I refuse to take the obvious approach and name this blasted diary...

"My parents don't like anything ostentatious, and they really don't like fire." - Miss Rhode Island, from the movie Miss Congeniality...

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My favorite diaries:

girls-suck profile - diary
comments: oh, so true.. but just insert boys/he/that jerk in all the areas in which girls are mentioned
sundry profile - diary
comments: I don't know what else to say, she's just good...
pulp--- profile - diary
comments: Mmm.
egoslap profile - diary
comments: Down to earth.. real. I always end up laughing insanely.
jiltedsoul profile - diary
comments: Wow.
moonwhisper profile - diary
comments: Makes me remember what it was like...
itoldyou profile - diary
comments: Um.. perfect.
savecraig profile - diary
comments: Stole him from someone else's favorites and laughed the entire time.
jason75 profile - diary
comments: Simply Witty.
dinahsoar profile - diary
comments: She inspires me. She writes with an honesty and symbolism that is unparalleled. Never fails to leave me anything but breathless...
awittykitty profile - diary
comments: Amusingly, honestly, dramatically, sarcastically, hilarious..
hardsauce profile - diary
comments: I stole her from someone else, and sopped her up with a biscuit. Just awesome.
vickithecute profile - diary
comments: Carefree, light, and brings me with her.
suzannadanna profile - diary
comments: Just a lovely yarn ball of fun.
nicim profile - diary
comments: Exudes the ache of a relationship lost, eloquently.
sunshine0221 profile - diary
comments: A kindred spirit.
bluecomix profile - diary
comments: Found myself wandering back again and again.. to see bitingly saucy entries, accompanied by cleverly funny drawings... One of those rarities, a true artist.
mixedup profile - diary
comments: A true blend. Funny, poignant, honest, and a beautiful soul.
questquecest profile - diary
comments: Elle parle fran�ais. What more could a girl ask for?
vanoonoo profile - diary
comments: Can I say... good stuff? And she says "whee!!" How can you not love that? Hilarious.
fuck-- profile - diary
comments: Sis, this one's for you. Just eloquent.
malthus profile - diary
comments: Wonderful bits of intelligent insights and amazingly astute reflections. With him you never know what you're going to get, but it's always satisfying.
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: Too much fun to describe in any concise simple phrase.
theswordsman profile - diary
comments: Exactly what he says he is, a swordsman. With lovely reflections, visual aids, and the occasional fictional tidbit. Suits my fancy just fine...
sparkspark profile - diary
comments: Saucy.. hilarious, sarcastic, wonderful.
third-person profile - diary
comments: Speaks to places I had forgotten...
endthelies profile - diary
comments: Makes me feel like I'm not alone... just read her name to see her bravery shine.
realsnoopy profile - diary
comments: Intelligent honesty, a true sweet, kind heart... doing what we all need to, grow.
pandora111 profile - diary
comments: Her tale is of mystery, and joy, loyalty, love... what in the world else do you need?
sweet-lilly profile - diary
comments: Fun, cute.. just a smidgen profound enough to be perfect
spidey-boy profile - diary
comments: A guys' perspective... I like.

My favorite music:

Fall Out Boy
comments: The music I'm groovin' to en ce moment.
Gwen Stefani
comments: Keys into my Girly-chip.
comments: Mmmmmmm.....
Fiona Apple
comments: Girl Angst... Every girl needs a little of this from time to time.
Rascal Flatts
comments: They make me want to put on overalls, line-dance, then roll around in the hay with a man in chaps. Now that's saying something.

My favorite movies:

A Walk to Remember
comments: sweet, tragic.. and beautiful
comments: Only thing that makes me laugh when depressed..
Roman Holiday
comments: AUDREY!!
Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo
comments: just amazing..
Miss Congeniality
comments: so very amusing..

My favorite authors:

J.K. Rowling
comments: Harry Potter baby!
Tess Gerritson
comments: If you read The Surgeon, you'll understand..
Daniel Kalla
comments: His style is simple... but captivating. Rage Therapy is a must-read.
Kay Hooper
comments: "Tantalizing mystery, ominous danger and a touch of the paranormal..." -Jill M. Smith. Couldn't of said it better myself.
Iris Johansen
comments: Keeps me believing in fairy tales...

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last updated: 2016-07-08 05:52:14
this user's total entries: 426
user since: 2001-12-14

AOL IM name: AngelAsia234
ICQ number: pthh..
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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