it at the exact moment I read about it!!!! Crazay! Also I think that remeeting the man of my dreams should be more of a challenge - thanks for pointing that out...I see the hilarity of the situation now.
from marie-soleil :
oh, i'm so gLad you'Re fine with this cuz i ACTUALLY kissed him in the bathRoom @ the Reception.....JUST KIDDING! okay, how many mean points did that just cost me? anyways, he's oLd, like us. peRhaps even the same age.
from marie-soleil :
oh cRap, fRiend! i feeL teRRibLah. i kissed youR boyfRiend in my dReam last night!!! aLthough he was NOT youR boyfRiend in my dReam, but i awoke suddenLy just as i was kissing him. the guiLt cRept thRough. i am the woRst fRiend EVAH!
from bobbysuprise :
Hansel, I don't think he's gay... I just agree with Vance that he talks like he's gay. That is way different.
from orgami :
hello Pansy its steven the move went well awaiting some funds maybe lost in the middle land of goverment shit other then that all is well
from beckers-j :
Hey, glad you're back! ;) And congrats on the making out. I'd be pretty psyched about that myself. Also, I always call women 'girls' and men 'guys' (rather than boys).
from geeked-out :
Yay for suckin face. And hardly any cooties? You get on with your bad self. [man I'm lame] Also I noticed myself referring to everyone as boys and girls as well. Even men [gag] that are older. I just feel weird saying the word man. Though I do call girls man when I'm talking to them. Like Man you are so cool or man I am so retarded. Right well I'm going to go before you throw up.
from sparkspark :
Yay, kissing!
from marie-soleil :
HiGH CLASS LADiES UNiTE!!! BRiNG YOUR BLOOMERS & FiSHNET TiGHTS!!! oh fRiend, what an awesome, amazing & fantastique time we had in the pRaiRies. god love diRtcity! i love diRtcity! WE ALL LOVE DiRTCiTAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!
from acecoolg :
When do we get to hear about the fishnets, the high heels, the maid uniforms, the old lady pink panties, and the karaoke? I'm asking because I'm pretty sure that George Bush was involved, and I'd like to know how.
from dinahsoar :
I relate to what you said. I, too, took a vacation from my story and there was a certain sense of liberation (I, too, went dancing and hangin' out listening to music - things I don't ordinarily do). But I also know that my story is invaluable in many positive changes I am making in my life. Seeing my life come alive before my eyes in my writing has given me an empathy for myself which I never had. This helps me make better choices for the woman I now have empathy with.
from beckers-j :
Old lady pink panties, huh? Can't wait to hear about that one. :) Glad you're enjoying your holiday.
from orgami :
well adiue then for then Pansy I have enjoyed your notes and your entries you are a breath of fresh air in the somewhat stale atmosphere of rhetoric and drama bright humanity burns in you You are outstanding amongst the ordinary I shall miss you Orgami.....
from sparkspark :
I'm so happy for you! But I'll also miss your updates. XO-- Vio
from beckers-j :
Yay for no more exams! And enjoy your vacation. :)
from hissandtell :
Well, congratulations, Mistress! May I make obsequience at your feet? Excellent news, doll - drinks all round. Love, R xxx
from sparkspark :
"Johnny Chicago" is all yours, PC! Except I reserve the right to envision him as Johnny Depp in tight pants. Or possibly hot pants. Tight hot pants. That'll work. ("Hot pants" is a deeply annoying phrase, I just realized.)
from sparkspark :
Ooo, the mysterious Mr. Chicago! If your roommate/ex does happen to answer the phone, use the opportunity to add to your personal mystique, and tell him, "That's Johnny Chicago, our operative in the midwest," and refuse to discuss it. Then furtively talk into your wristwatch and excuse yourself, saying you have to "meet someone at the lab." You might do that even if Mr. Chicago doesn't call, because it could be entertaining.
from orgami :
you have a cute template our plants have died off slowly like the advancement of a desert into once lush rainforest however I sense the cat is helping from the tiny teeth marks in the long bladed thing in the pot.... and why did my favourite plant wither and dry Dry as a stick dry as a bone gone for good now I figure i would thow it away but it came with three other different plants in the same little basket so there is the tradgedy Its like life though not eveyone makes it law of averages sigh.... (poor poor plant) anyway must be going for now am going to be at a concert tommorrow with young women and men enjoying themselves with my daughter and we will have a blast and I get to have an hour or two drive with my ex talking about stuff etc will be strange for me but fascinating to see how we have changed So strange to be able to communicate with a long ago ex-lover ex-girlfreind like living in a small village anyway must be going now more errands to run My feet all have blisters now not in shape for walking at all but cannot afford to buy a bus ticket like the bourgeiousee just a poor prolieteriat (however those things are called..) like your diaries will read more of them later You pal Orgami:)
from dinahsoar :
My colleague is growing African Violets in the office across from mine. They are thriving. He has them on a windowsill, so they get lots of light. And I think he waters them frequently. He also plays alot of classical music. I play the B52's, so all I can grow is plastic plants.
from beckers-j :
Of course! I love comments from ridiculous losers. :) And from you in particular, although you aren't a ridiculous loser at all, dearest Miss P. :)
from dinahsoar :
Love the new look, Pans! Spifffffffy! I'd be green with jealousy if I knew enough about templates & such to fully express my greenness.
from sparkspark :
Swanky new look, Pans! "Pans"--that's the best I could do for a supposedly spur-of-the-moment nickname. Sorry. It won't happen again.
from beckers-j :
I like the new template. :) Sorry 'bout the cramps, though. Ugh.
from beckers-j :
Nice job putting the neighbors in their place. :) Yeah, and Ted and I are so comfortable, we don't even comment on farts half the time. Ha!
from marie-soleil :
i'm afRaid i'm the onLY good one left...
from marie-soleil :
dude, i leLOve youR idea! i wiLL expRess this opinion via cybeR, whom we love deaRLy, but becomes suffocating at times. i hit the beach, what a tReat.
from orgami :
what havent written you anything today i have written lots been alseep at the switch ah well its so hot out there like another world a hostile alien life with life forms scouting about in their tin contraptions and walking bi ped about here and there and out on the water that blazing water is a future our dear little sun overhead .........
from dinahsoar :
Oh, Pans, you make me smile. I've been catching up on your entries & I loved that "he's nice in that assholish way I like". I admire someone who knows what they like & doesn't mind saying it.
from sparkspark :
As my good friend Jonathan Richman might say about your confusion, "You're thinking about it too much..." and then you could say, "I know" in a humorously melancholy voice. (Note: Jonathan Richman is not actually my good friend.)
from orgami :
plastic travel bag with our little cd player in it Into Omers which is always busy in medival times he would trade magic spells and steel swords to men women of all races and ages such a place with the soldiers of the kind coming by every now and then to make it all legal like hah hah i was sweating crazy out there in it In here it is so nice though air conditioning who would have thought it thank god for Einstien and his freind they came up with the modern fridge back in the day only they made theirs with poison gas Only after a few deaths though did someone invent something that didn't kill just burned out the ozone so its a better solution eh? playing this old Nintendo of Loris called Turok Dinasour hunter and its pretty cool i like the rotating gun there is no noise because Lori sleeps on the couch all night and I am on the floor with my coffee or bowl of cereal that big couch from salvation army in the hall must sqeeuve by it to get to the bedrrom or the bathroom but its cool we are moving September into our basement apartment up on the hill Its so sweet that you write me so much I just realized that you are like so much a writer to everyone a happy heart in french it sounds cool anyway anyway have twenty eight minutes left to write others have a nice day panseeeeee
from beckers-j :
Me again. I just read your granny-shoving entry, and you've killed me! That was hysterical. Also, call the boy. What the hell!
from beckers-j :
Aw, shucks. You're pretty damn a-ok yourself, my friend. :)
from beckers-j :
Oh, you're certainly entitled to your opinion re: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. :) It wasn't the lyrics of the songs that I had a problem with, it was the horrible context they were put in. I could barely understand the words half the time because the music was so ridiculous - including the hip-hop themed song and the loud-ass rock number. As for the Willy Wonka wierdness, it was more that I don't think the wierdness was done particularly well. No offense to Johnny Depp because he is a great actor, but I wasn't convinced. Anyway, thanks for setting me straight, dear Miss P. :) I really wouldn't want anyone to NOT see it just because of me.
from hissandtell :
Why, of course you should call him! You don't have to marry him, after all - well, not unless you want to, anyway. Living here in the land of Oz as I do, I have lots of email/msn/phone friends I've never met. They're still great fun to get to know, though. Give it a go. Love, R xxx
from beckers-j :
Ha! Godiva would be a fantastically horrible middle name, particularly when paired with my first name. Rebecca Godiva S? I don't think so! It's Jean. That pic is somehow supposed to be "Jean d'Arc", but I don't recall dear Saint Jean being forced to ride a horse nearly naked with her ta-tas on display. :)
from geeked-out :
long weekend? Really? I'm apparently out of the loop, long weekend for what? Do you have any aches and pains? Maybe we have West Nile Virus. Lethargy is one of the symptoms. Mosquitos are bastards.
from bobbysuprise :
ho ho ho (a danny zuko laugh if you will) The oralizer. Much better than oral. My mind was continually in the gutter until you made that much needed amendment. your own place - conflatulations pansy!
from hissandtell :
Heh. When I was teaching English at high schools, the two things that used to make me smirk and giggle like a permanently-priapic adolescent boy most were "Oral Presentations" and "Fallacious Arguments". They just both sound so damned dirty! (And calling it an Oral Comprehensive isn't fooling anyone, darling. It just makes you sound even more expansive. Commodious, even. But good luck, anyway.) Love, R xxx
from sweetresent :
Ha! You're right. Definitely less terrifying. And sometimes the practice can be fun.. very very fun. Mmmm. Woah, having a moment. Have fun with your multitude of boys.... I am, most of the time. LoL
from sparkspark :
I want to check out that link today, but I am uncomfortably vomit-conscious. But I'm so curious.
from orgami :
hello Panseeeeeeeeeee feeling much better today then the bleak overcast of doubt so long ago things going good for Lori and I moving September to our new place way up on the hill far from the library though oh well still walk down here even if it takes the almost half an hour extra dont want to miss all you nice people and You especially ...........:)
from fleigen :
lady k is no lady, i'll tell ya that much. but yah, just a broad i work with- and was hanging out with for a while. have you started moving yet? is the cat gonzo? are you crying... right now? suck it up buttercup.
from sweetresent :
LoL. I love how you said men are falling at our feet. The picture is just lovely. Anyway.. with all the boys that I date, I make the realm of our relationship very clear. I tell them straight out... If I am single, I'm very very single. If I am taken... then I only see the one I am "taken" with. And then I tell them, if we have not defined what we are, I will assume that I'm single and will date other people which you are free to do as well. If you want me to be your girlfriend, or want to be exclusive, you better make that plain (ask me and such) and then we'll proceed from there (me agreeing or disagreeing to the arrangment etc.). I am very stoic and clinical when it comes to things like that. Because it saves a ton of time, heartache, and leaves no wiggle room. The lines and boundaries are clearly defined. Some guys don't like it.. (usually the "playas" and such)but that's fine, I move to the next one on the list. Ha. Always good for a gal to have options. I am not afraid to sound like a complete bitch, because it's necessary sometimes. As a fellow heart-breaker, I wish you luck in finding the right guy that will make you want to settle down with him.. and will treat you with the tenderness, care, respect, sexual abandon, and love that you deserve. I hope my speal helped. Take care.
from marie-soleil :
i cannot beLieve it woRked! he totaLLy squiRmed. oh, he is so that he's no longeR a fink. phewfff! that was cLose.
from orgami :
sleptember coming soon warm dreamy August with her Turner skies sleep time dream time walk time out time not in retrospect introspect Lori and I have a place not perfect not a dump large for us sans cat goodbye Max daughters visiting there are no sons in her life Nor mine I love being a father whom has a daughter they are so sweet and tender and sensitive and brave my mother was messed up and passed this on yet also she was strong and tough and hard and out there sometimes haunted I feel this all the time like I am a ghost saw a good movie about alternate universes or worlds Chloe and I talked about Ghosts Lori doesn't believe in them Spirits then Jesus was a spirit back when My native tradition states there are all sorts of spirits about and around us asian beliefs too siouxie on the headphones paying off some bills have some chicken and sausages thawing out in the sink to cook when I get home Folgers coffee waiting in the coffee machine I love Folgers its really smooth gotta go bye for now
from sweetresent :
I saw your recent note in HardSauce's diary. I understand your situation. I'm kind of doing the same thing myself. I got out of a very serious, very long relationship last year.. and ever since have been, well, just letting boys come to me. Letting them crush me, and me just gently smiling, seeing how many I can accumulate. It's HORRIBLE I know.. but I am enjoying the company, and the lack of committment. I'm too scared for one right now. But I will say this.. it's funny that after you become all aloof and uncaring how many boys will flock to you. It's insane really. My current count of boys that are "steadily crushing"... oh that would just make me seem too callous, I won't put the number here. Let's just say I understand where you're at. :p Take care.
from dinahsoar :
Hi Pans! Just enjoying catching up on your entries. I used to have a cat who would attack me in the dark when I walked in the front door. She would jump on my thighs & slide down slowly, claws extended. She would also vibrate in a corner, staring that unnerving cat-stare & pounce unexpectedly. I, too, am drawn to, but wary of Le Cat.
from orgami :
mzzzzzzpanzeeeee we have found an apartment out into the suburbiahinterlanderkinderwunderfinder and its decent enough just wait and all those other delicious treats we looked at will call and say we have them too and I already signed a lease trying too on Loris orders to get a place She says just forget the signed lease if we get a better offer but I already have things in motion because thats who I am I want things running up and running now gotta get rid of the cat though hes so fined tuned though that poo comes out his butt when he sleeps and we are allways using lots of cleaner on blankets and where he sleeps He is so sweet though its just that problem which is a real problem though Lori is bummed out crashing down from all of this and I am like directing her to tell me numbers from the paper to get a system going to keep track of all of these numbers and there are pages and pages of numbers and scribblings on the kitchen table and the fan keeps blowing them off onto the floor and I have to go through them all to find a number or something relavant etc anyway we are locking our phone and hydro system in and have what we need in knowledge to change things Like we need my name on the cheque instead of Loris because there is a finance company after lori for money and they keep putting a hold on her account which is impossible if we were paying anyone by check which this apartment owners want so I have to get this into my name and open an account and get this up and running by September and she hates the thought because of a guy years ago fucked her big time around for all the bills which is why she has zero credit in the city and he went and killed himself last year after I kicked his ass out after she tried to see if she had any feelings for him Imagine!! anyway that fiasco is over and she is still left with dude credit However I have good enough credit to do this in my name she just thinks I may fuck off on her I wont but she doesnt know this anyway we have this place its two bedroom one for her and one for me and a big enough kitchen living room tub and closet space for our clothes and a moving company estimate and I met with them to talk about the move and all of that finally we will end up living where we are for another month hopefully so much stuff eh????? oh and it cost me a hundred to get this place which will come from my payback from the odsp overpayment which they took off of me hah suckers money makes the world go round I love that clinking clanking sound cause money makes the world go round.... Dude from Cabarets song..... thanks for the notes You are my most written to me fan Pansy thank you I like the attention I booked on this fifteen minute COLT today to just write stuff and then get back to my apartment soooo time to fly Bye for now
from beckers-j :
PMS - GD it! Thanks for the words of sympathy. And for not hating me! Ha! :)
from beckers-j :
Great job with the diabolical laughter in my comments section. :P
from marie-soleil :
you aRe aLso insaneLy gotta take the cRunchy with the smooth bebe!
from orgami :
e x p r e s s o l i c i o u s hmmmmmm four dollars at this genuine italian eatery and it is soooooooo goood whoever I will never have four extra dollars again ever so it shall be a receeding dream that e x p r e s s o that damned good e x p r e s s o
from beckers-j :
I took that same quiz and ended up being Christian from "Moulin Rouge", which is pathetic in its own way. :) Although I do love that movie.
from geeked-out :
No No that is EXACTLY who I'm talking about. I had a monster crush on Balky. Hey you can watch the first episode on if you want to see him sexually harrass Janice Dickinson. Personally I'd be flattered and would probably let him
from sparkspark :
"Halloween Unitards." Swanky!
from beckers-j :
You are too funny! Unitards are decidedly not stone cold sexy. America's friend Richard Simmons on the other he is stone cold sexy! Eeek. :)
from dinahsoar :
Hi Pans! Just wanted to let you know (in case you don't read my entry today - but whyever wouldn't you?) that I'll be in Hawaii for a week & won't be posting again until Friday, 7/22. So, take care & thanks for all your wonderful supportive notes. I'll write you on my return.
from orgami :
dont be sorry Pansy I understand you are busy with life as I will be busy once Lori and I find a damn place to rent Its hard so many people are calling back to say they rented to someone else Soon I hope we will find a place anyway Hope you are doing well with your break they are all hard on our energies and heart of course Well I am still asleep here despite my coffee before heading over here Must be this extreme heat of late making my brain melt hah hah Must go best wishes to you dear Your freind Orgami
from sparkspark :
I was so making Paper Johnny wear his pants really, really low, which has the excellent bonus advantage of making his thighs stick out from either side of the pants in a bizarre way. Like, maybe Mr. Low-pants has slits on each pantleg, from knee to waist. hee hee hee! I see London, I see France... But I like the way-up-high Fred Mertz idea, as well. We can control him! He is ours!
from fleigen :
yah, the beazley has definately calmed down in her old age. she is mostly a lap creature now. her and red spend most of the time laying on the hangover couch together. sooo sweet. how is the new place? how is the new kitty?
from orgami :
whats going on You seperating from your once one and only??? U-Haul where are you headed Ms Pansy? schools out I guess eh? summer is here time for beachs and beer and all that I am busy apartment hunting and having tough luck of it also Nobody wants us it seems but somewhere someone must want us must that is a big one Like must get a life like Life must go on hah hah corny stupid of me to laugh at my own ironies ahh well cannot be helped my life as a semi-hermit notwithstanding well My dear you are humourus and interesting and I never find a dull moment reading your diary or your notes to Moi thank you again will write more later fill y ou in on whats not going on in my precious life ha
from beckers-j :
I'm sorry the packing has been rough. :(
from dinahsoar :
I just read what you said about my diary in your favorites list. I loved that about ripping out your heart & playing jacks with it. If I ever publish, I want YOU to write the jacket review.
from dinahsoar :
That is a really good question, Pans. The shortest answer is that I have been trying to reconcile with my ex-husband (of five weeks over four years ago). Because we have been going to church together and want (if we get remarried) to have our marriage blessed by the church, I have not opened up about what is happening. Why I was so despondent on my birthday (is too long a story, but) has to do with him. Thank you for caring.
from dinahsoar :
Dearest PansyC, thank you so much for everything you said. It means more than you know. I am sitting here crying as I read the four responses from my 'virtual family' who have come through for me more than the people in the room. Thank you for caring.
from orgami :
hello there patsy from your c ra zee pal Orgami we have a cat and like Ursa sez about them my cat has the biggest turds or maybe just if i had a dump in the litter all that litter gets attracted to it scientifically to become huge like on steriods anyway i am sure thats all cats do are roam about eating small rodents and dumping them out the other end and eating small rodents and dumping them out the other end like what humans do to the world dig holes cut trees down and make pollution pave another highway guess thats why we like them so much I remember my ex girlfreind when she was impregnated by myself could smell things a lot or maybe that was someone else anyway just here at the ol library today reading peoples diaries for a change they are a hoot Yours included.. hah hah anyway I am having fun and am continuing on twenty two minutes to go .............
from marie-soleil :
because i have a fondness foR handLebaR moustaches i found myseLf in a diLemma voiLa 20 yeaRs ago in the huLk hogan vs. Randy macho man savage battLe. obviousLy moustaches cLoud my judgement and aLas, i shouLd steeR cLeaR of moustaches aLL togetheR...goodbye my emiLio!
from sparkspark :
I think I am guilty for the "pampering" rant.
from orgami :
hellavision so your new electronical device/gadget is entertaining you well remember BRAVE NEW WORLD Soma Soma Soma Soma.. the boob tube enjoy.. I am envious as hell about your able to see The Organ listened to it last night ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........
from beckers-j :
Ha! This woman was dead serious about the holding hands. And yeah, I thought the card was pretty sufficient myself. :)
from dinahsoar :
I am so excited for you. Having your own place is awesome. It sounds really great, with the balconies & pink/mahogany/guns theme bath. I also loved the image you evoked of the kids - sounds kind of Peter Pan-y. Enjoy! These ARE the good 'ol days!
from marie-soleil :
HOT AWESOME! way to go, fRiend! aLL of us at the diRtcity headquaRteRs aRe oh so happy pouR vous. i absoLuteLy leLOVE having my own pLace. it's the best tReat eVAH! you know, way betteR than diet docteuR poivRe & pRetzeLs...and even betteR, you can have both!
from orgami :
three foot front yards garden balconies ghost wood floors and haunted alleyway views debutante of old culture
from lilmo-fo :
CONGRATS DUDE!!! i'm excited for your new pad... it sounds delish... balconies and all... i'm sure the rug rats will provide hours of entertainment... way to go lady... have fun and dance around nekkid!!! love and guts... mo
from sparkspark :
I'm so happy that you, too are a list collector! I have definitely met with the "why do you collect garbage?!" comment from benighted souls who have no love for the list. We should do a book. Or some performance art. ...Nah, a book. I have so many ideas. And so many lists.
from hissandtell :
Oh, gods, miss pansy and miss dinah - I LOVE "Girl With the Faraway Eyes"! Is there anything that tongued one can't sing? Personally, I have the softest spot of all for "Sympathy for the Devil" - and about a hundred other Stones songs. And I played "Beast of Burden" (by Bette, admittedly - "NOW WRITE THIS DOWN!") for my 12 year old nephew the other day, and he absolutely loved it and was singing all the words by the end of his stay with me. x
from hissandtell :
Oh, you. I keep forgetting you people are mainly American. Here you are; try this: Love, R xxx
from dinahsoar :
Ever heard "The Girl With The Faraway Eyes" by the Stones? You might want to add it. Just a thought. Or how 'bout "Angie" when he whispers, "let me whisper in your eeeeeeeeeeeear ... angie ... angie". Come on!
from sparkspark :
Well. everybody in the bank line knows that i've got a crush on the new teller! I am so happy you listed that song. I get it stuck in my head all the time. And once again, i've managed to turn someone else's entry into a great, great expose of MY SELF. Sorry. But still, thanks for giving that song a spin on my mental jukebox.
from dinahsoar :
Okay ... so, here's an uplifting quote (just in case you end up in one of those tiny rooms)- It's from Abbot Moses in Scete (probably only famous in monk circles, you could Google for more information). It goes - Go sit in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything. Believe it or not, I have it on my bulletin board here at work. Just think of the depths of your psyche waiting to be plumbed.
from beckers-j :
Good luck! I always think it's fun apartment hunting, but you inevitably do end up seeing a lot of dumps! Ted and I looked at some real beauties before we finally lucked out with our current place. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya...
from orgami :
busted the ol record for megawatt comsumption yesterday around six o'clock some odd thousands numbers which means nothing to me except to say that the wires and those shiny lines atop utility poles and those towers cutting through the country were humming transformers scare me attatched to the poles especially those natsty looking old ones with the cooling tubes running outside full of poison a special refined oil that kills things better then DDT we looked at an apartment building today maybe we may get it maybe not we shall know in a few days anyway the apartments were brand new security building allow for pets i hope we get it but its not up to me now just try and get my mind off worrying about finding a place that is decent Up here there are lots of dives to be rented by partiers who destroy buildings slum lords etc the sky today is tumulscent and greenish tinged all that wonderful product of positive industrialness Those million odd SUV's and large v-eights pumping out smog the factories belching out smoke and toxins I think the humidity was part of it too but it was GREEN-ish had my coffees already And you were thinking about the sky again eh? Alberta I was in Lethbridge once and calgary just to drive through them on the way west well we have skies up here even at night still for this small city its possible to see the stars at night Not that womb glow of our race (or tomb glow) hah hah
from beckers-j :
Did I say I bathe my cat? That may have been someone else, but I do happen to bathe Big O on occasion. He's too fat to get away, but he's got some nasty claws on his back feet, so I have to steer clear of those suckers! Thanks for the pain med tip, by the way. :)
from itineration :
us = me, my friend, and his girlfriend. when we took the boat out on the lake, i thought to myself, "she puts new meaning into first mate for him"
from fleigen :
i KNEW that god likes cats. congrats on the new chubbs.
from hissandtell :
from hissandtell :
Soft handmade leather slippers, cloaks, tunics and hemp stockings...oh my goddess. Now I can't concentrate on anything else. x
from hissandtell :
Soft handmade leather slippers, cloaks, tunics and hemp stockings...oh my goddess. Now I can't concentrate on anything else. x
from hissandtell :
Debbie Harry? I must have missed something! I shall catch up immediately! Anyway, I'm so happy to hear your Bouli story, and I need to tell you how wonderful you are. And that is all for now. Much love, R xxx
from dinahsoar :
Hi Pans! I loved your serendipitous cat story! You & God did a great rescue mission, because, as you said this was no accident. As for the coffee, I actually tried to take the test, but I don't drink coffee (I didn't know you had to DRINK coffee to BE coffee). I'm not even Mormon. I just don't like coffee. I like coffee ice cream & coffee candy & the smell of coffee, but just not coffee. So, I'm actually way low maintainence (so low maintainence, I don't even stop for coffee - downright asetic).
from orgami :
THAT WAS so strange that passage about the red thread The beer was good though tres bien it has that wire holder thingy on top with a cork that was what got my attention about the stuff and the canoeists flying along so dreamy I wanted to be with them flying over the lakes watching the moon and lakes and rivers maudbin or something like that the name was and cats YEs Max is wonderful I give him the odd bath which he dislikes but it cools him down he is not full grown yet he still has a year and a half to fill out but already he has that brow and head of a "Tom" cat glad to hear that you saved a kitty too amazing still how people put down animals for no reason other then they have become an obstacle in their plans one day people will be able to delinate people Delete I mean.... hmm where to begin????
from beckers-j :
I agree that older cats are way cooler. Our Big O is the best and fattest and also has to be picked up under his armpits. :) Congrats on picking up a new pal!
from orgami :
your latest diary is so Hill air eee Us but I truly want to know because I would like to know what one of these days would be like having been to Quebec long ago in my younger travelling days DID YOU SEE BONHOMME does he get out much in the summer?? he seems so Jolly and all with his red sash and his red toque Just like the Couer de boise wear when they ship those furs down the river (Oh I guess trucking stole that away from them) anyway I hope he is there too doing a jig and stepping lightly to the sounds of the fiddle rattling off a reel I drank some weird beer from Quebec once that had a canoe flying through the clouds and manned by those little fellows with stout arms and strong hearts BUT i never saw that beer again it cost four dollars a bottle and it was good BUT no more must have been a shipping error and I do not drink anymore having a month and a halve sober now Anyway you write well Pansy not much articulatedness to lose my interestness and just enough big worded ness to keep my interest and just enough feel and heart to feel comradeship with your angloness tres bein Pansy Tres bein
from dinahsoar :
This Saint Jean thing all sounds so dangerously exotic. I don't know anything about the politics of Canada, but my grandparents were born on Prince Edward Island (making me part Canadian). My middle name is actually "Jean" (no doubt pronounced "Jangh" - I think it's really the boy's spelling - mine should probably have been Jeanne - oh well). What kinds of things identify oneself as "Anglo"?
from dinahsoar :
Are you SURE you didn't eat the entire box of chocolates by yourself, because in my humble opinion you seem to be on a hyperchocomanichighwithpressuredspeech. But, whatdoIknowanyway? So, more importantly, let me get this straight ... it WAS Debbie Harry or just some hairy fairy posing as a debutante? Because I need to know, even though I told you to go ahead and tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies. Because Debbie Harry is serious stuff. Oh yeah, we're talkin' serious as maybe a chipped nail.
from hardsauce :
I was so happy to see a note! You know what they say, You never forget your first. I think they say that, anyway. But thank you--I like your way of looking at things and I've been enjoying your journal.
from beckers-j :
Any sugar daddy would probably be terrified that you'd eat him!? Love it. If I ever had a sugar daddy, I'm betting he'd be pretty terrified himself. 'Cuz this girl can eat! Ted must absolutely fear that I'll be pushing maximum density within the next ten years. :)
from dinahsoar :
Pans - please tell me the woman actually WAS Debbie Harry (my actual all time favorite 80's thing - forget that I didn't list her in my profile - I tell you, she WAS!). When you said the Blondie Telephone Song, I was so sure the punch line was gonna be that it was her. No? I mean, I don't remember her being cross eyed, but still. No? Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone! Hang up & dial again! Ohhhhhhhh! Hang up & dial again! Tell me it was her (even if it wasn't)!
from sparkspark :
I'm becoming slightly disheartened--no one has sent me any money yet. Still, I know it's just a matter of time before I Get Rich Quick!!!1
from beckers-j :
That is wierd! Yeah, they're having a bunch of save CBGB things goin' on, so I hope it works! It would be such a shame for it to close. Hope you had a good time!
from godmoney :
thank you SO MUCH for saying that!!!! it's really embarassing for ppl to stumble into and peer at my diary because honestly i put no more effort into it than "vin you are going to purge your thoughts and emotion with as much restraint and honesty as you can!" take my word that i'm a pudy dern good writer when i try, altho not such a wit as you. i was OBSESSED (OBSESSED) with getting into harvard. if you don't get in, let PRINCETON be your consolation prize... we're #1 (too). daaaaaaaaanku again. lovely diary, once more. i am not done reading :)
from beckers-j :
I do so love ridiculous hours as well, and I'm such a night owl. But my getting-up habits are atrocious. I am such a slug. I will literally lay in bed until the very last possible moment when I must get up or risk being horribly late for it. It think it must be so nice to get up in the morning and have some time to take my time getting ready and maybe do a couple of other things before I have to run for the door. Well, we shall see. :) Sorry to ramble on in your notes section...Loved the john with the sword story, by the way.
from dinahsoar :
Wait ... is that a good thing?
from godmoney :
uh, you must refer to dinahsour's notes page because i read your di and noted hers.
from dinahsoar :
Wow, Pans! If I had to work with that creep, I think MY favorite Beatle would be Eminem!
from godmoney :
lol because u love arcade fire you can use pansy as your user and pass. now its off 2 read ur di...
from marie-soleil :
afteR you scRatch theiR eyeLids, can i pouR lemon juice on them!?! i instantLy HATE anyone who says that phRase. i cannot heLp it. is it because i am not an eteRnaL optimist? it's not that i think eveRything is shit, but seRiousLy, not EVERYTHING is good. look aRound! theRe's gaRbage on the gRound, that ain't good...and theRe aRe peopLe who have no sheLteR, that ain't good eitheR. youR soLution phRase Reminds me of ouR paL Ricci (whom you must contact foR the tRoupe de Rouge), who likes to say *kinda awesome*. appaRentLy it dRives peopLe cRazy when he says it. it makes me giggLe.
from dinahsoar :
Methinks you protest WAY too much! How'd you know about the beard? No, really. You stalkin' me? (Because I'm secretly really kinda flattered).
from dinahsoar :
Shirley! Hands down! No question! Right off the top of me 'ed! Shirley! So whatdayasay (and don't dare tell me I'm perky - although we both know I kinda am!)? I AM concerned, however, that you've never seen the Bradys. How 'bout the Partridges? Come on ... get happy!
from dinahsoar :
What time is it where you are? P.S. My favorite Brady is Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.
from dinahsoar :
Okay, I do have Bambi eyes, but I lied about the beard.
from dinahsoar :
Myself? Well, I have big eyes, but a bit of a five o'clock shadow, I'm afraid. Sorry the Beatles' thing was so predictable. But, quick ... without thinking ... who's your favorite Brady?
from dinahsoar :
I, too, share your aversion to "It's all good". I become openly hostile when anyone says that. How 'bout "It's mostly tolerable"? Or "Occasionally it's salvagable" or my personal fave "It is what it is"?
from dinahsoar :
Yeah ... I've been through them all, too. I think it's like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Ringo's at the bottom, working up to John, moving on to George and Paul equals self-actualization. I agree with your observations. I want to be happy (without losing my edge, of course)! Okay, who's your favorite seven dwarf?
from dinahsoar :
Ummmmm ... sorry, my favorite Beatle is the one that got replaced by Ringo ... the original drummer ... I forget his name ... that's why I'm so forgetful. Sorry. Okay, down to bidness ... Paul, you say? Mkay. Ooooooooops, the Magic Ball says "Try again later". Not to worry. Okay ... Paul. Are you sure? I mean, George was nice. Connotes spirituality, depth, plagury. But, no. It's Paul, right? John, you know, points to kind of an activist, nihilist, iconoclast. Mother issues. But, okay. You say Paul, eh? Not Ringo? I mean, he appeals to those who when you scratch the surface reveal more surface. But I think you mentioned Paul, right? Okay. Okay. Those who prefer Paul have sunny dispositions. They are loyal. They enjoy family. They are creative, generous and don't have a jealous bone in their body. They are sweet and cute and kind and ageless. How's that? Anything to it?
from dinahsoar :
I thought Tom Cruise had a bad day!
from geeked-out :
No really? Sword? In a bag? I'm so jealous I could cry.
from lilmo-fo :
the fates... DAMN THE FATES... shitty day huh? maybe say a prayer over the bird or a voodo ritual so you wont have a ghost bird flocking around you creating crappy luck... but you didnt actually kill it.. you buried it so no cat would mange his poor mangled body... you should be picking up some luck around here some where... oh yeah and thanks for the crush link.. that was super... jerkwad!!! maaahahah just kidding... heart mo
from geeked-out :
Poor bird. Wait. Birds carry creepy diseases that will infect humans. You wore gloves right? eww. P.S. Is there something satisfactory about my entries while sober though? Probably not. I think everyone should be required to have at least two drinks before reading.
from sparkspark :
You so made my day, bella! XOX Violet.
from marie-soleil :
dude! if you wanna stuff me in youR cLoset & just have me jump out foR some enteRtainment, i'm in! aLL i ask is foR a snickeR snack once a day & maybe a shaRpie. i think that is aLL i wouLd need...oh, maybe a bucket to take caRe of my bodiLy functions...oR a pLug. nasty.
from dinahsoar :
How weird is this? Somehow I just sent myself the note intended for you (I think I'd better stop writing at night, too). Anyway, it's got to be a Beatle. Not a Stones. Not a Doors. Not a Zep. A Beatle. One. Definitively. ONE BEATLE! Otherwise, it would be like you asking me to pick a chocolate & I told you my favorite popsicle. It's like a Rorschach test, get it? ONE. BEATLE. NOW.
from dinahsoar :
You been readin' my mail? You did so well it's scary (in a fun way)! Thanks for the interpretation. So, who's your favorite Beatle?
from dinahsoar :
Hi there, Pans! Wish it were pouring down rain here! All I got today was a lousy 4.9 earthquake (barely worth mentioning). I love the rain & should move somewhere that could deliver. By the way, my favorite chocolate is Cadbury Easter Eggs (chocolate butter cream). I also like those chocolate covered marshmello bunnies, Santas, etc. So what does that tell you about me? (and don't tell me I'm 'mellow' - as in marsh - 'cuz I'm definitely not).
from sparkspark :
You are more than welcome, bella! I am always entertained, reading your take on things. --V
from beckers-j :
I loooove Mary Poppins! As for the chocolate, there's no way I could have resisted such a fabulous deal! Definitely put it in the freezer. Feeling desperate never deters me from eating yummy candy goodness.
from beckers-j :
That's exactly it. I get mini-crushes ALL THE TIME, but it would be pretty much gross if anything happened as a result. :) I guess it's just fun to have a harmless little fantasy every once in a while, and it does help to share with some lady friends. Thanks!
from dinahsoar :
Thank you so much for your beautiful comment (not that I mean I'm happy to break your heart, but actually, yeah, I guess I am!). I was just reading your last several entries. Wait ... pumpkin patch, red hair, cherry orchard and gun-themed bathroom? Sounds like Little Terminator on the Prairie!
from geeked-out :
Go for it. Link away. I think a contrasting color would be awesome, Pink or bright yellow would really make all the gun metal stand out. Though now as i picture it I see pink.
from orgami :
short not to run off the screen to the right we are fine Lori and I Love your diary latest wool socks eh gun theme bathroom hah hah hah
from geeked-out :
Having your own place is so much fun. I can't wait till my roommate moves off [I can't believe I'm saying that about my bestfriend] so I can have the whole place to myself. Man I'm evil. P.S. your gun themed bathroom idea might get stolen and used in Texas. Just so ya know. I'm thinking Tommy Gun towel rack and extremely large bullet shaped toothbrush holder. P.P.S. I always think your entries are one big link and I try and click everywhere. I don't know why.
from dinahsoar :
Hi Pansy! Thank you for your note. I'm actually mid-stream in something a bit like that as we speak (athough it may take years for me to actually catch up to the present in my diary). I really resonated with the way you described being rendered inert by the fear of hurting someone and about losing touch with how you actually do feel. Your comment about feelings amputating really struck me. It's how I am feeling tonight. Fragmented and completely out of touch with how I really feel about a certain situation (or how I would actually feel if I were not afraid of hurting his feelings or being alone) If I could eliminate those two possibilities, I might really have a chance of accessing my real feelings. Thanks for helping me process (hate that word, unless it's applied to cheese, but couldn't think of a better one) all this. You helped.
from lilmo-fo :
oh pansy... your so vivid... i can't get the mental picture out of my head... seriously poutine? sick... i hope you managed to keep some of your buffet down... free food after all hey... c.u. soon... heart momo
from orgami :
absolutely loved you latest diary laughed heartily about the people at the buffet like hyenas around a downed lion strangled gazelle with their heads stuck into the chest cavity ripping out a lung gaawwd you describe the scene well complete with underwater sound system we watched Vanilla ICe last night sing Ice ICe baby on the tube He is still hot despite his ancient ol hit and others were there too some kind of contest of old eighties bands and then I watched Breakfest Club music being sung by some modern people and the version was bagged out It was embarassing to see people getting off over the eighties I mean its only the two thousands now its not like it was all that long ago I heard the Motels sing Only the Lonely (no not roy orbisons number) everyone all fat and old trying to sound twenty something again I am fat and old hah hah hah but even I listen to System of a down now I love how they sing along nice Everyone going to the party have a real good time and then slip into this singing and screaming I love it like basic training cut out the weak the breakables and leave only the mould-able people Sort of like survival of the fittest or fatest at the buffet Donner party priveleges hah hah hah I get the leg I get the breast (not chicken) hah hah hah gross anyway the father He must know i cannot imagine Pansy but I am having fun trying I love your diary by the way well must be going now must write my own entries cioa
from geeked-out :
He's in the band A.F.I. I guess they classify it as punk rock, I can send you a couple songs if you'd like
from geeked-out :
Hah a lot of people I know say that. Maybe secretly I dig girls. I don't know, there is just something about that girly man. I love his voice, I want to marry it and have little baby voices all over the place.
from beckers-j :
Thanks for the great and encouraging comment. :) There is a big difference between blabbing and actually writing. I tend to do the former a great deal more often. As for the shoulder and push-up pads...I can't believe you haven't unloaded those yet either! :)
from dinahsoar :
Where have you been all my bloggin' life? I just stumbled into your parallel universe through sparkspark (I think) & I am easily as hooked on your writing as I am on string theory! Your "squirrel & the lady shoes" was way beyond hysterical and staying home in the summer wearing a "wifebeater" is what summer's all about (and I'm a California Girl - oooops, knowing how you feel about Bobby Rydell & Neil Sedaka, I better tread lightly until I know how you feel about the Beach Boys).
from orgami :
the metro the subway in Toronto was all I rode on and its been a long long time but in the eighties I was on that thing Now its like two fifty a pop to ride it cannot afford to travel stuck here in NOrth Bay but people are fun to watch terrible to interact with sometimes thats why I love diaryland just writing not talking no nuances and nasty stuff anyway loved your latest diary
from geeked-out :
oh yes and PS. thanks for the toe advice.
from geeked-out :
Alright I'm going to have to do the salt water thing. I'm afraid though. How much liquor should I drink first? Also...Maxwell house gag. Thats just half a step above Sanka. The commercials with all the singing give me headaches as well.
from beckers-j :
Glad you got a kick out of the banner. ;)Napolean Dynamite kicks ass.
from beckers-j :
Yeah, those 'harmless' old men. They're the ones to look out for. :) I've had a couple of other similar experiences before, and it makes you wonder what life is like for them. What they're feeling. I don't know. I just have a lot of empathy. Thanks for sharing!
from bobbysuprise :
where is the picture of our fabulous niece? I want to show it to Paulina and Kristi but I don't know what entry you had been boasting about her in.
from lilmo-fo :
i already asked her about that a while ago... she laughed at me... i think she's still in the closet with this one... i dunno if she can handle admitting it yet.... maybe down the road...
from beckers-j :
Aw, thanks for addin' me to your faves! And for the words of wisdom on writing. They're much appreciated, and you're quite right!
from lilmo-fo :
yeah i moved out in april... i just have been hanging out with her a couple of times and thats what happens when i hang out with her... so booooo... especially boo to ladyshoes that give you blisters.... heart momo
from beckers-j :
What a deal! :)
from itineration :
love comments, keep them coming, still hungover.
from orgami :
baby seal shaped magic wand hah hah and satan is supposed to be "devilishly handsome"
from blondeinside :
hehe, if it makes you feel any better, I too fell for it and so someone random out there knows I had a crush a guy in my class... ahh well. I promise to tell no-one!! :)
from lilmo-fo :
good for you pansy... it takes a lot of guts to finally cut someone off... guts to wich i am lacking.... its hard and being around an ex with a fresh wound is never pleasant for anyone... but life does go on and your strong and know whats good for you wich is the main thing... you are the most important person in your life... live it good! love and guts momo
from fleigen :
words of encouragment huh? you did the right thing, so long as you don't second guess yourself and go back and end up doing it again. and if move out things will be so much easier. it's hard to think straight when a sad boy is in your face. i hope things get smoother.
from orgami :
hey pansy today was grand helped a neighbour adjusted the bike seat and Lori pedalled off and had a whale of a time even jumping curbs on the bike such freedom No training wheels Loris mom is a bitch she taught lori to ride a bike without training wheels in a muddy parking lot a gravel one with those puddles like that mathmetician artist Escher drew and she fell down into those puddle crashing and crying and her mother shouting at her and finally she did it I get furious thinking of someone yelling at my Lori Lori is a beautiful person a kind person sensitive and writes deadly cool poetry but away she went she was so happy when she came back I killed my back throwing scrap lumber into this dumpster but it was great to be doing something cleaning up the yard making it look nice and neat again talked to the neighbour a truck driver he is neat Now my back is killing me and I ate lasagna soo good and my daughter is burning a cd for me SYSTEM OF A DOWN latest release My kid is the greatest I tell her this Larch trees are in the slough area right? praries are keen the skies the openess in all 360 o direction and those old grain elevators so cool anyway Pansy have to go and write others thanks for leaving me a note again Orgami..:)
from orgami :
aha someone older then I writes to you (four measly little years..Boo Hoo.) I dont have a cold but I get whinny and sucky needing and pleading ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Imagine!!!! I like your attitude Shut up and take the pain (from that movie Platoon) so you are a hard rock in training or is it the farming philosphy of how animals get ill and die how people are more connected perhaps urbanites are so different then the country more gossipy maybe because of the daily contact with others the familiar passage on the travels see the same people perhaps many times over and doing errands and chores Not sure what it is i am saying just blabbing on here well enough out of me must be moving along for now
from lilmo-fo :
mmmmm... blood smoothies all around... perfect drink for the wedding... its all red ya know... i say smother the bastard awake... see how he likes it!!! or she... i dunno who yer talking about!?!? haha... heart momo
from bornearly :
Make no assumptions, grasshopper! I'm 46 and counting. :)
from bornearly :
Hey, P.C. - thanks for the note. Actually C&C is my abbreviation for my bandmates, Chris and Carol. Don't know what your reference is. :)
from lilmo-fo :
that grape imagry was too vivid... i just bought grapes last night... now i'm gonna have a hard time eating them... ah well... i guess i could just crush them all in a smoothie!!! thanks for the positive vote for the councillor... i gots some research to do but definitly gonna try er out...
from geeked-out :
erm maybe I shouldn't haven given away my secret. How's this, I go many places and see many things. Yes and all the pictures are not stolen off other peoples sites. Alright well it's a shitty lie and I'm too sleepy to come up with something clever so shhh don't tell. I'll make you a mix CD for your silence.
from geeked-out :
I just google random things and click on pictures. I googled Bizarre for this current one.
from orgami :
pirate juice great stuff pirate for the skulls and bones the Jolly old Roger skin you are in yes it belongs to you its your hide your decoration stripes or dots scales or skin what kind of an animal are you Pansy I am from the eagle clan so I am supposed to be an eagle But sometimes I wonder i dont do wonderous things i am so beneath normal even however I am a man in forty year skin bones teeth hair etc I think you are cool you write neat things not the usual at all for most your age I was just going over all the former notes i had and deleting some and you have written me quite a alot and probably I to you things are going well up here lots of therapy lots of talking listening I think i may be maturing too god i hope so stuck for those years hah hah anyway i am also listening to my favourite Siouxsie and the Banshees this site is UntieUndone creatures and steve severin lots of live audio songs I love this woman just as much as the others love the bands music too anyway its spring summer now the eve of May has come and gone No dancing around the pole now no haunting the feilds the moon is full tonight or last night so cool the moon my favourite satellite hah anyway gotta go now write others but take care pansycline and thank you for your notes Your pal Orgami
from orgami :
hello pansycline my Lori is beside me as I write at the library she is on her own computer typing away with those pale hands and blood red nails her red outfit on and black biker bitch leather jacket black of course to match her umbrella Her sparkle eyeshadow perfume from Yves Roche all five foot one and three quarter inch we are fine we encountered turbulence a while ago and went through the hells now have to face other but it looks good I am in therapy for anger management and alcohol and just plain brain pickin' library has reopened here and we are happy this has occured anyway school will soon be out how are you looking forward to it gonna go surfing of bungee jumping get a tatoo or peircing find committed love find a crazy freind hah hah anyway must be going write others O..
from hissandtell :
Good speed and godsnacks? Well, I'm gobsmacked. And what sort of specimens does one see at the Laundromat, precisely? The only interesting thing I ever see at Laundromats are Working Girls - although I did meet Arthur Ashe at one once (a laundromat, not a working girl). Oh, and from my experiences, Pharmacists can indeed be verrry exciting; bus drivers I can't comment on, though. Love, R xxx
from bobbysuprise :
that was the most beautiful entry. I mean besides the guts thing - the picture you painted of the man is glorious. I breathed a sigh of content and apreciation also b/c of the last line you wrote. The whole entry was just rather inspirational for me right now. mmmmm..... (that's a warm fuzzy mmm)
from hissandtell :
Yes, I quite understand your dilemma about the lesbian business, darling. It's obviously a subversive plot to make you unavailable to their paramours, but still available for the odd late-night topless pillow fight and occasional triad. (Actually, I have no idea; I just didn't really have an opinion on suicidegirls and was trying to distract you with images of giggling, flying feathers and pert nipples while not technically answering your question.) Love, R xxx
from bobbysuprise :
Suicide girls? Give me the 411.
from bobbysuprise :
nice profile changes, Hansel! ps. sometimes I wish I was making this shit up but then I rethink that sentiment and decide my life would be boring as hell (which I think a boring hell WOULD be hell) anyhoo - yah...I think I make life as complicated as possible so that I DON'T get bored. haha. Who gives a fuck right? It all irons itself out in the end and then I have great stuff to think about and good stories to pass on to Elena.
from bobbysuprise :
hansel, maybe you should compromise and be bisexual.
from orgami :
read W.O Mitchell and others of the flat praries drove through them twice in my lifteime so far probably never see them again Living in North bay is the bomb now Out here its just far off glacial sculpted hills and nothing more maybe three quarters of a mile can be seen in most directions hills and lumps but I am going home on Saturday we are really getting into cleaning up this place windows sweeping painting moving stuff about shovelling the old build up of dirt etc I still want a fire So school is boring eh? not enough challenge or just not finding it fun How old are you again by the way I went through High School and one month at Ontario College of Art before quitting and coming home And I drink but am sober now Through Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous I go to meetings and have sober freinds who have fun Lori bought this board game or fun game called Boggle its letters and vowels and a dice style thing little blue see through lid egg timer She plays it by herself before I get up in the morning and she can fing tons of words before I can Her vocabulary is amazing Her poems are so cool but she rarely writes anymore ahhh too bad Drinking costs so much money and teens have a way of just keeping on drinking into adult hood and resorting to crime and prostitution to pay for the drugs Know lots of people who did that crack addicts exstacy burned out brains so sad loss of potential but not all people drink Some people go through school and come out and raise families and have fun strange world to think of that I never did that never got into the crime that much and raised my daughter until she was four Just getting back into her life now at fourteen She is I am forty one this year gaawwwwddddd Enjoy your youth takes lots of photos they are fun to look at later Honest take pictures honey you will be amazed I am I have my photo albums and so does my Lori they are fun well the praries to me were so Sky dominated and I love clouds and I never got to see a storm approaching on the plains aghhhh just a dream now can read about it though in other peoples stories published works and poems well I am glad you like my crazy notes Pansy its nice to have contact too from people I write quite a few and try to keep my entries going I always thought my writing was shit and never believed all my freinds when they said I write really well They laugh now when I say you and others say I am a good writer well I guess I can take the compliments and keep trying I just love words and the flow I love rap too and music I listen to gregorian chants and beethoven and Glenn Gould and Chet Baker along with the old hits of the fifties tube amp days wow anyway am writing others but take care look for the interesting things in your day try to see if there are any nuances and such in teachers students thats what I did to keep boredom away while I went through it all ciao for now Orgami
from geeked-out :
eww It does look like he has his thigh pierced. Maybe it's some freak genetic mutation. I don't know. Now I'm a little nauseated.
from geeked-out :
I thought Jordan Knight was sexy before I knew what sexy actually was. That damn rat tail had me hooked. I just knew one day we were going to get married and have lots of little rat tail wearing babies.
from orgami :
what I just wrote this I cant remember all whom I have written and I find myself near the top here well here is another note Hows it going Pan? working going to school anything interesting I am so damned poor I can barely afford my bus ticket hom from my freinds here in the country Lori will be doing her thing while I am away visiting with her freinds in the city and going for coffee etc I drank too much today and put a new lid on the old table on the patio hung out at the workshop went to the lake we have to turn on the water at the cottage here and get a new seat for the station wagon and wash the old cadillac but Hey Life happens eh? I bought a dollar store pen and its crap but thats better then no pen They have pets here too and thats nice I like dogs and cats and we even have a cat at home now His name is Max and he is a Manx cat one with no tail and he likes to sit on the windoshill of the big window and watch the traffic and schoolyard across the street He is a good cat and we love him very comforting to have a pet healthy too we are lucky we can have one upstairs like we do in our apartment anyway boring you again probably am going to scan the band Thanks for letting others know I was away because of the library it will be open when I get home again Home in North bay is only about an hours drive by bus from here so Its not that far about fourty miles I think or more wow I feel so FAR away though such a suck I have to have my The Organ music playing on my head though to sleep worse then a kid anyway must go now Darling Keep well till again Orgami...
from geeked-out :
Your living arrangement sound divine. I wish I lived with my exboyfriend boyfriend...erm how did it go again? I think people make more sense when half their brain is asleep anyway. At least I do. The other part isn't there to fuck up all the intelligence.
from orgami :
hello pansy cline "it aint god that makes honky tonk angels.." when I hear her voice it sends chills down my spine thinking of the fifties and sixties long before I was even thought about merely a gleam in my dads eye and a hard edge in my mums tummy hah at my freinds Lori gave me the sweetest goodbye kiss we are off doing what we want too will meet up in the middle again funny us anyway library time later just at this console trying to reconnect once again to my e-mail freinds listening to THE ORGAN some new band sounds trippy and pop and I love the organ in it Like the old K-tel hits of the seventies bubble gum music some say but I love the nostelgia will listen to it tonight when I eventually go to bed anyway will write more I am still alive
from geeked-out :
I think it's perfectly acceptable to name a citrus based cleaning solvent on a toxic herbicide. Way to market!!
from facepunch :
steal him from you? does he have a beard?
from hissandtell :
Ooh - just reading some of your older entries - I always thought (until recently, at least) that <3 was an erect penis and testicles. Then someone explained it was a heart, and I was really embarrassed. Now I find out it's a sexy butt. Gracious, I feel so emoticonically challenged - which, of course, is but one reason I never, ever use them. x
from hissandtell :
Thank you, darling (I think!) Love, R xxx
from bobbysuprise :
I wasn't fishing; I was hunting!Well also having a bad day and feeling a mite existentially insecure. I will write something terribly UNboring after work! haHA!(that is a fast ha and that a drawn our HAA that is in a higher pitch - can you dig it?)
from bleak-horror :
thankies alot :* you be well too!
from beckers-j :
Thanks for the Happy Birthday note! :)
from fleigen :
haha- no, that one was kip. the one i saw the other night was ryan. he was great, but not great for me. but soooo handsome. come home, it's hot, not humid, and deserving of some .50 cent slurpies. sigh, those were the days. and those were my suppers.
from bobbysuprise :
SO's yer OLD LADY!!!
from bobbysuprise :
I got yer special RIGHT HERE!
from bobbysuprise :
you have 123 entries - how special
from pansycline :
everyone, ignore my top secret identity that's just been revealed.
from bobbysuprise :
sometimes I wish I were 708. 'member that time when I was like 13 (so ten years ago) I confided that I wished that I could be just like you? that is wierd...I didn't even try. Do you think we are so much alike? I always think you are much smarter and more witty than I. Maybe my brain is focused on too many things to be instantaneously witty. MEh. who gives a fuck. I love you Dr.Everything
from marie-soleil :
NOW you have a pRobLem with DiRT!?! how can you not like diRt? i mean, you waLk on it, it makes things gRow and it's bRown. thRee veRy good quaLities. if it weRen't foR diRt, wheRe wouLd we be? waLking on aiR!!!
from marie-soleil :
i stiLL shake my head thinking about you hating vegetabLes...even yams? at least yams aRe sweet...and so deLicious. i had puReed yams foR dinneR last night. then i had puReed oatmeaL foR bReakfast...cuz i'm a big, fat BABY.
from bobbysuprise :
I think we could be a dynamic maniac killer duo, hansel
from bobbysuprise :
cool statistics hansel!
from itineration :
well, it was ninety dollars, but it included the week i took off. this next one will be about sixty hours and will equate to nearly four hundred dollars.
from itineration :
forty dollars, man. gas money, blank cd's, a new mouse. the next paycheck is going to be intense.
from bobbysuprise :
word. ps. Jake Gyllenhal was dating Kate Bosworth and they are SO over. So now you have a hope once again. ...Unless I get to him first. HA!
from fleigen :
sometimes it's just easiest to skip the party, and pretend you went. no one will ever be the wiser. "oh really? i didn't see you there- we must have just missed eachother." fools.
from beckers-j :
Thanks for checkin' out my diary! :) Sitting up is about the most exercise I get at work, too!
from bobbysuprise :
hey you can delete the cam note if it's getting to you. You OCD maniac you. I think Graham would chop that girl's head off with a butter knife. I do believe we are friends by default, although she IS nice.
from bobbysuprise :
I showed my friend the pirate drink cartoon because I thought it was hoohahilariousness but she didn't laugh. she didn't even get it. too bad for her. haha!
from bobbysuprise :
from lilmo-fo :
thanks for the birthday wishes... i didnt barf so it turned out fantastic... i'm still recovering but thats to be expected... i too swoon for mr. le clapp... so handsome... enjoy the cheese while you can!!! heart momo
from orgami :
pens gone well i'll buy anew one actually someone gave me theirs something smaller and thinner that wont get pulled out of my pockets and Bored I always say I'm Boring which means I must do something to be unboring instead of where I am or who I am with works for me if I am bored still about the way things are I say "I'm boring" i used to sign off from Diaryland chat that way when I had enough of typing and all sad to say the library here is undergoing renovating and all and that I wont be able to write until next month April will be gone and May will be here but thats only about three weeks to I can last until then ho hum Today is fantastic warm out and sunny street swiper sidewalk thing has cleaned the sidewalks of snow people out in droves walking around smiling and laughing people nodding to me I nod back and sometimes we say hello to one another complete city strangers its fun and feels good Paid off my other stereo in the pawn shop with the walkman but we still have the DVD player and will get some movies out from here soon anyway love your diary and thanks for the note Pansycline gone for a month Orgami....
from pansycline :
man I hate using the word 'bored' about myself...
from orgami :
diaryland g r e m l i n s crashed it Thursday anyway I am listening to adult alternative and siouxsie sioux just went by via transponder thingy speaker system attached to my head its gross because you dont know who else was listening to them cooties or anything but life is life and its not the dark ages even though like the christians in ancient times they have gone off to fight the infidels in that desert land Patsy Cline and I listened to Kittie Wells lately too "thats why I'm just Mommy for a day..." horrible old system I listened to at my dads on the reserve while i worked on our oldsmobile 98 people thought i was touched or crazy or some kind of lost spirit come back to do vengence imagine as if I was Stuey from Family Guy or whatever and now here I am alive and well still after a long hellish three days of wondering what life is worth and why should I be alive after all the wrongs I have accomplished and Lori at the same time in a seperate room was almost overdosing on her meds because she felt the same so sad tragic love or just plain fucked upedness but we are alive alive I say in this christian world warriors off fighting the infidels its amazing I like Donald Trumps show because I like to see really smart talented young people turn into little kids when it comes down to one of them being cut from the team not much different from the street people getting to the butt cans outside the goverment buildings or the beer store or liqour store opening up and I would rush in and grab my mickey and drink right from the bottle as soon as I got away from the store for awhile hah not anymore anyway I think your drawins are so cool and the bus and subway has so many variable far outness of people and the like so sweet and so strange sometimes I used to live in Toronto and ate at the Scott Mission by the Silver Dollar all us bums sitting around in the shade eating our sandwichs and soup out of foam little bowls like tired weary soldiers not caring about being out in the open i forgot about those times I like the ladies knitted hat you described that at the end the icing on the cake good diary Pansycline I like the pages thank you O.....
from bobbysuprise :
the server is too busy to add an entry but I was in the queue(is that how you spell that??? wierd!)everyone must be getting their d-land fix now...I'm so jealous!
from bobbysuprise :
oh man I'm so glad you hooked me up with my space - right on time for the black day of diaryland. I can't even add an entry still. do I have to do something to change that? how come you can add one but I can't yet? okay well just read myspace and shit. although I tried to post a blog on there today and it errored 6 times. hopefully when they fix it it isn't posted 6 times. that'd be wierd. so I'm listening to MUSE -Absolution right now and I'm feeling uber content. wanted to broadcast that. love you, ps.czech out my new photo and comments to you
from orgami :
so it goes that my Lori and I are at a seperate junction awaiting trains somehwere in the night where the moon hides his face and cries eternal salvation and the crying shame its all just heartfelt just the same to wander lonely as the clouds and laud the laurels of the crowds where secrets slink like dormitory mice where words are placed like traps not nice and Love is hostage to the want that hunger that steals me that ache that feels me springtime up here wandering in black and My windbreaker yellow trendy not ragged as it were then not now in the HERE I wish I had hank or patsy to listen to to feel instead of this unsteadiness this loneliness again Lori and her kindom full of jokers no kings there fools errands yet she tries and tries to control those whom have no control and i am too decide to stay or leave while life there grows unbearable and further she fades from my focus (I am too get to know self) as in THINE and I wander lost because it was all knocked out of me I just have this functioning ego motivating me and i move from one thing to another in my ways and I have been alone before for ages and ages so I guess it will happen again or maybe Lori and I are revealing our true faces and we are finding the sight rather unpleasant still life is good eating well sleeping somewhat well going my own way and liking the peace liking the same old greif when yet another relationship crumbles into dust like a sandcastle in a wind storm erased slowly minute detail by detail and at any rate I probably bore you so I will take my leave and write some more of the others S........
from bobbysuprise :
cool advice hansel!<P> I just put a paragraphy thing in so I hope it doesn't just show up---that'd be embarassing HAW!<P> Just like that laugh<P> simply therapeutic is what it is - reading your diary and notes - everyday it makes me happy and lowers my blood pressure, even when it's scary like today. I'm scared to look out the window now. I love you 4eva like NKOTB4EVA!!!!!
from marie-soleil :
dude! have i toLd you lateLy that i LOVE YOU!!!!???! you fiLL my heaRt with gLadness and take away aLL my fuckin' heaL my tRoubLes, yes that's what you do. fuck, i CANNOT wait foR us to paRty down in pantytown!!! i'm up foR things like capeRs (edibLe & the otheR kind), booze, coLouRing eggs then thRowing them at peopLe, ETC. oh, did you heaR that danieL bowed out of being the emcee, that faRt. it's just me now, good gRacious!
from bobbysuprise :
gold membership huh? well well well...mubbe I shood invest uh?
from bobbysuprise :
a hernia is like a bubble or rupture or something caused by heaving lifting or holding in a sneeze haha that'd be funny to see someone who had a hernia on their eyeball - if that could be possible. so I think it's the principle that the pressure needs to escape somewhere and so it bubbles out your intestines and is very painful. I'd think it'd be easy to cure -just press on the hernia and then burp haha ok and a hemmerhoid(sp?) is like a sore on your ass from sitting way too much or something. Maybe you have both!!!! I think my brain has a hemmorhage(sp?)
from itineration :
salvia divinorum!
from bobbysuprise :
must-maintain-contact only-form-of-life lifeforms-here-much-too-primitive waaa-terrr wa-ter!!! WATER!!!!!!!
from bobbysuprise :
itineration left you a note. how fabulous. thank you for recommending that diary it is also fucking fabulous. I love you my dearest - I want to be Lady Die but I have not a place to be her. perhaps at a valentines rot n' roll partay??
from marie-soleil :
dude! oh, soRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, i mean MaRaschino Mata HaRi! don't foRget to bRing youR sLimy siLveR shiRt so we can be dance paRtneRs. i'm a littLe neRvous as i have not been pRacticing my dance moves!!! le eeks! i just found a dance RecoRd, depeche mode 6 minute veRsion of *just can't get enough*. i wiLL be listening to it nonstop untiL we meet. my legs wiLL be like lightning! my kicks, like thundeR!
from itineration :
i have never slept so well. i am still inebriated. my dreams, i cannot even begin to describe them. all of last night feels like a dream. my head hurts and i work in an hour and a half. can he pull this off!?
from bobbysuprise :
m+d are watching Donnie Darko. I bought it. yesssiree. I want to watch it but not with all the obvious philosophical comments that mom makes about how to live and what we all already know. augh. that's not the not I meant to leave though just that when I reread things I wrote I always wonder who wrote that and where I was! I remember writing it but it wasn't the same writing it as it is reading it. I wonder if that's the same for everyone. maybe I'm completely detached from my body and brain and my actual essence is always off somewhere else just sort of paying attention. kind of like me in the beginner's "advanced" fucking acting class I'm in. those idiotes! ayeet - I'm outy like a belly button on a pregnant lady. eww. I just went to the gym and I can run for 20mintues - AND I STILL SMOKE hahahahahaha!!!
from jerrbear :
Naw, it was my first FIRST kiss in seven years. I got divorced a couple of years ago; my last first kiss was with C, my ex-wife. And Angelina Jolie's lips look seriously infected or something.
from badsnake :
Oh, Pansy, I wish you'd written me earlier. I would've given you the Jesus door mat. In the meantime, if you Google-search Jesus Prayer Rug, you will get lots of journalers' references to it, and I think one might list the address of St. Matthew's Church who sent it to me.
from lilmo-fo :
phewf... i'm sure glad we've averted disastre once again!... now that we are sure... i will see you in the big smoke around march 24th... phewf... heart momo
from lilmo-fo :
good grief lady cline... when are you going to the big smoke? i was reading cherry's notes and it sounds like you will be arriving the first weekend in april... non non non mes amies... just to clarify vance and i will be there the las weekend in march... so the 24th-29th... i think vance will be staying a mite longer but not too sure... so book your billet that weekend pourfavor...
from orgami :
it aint god who makes honky tonk angels.... Thats why I'm just mommy for a day...... I cry every time I hear her voice and feel those songs here behind my rusted weary armour my Blue grey eyes grow large and I feel the page of swords burned on my flesh on my right fore arm ripple like the risen cripple touched by jesus at that ol time revival a thousand years ago echo and the bunnymen trip through my headphones and the light is the only thing here keeping me company a screen with that luminescent complexion lexicon of singers tongue she lullabyes me to wonderland with her electric cowboy moody works soon soon i'll sit again at the free library city and type my works to strangers foreign risks taking trips and hearing all those empty haunted honky tonks fulled with blood snot and tears sweat dust and reverie from the time of port holed buicks..............
from marie-soleil :
you just have to know a dude who is RicheR than Richie Rich & he has to think you aRe cute & then he'LL pay you to hang out and make cRafts with youR fRiends at his baR on sundays. he pays foR aLL the suppLies & aLL that & we just enteRtain & show peopLe what to do. and then he pays us. it's a sweet deaL. oh and thanks foR letting cheRRy & i choose between midge & big etheL.
from lilmo-fo :
its a motto... whats a motto?... nothin', whats a motto with you? buaaahahahah fun ass shit... do you really think god has a motto? damnit all to hell now... apologize later... thats kinda ironic... like rain on penny's wedding day... heart momo
from marie-soleil :
dude, no pic. maybe it's cuz youR niece isn't cute enough. ha ha! just kidding, she's a beaut.
from lilmo-fo :
hmmm.... i wonder what grampa's been doing with all that liquid dish soap... sick!... i'm not sure who keeps the score for karma points but i say you still are in the plus side of things... heart momo pspspsps see you in a couple of weeks... BOUYA!
from fleigen :
i cannot see your picture- it's just a little 'x'
from marie-soleil :
dude! look at aLL the EXTRA nice things you aRe doing. good woRk. keep buiLding up those points so you can finaLLy do something mean/funny. HOT AWESOME!
from fleigen :
so g-pa has a sensitive belly huh? haha. yah, they mighta been a little gross. but just wait for the next batch. oodalally. yah, fucking german shepherds. i hate those mofos. but i am, as of now, still in one piece....well, missing a hunk out of my elbow. but that's an entirely different doggie bag altogether. we'll see how today ends.
from lilmo-fo :
Beer in the shower... interesting... i like joints in the bath... the wife is not so crazy all the time... but she has her episodes... its like a freaking soap opera... only without the murder plot... wait... i did have my hands around her throat at one point before mr rad tore me off her... so exsmackly like a soap opera... some days good some days bad... thanks for asking though... still planning on moving out at the end of april... if i have enough cash... hows your dream geek? ps... heart momo...
from lilmo-fo :
ugh... sounds like a terriblah book... i vote no on the continuation of the book... *shudder* heart momo
from marie-soleil :
i leLOVE that we caLL him GREAT! does he know of this? peRhaps we shouLd addRess some maiL with his new monikeR. have i toLd you that keith Ritchie is going to legaLLy change his name to *RichaRd Diamond Ritchie*, oR Dick Diamond Ritchie, oR Rich Diamond (that's my fave!) so gREAT!
from lilmo-fo :
allo! well i can try and answer a few of your questions... first i think cherry has to actually look at her own diary to i dunno... reactivate it?... poop pails? = sick shit yo!.... If you can get away totally try for toronto on thursday... if you only have a limited time... vance wont be there till friday afternoonish ah do believe... or that may be backwards... try for thursday yeah thursday is the right day... as for the casino... i would suggest you new pants from max... the gold spraypaint on blue... totally hot... if you do eat the whole bag of oreos... i dont think you would be able to fit into the hot pants... as for the ingrown hairs... exfoliate like a mo fo... and try not to shave too often or wear antipersprant... this has illeviated much pain of ingrown hairs for me... as for the other questions... sorry dont have an answer... but good luck with the rash!... heart momo
from marie-soleil :
je ne seRais pas une maman, iL n'y auRa pas de b�b�. queL dommage ou queLLe chance?
from marie-soleil :
biLLy ocean sang that song foR a Reason and the Reason is YOU! how fReakin' exciting. that's sick. weiRd. fabuLous. stRange. HOT AWESOME!
from fleigen :
haha- i cannot believe you met your dream dude with the high pitched nerd voice. who woulda thought such things could happen? i'm hoping i never meet my dreams, they're too damn scary. and the people i dream about are not the falling in love type. more the kill me in my sleep type. bastards
from lilmo-fo :
holy moly... dream dude in real life... le swoon... good on ya pansy... grab life by the lady balls... thanks for the advice... i'm gonna see if i can salvage my co-dependant relationship and my romantic interest all at the same time... i knew you ladys would have some sage words... but excited about your ballzyness... good job... makes me giddy and he's not even my dream dude... heart momo
from lilmo-fo :
butt plugs = sick!... i hate falling in love with a fictional person... its why i stoped reading harlequin romances... too depressing... heart momo
from lilmo-fo :
ugh... lets try this once more... i keep losing my message... damn diaryland... either way everything was all crazylike and things may be getting better... dunno yet... but mr rad is a super dude... he hearts me and i think he's the bees knees... also points for showing his true color... wich is red!!... another dude to add to your all red head troupe... a fellow redheadian if you will... c u in the spring!!! damn Punxsutawney... 6 more weeks... boooo heart momo
from lilmo-fo :
ooh.. good grief... ebay has claimed yet another innocent soul... this i say is the worst ever for a new visa owner... ebay is my only crutch... or is it crux... the bane of my existance? either way i am 100% addicted to this evil entity ebay... it's so possible to spend way too much... just check the shipping prices on the items before you buy... and make sure you get an estimated price for shipping to canada... if you need anything let me know... who knows come easter we may be ready to join a 12 step program.... haha... heart momo
from marie-soleil :
dude! don't let vaL heaR you say that (dRess on ebay). momo aLReady bought one fRom theRe, aLas, it was too smutty.
from lilmo-fo :
i too am excited for your new novel... sounds fetching... princesses aliens and romance... teen angst... all good things... perfect formula for the bestest non potty book... see you in the big smoke... oh and the visa... totally fun and wicked for vacations... i just increased my limit and have to remind myself not to spend so much before i go... freeze it in ice in your freezer... i heard that works... take care... heart momo
from marie-soleil :
omigosh! how exciting! youR noveL sounds like the BEST thing i couLd eveR want to Read....kinda like how the gRandfatheR in the pRincess bRide descRibes that book, aLL the most exciting things! wiLL theRe be tRue love? you aRe a genius & i pRomise NOT to Read it on the toiLette, onLy if i just cannot stop to poop & must continue Reading! my cooRdinates aRe as foLLows: #4 1823 28th avenue s.w. t2t 1j9. hot awesome!
from fleigen :
hey ladybird. the whole thailand thing, big hoax.... not the tsunami of course, that was all real. chad owen is not dead. they weren't in thailand when it happened, they were there before it happened. but yah, if you could send me your little sisters email that would be wicked. the hair and i never did get along. hope things are swelling up where you are. chiau bella
from lilmo-fo :
hey you!!! ah need your email address... i'm starting a maids in waiting email troup... first order of business... meeting in toronto last weekend in march (easter...) if your not planning anyting for that weekend you should make it to g's house for fun and frollic... with us other maids in waiting... a big seat sale going on for west jet... so more details with the email... spank you muchly... heart momo
from marie-soleil :
dude! i aLmost said *non* to a dance invitation, then shook my head...IT IS 2005, HOW COULD I REFUSE A DANCE INVITATION? especiaLLy to *hey ya!* the best dance song EVAH! i snapped out of it & buRned a hoLe in the fLooR with my mad stomp dancin'! oooooodeLaLLy! it feeLs good!
from marie-soleil :
not to feaR, deaR fRiend...i have yet to shit my pants. thank goodness.
from marie-soleil :
hey fRiend! i wiLL be heading south to diRtcity on the 28th, not noRth. i think i'm going down south on the 30th. and to entice you even moRe, theRe is a Redhead in the band....anotheR membeR foR le tRoupe de Rouges. bouiLLa! i hope, Hope, HOPE you get to diRtcity on the 29th and not a moment sooneR....oR lateR.
from marie-soleil :
dude! why don't you come up foR the 29th as my dude is pLaying a show @ the sidetRack that evening. wiLL you be in diRtcity pRe-x-mas? le swoon machine!
from marie-soleil :
SORRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY! DIIIIIIIIIIIIIID I NOT TELL YOU HOW FANTASTIQUE LES SEXAREENOS ARE!?! dude! you leRuLe & i ledRooL! i can't wait to see you on youR fake f�te, the 19th...oR the 20th. i don't know how i'm getting to town yet. how long wiLL you be diRtin' aRound in diRtcity?
from lilmo-fo :
oooh poop... le crap... sick... all over your white clothes... thats the grossest thing ever... why do people insist on showing off their done deeds... and not washing their hands... how gross... that was more like a grossmare.... ick... heart mo
from lilmo-fo :
thanks for the well wishes... i almost peed my pants laughing at your murder cauchemar ... i'm sure it wasnt funny when you were being stabbed... but the butter knife?... totally hilario... thanks for the laugh knives!... wishing you pleasant dreams!... heart mo
from marie-soleil :
my fave mojito expeRience: dRinking them whiLe Riding a homemade baRge acRoss lac nicoLet this Recette: a moRtaR & pestaL in which you put the mint and sucRe & mash it up. put it in a gLass, add bacaRdi limon & soda wateR....deeeeeeeLishe! i can't wait foR the diRtcity mojito paRty! how wiLL we make them nasty? oh, we can use BEEFEATER gin, GRODY!
from bobbysuprise :
I was completely ready to pee my pants when my 3rd and final 1st semester project went up I was even wearing depends. Then they didn't show it. I've been walking around all day with a scrunchy diaper sound trying to pretend it's not me. At least I didn't have to use the ladies room today. So michelle here I am.
from marie-soleil :
dude, c'est quoi ton adresse? je ne pense pas que je peux envoyeR une lettRe �: la beLLe m�Re hoLondaise qui vit encoRe avec son ex dans une maison bLanche � Rosemont. peut-�tRe tu le RecevRais cette lettRe, peut-�tRe non! c'est une Risque que je ne veux pas pRendRe. mon nouveau mec est iRLandais, iL joue de la guitaRe et iL est �crivain....oooodeLaLLy!
from fleigen :
i called student loans today- it oly tok me an hour to get to talk to the right people, and apparantly despite all the bullshit they put me through as I was TRYING to pay my account, they sent it off to government collections, which means i can't get interest relief anymore, and i'm not sure if i can ever get a student loan again. motherfuckers. but whatev, what's your plan for the new year?
from marie-soleil :
hey maRy kay (as in letouRneau)....fRogs & pRinces, how do you diffeRentiate? i've got my eyes on a bRown-eyed handsome man whom i gave my numbeR to, as peR youRs & cheRRy's goaLs of the next month...have you been photocopying lateLy?
from fleigen :
so today the main prize was to speak with alliteration in mind. so far I have failed miserably. how far can you go with f without swearing? really now. the fubar extravaganza is unfortunately on the 18th, one day pre-bakker. but there will be more, oh yes, much more.
from lilmo-fo :
your too funny... thanks for the tips... i have a theory about prince charming vs the frog... and so far the frog outweighs prince charming always... the prince is too handsome for his own good and thats all there is to him... while the frog being not so handsome has developed into more of a human being than the handsome prince... i tend to like the frogs... so some day my frog will come... your true... periods aka jill suck... funny enough i just got over mine... hoo ha... hope to see you this x-mas season... take care my fair lady! heart mo
from marie-soleil :
i can't beLieve you sLept with a pLagiaRizeR, you diRty cindeR-giRL.
from cherrypits :
i knew a dude who was all about enemas, it was a prequel to all the fun of course. ugghhh. okay i am kidding, mostly. but enemas are great i recommend one for all of you. hope all is well and michelle if no beer can get you all anorexicky imagine what no food would do. man alive. yikes.
from fleigen :
enema city- whoop whoop. that's the key ladies. -to keep the brown off your fingers at least. though i'm not terribly sure how many dudes want to have an enema and then have your fingers up their butt. or hwo many dudes really want a finger up their arse in the first place. the main number to be reached at is 989-0923. this is where my hovel is. i'll bring the tin foil if you bring the pills. the beer is always a given. man all-mighty can things get all finicky fast.
from marie-soleil :
dude! aLL this time i thought that the way to a man's heaRt was thRough the stomach when ReaLLy it's thRough the anus! this changes EVERYTHiNG! but not ReaLLy foR the betteR. i mean, i lelove the couLeuR bRown a Lot, just not on my fingeRs, beuRk!
from marie-soleil :
thinking lemean is the best Remedy....foR ANYTHiNG! and it's fuckin' funny! as foR maRking, one of my gRade twos wRote *la bi�Re* on heR science test about liquids. i wRote to heR *comment une fiLLe de ton �ge sait-eLLe ceLa?* and she wRote me back, on heR test, *paRce que* soooo funny! have fun with leRouge!
from marie-soleil :
ps: i did not mean that what you wRote was shit...what i meant was that those thoughts aRe unhappy & not fun.
from marie-soleil :
dude! in aLL that bRown cRap you spewed, i saw a Ray of light shinin' aRe coming home soon? foR x-mas? couLd this be tRue? couLd it be you? l'amouR!
from marie-soleil :
dude, couLd it possibLy be that you aRe stiLL LIVING with youR ex that makes things so difficuLt!?! i've gotta stRap on my ladybaLLs ass sweLL if theRe is gonna be any winteR Romance. it's too coLd to bed it aLone! fuck. too many schmucks, too littLe time.
from marie-soleil :
my gypsy luck did not get you to the gRande pomme! what the fuck!?! i bLame the goveRnment. they aRe aLways fucking things up eRgo they aRe a gReat scapegoat. nobody likes 'em, which is why they lick baLLs. and they pRobabLy do seRiousLy lick each otheR's baLLs.
from marie-soleil :
RiddLe me this, fuckface! i'LL RiddLe you. what's the definition of pain?
from marie-soleil :
fRiend! heRe i am, sending goodvibes and my gypsy luck in youR diRection(say it in fRench). heRe's to secRet weddings! whoop! heRe's to new yoRk fReakin' city! doubLah whoop!
from marie-soleil :
tRipLah os-sum! i have been such an ass as of late, so fun! why is being mean so fun, i'm not so suRe. i aLso had an incident wheRe i saw this oLd lady with wicked styLe and puRpLe haiR. she was the cooLest lady in aLL of stapLes. i wanted to go congRatuLate heR on heR fabuLousness, but didn't. why? heaRt + mind = one day.
from marie-soleil :
EGADS! REDHEADS RUN AMUCK! you must Must MUST staRt haRassing Richie, cuz he has a wicked, big maRching dRum to bang on....imagine youR tRoupe de Rouges maRching thRough the stReets with a dRum!?! kiLLeR!
from marie-soleil :
dude! i mean aunti-dude! congRatuLations times une miLLion�! you can be anti- anything now that you aRe an auntie, how fabuLous! i love youR choice of fiRst aLbum & fiRst book. god, janine's pooR cRotchoLa 30 HOURS! no thanks!
from lilmo-fo :
so update on the weeding.... talked to penny dreadful and apparantly the date of the wedding in labourday long weekend 2005.... so shine up yer dancin shoes.... and leave your worries behind... thing will get better... you dont really love him anyways....chin up!... Cherios! heart mo
from lilmo-fo :
so update on the weeding.... talked to penny dreadful and apparantly the date of the wedding in labourday long weekend 2005.... so shine up yer dancin shoes.... and leave your worries behind... thing will get better... you dont really love him anyways....chin up!... Cherios! heart mo
from marie-soleil :
fRiend! i found a fabuLousLy teRRibLah bRidesmaid's dRess foR onLy 13 bucks! i didn't puRchase it, but peRhaps tomoRRow i wiLL. it's a hot pink deeeeLight, with lace and Ruched sides! HOT!
from lilmo-fo :
my mother always said "only boring people are bored" que sera sera! heart momo....
from marie-soleil :
dude!! i'm teRRibLement excit� that you aRe on *boRed* with this aventuRe. i'm on boRed with most things these days, motheR fuck. something must be done. enjoy youR gay poRnfest with le sweet bRuce labRuce....RRRRRRRawR! ps: that is supposed to be the sound that a lion makes.

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