Jilted Soul


So many of my favorites have been gone for a long time. In the hopes that they return, they remain.

My favorite diaries:

fearanon profile - diary
comments: Words can not describe.
jackthripper profile - diary
comments: His words touch my darkened soul, a kindred spirit
preshusthorn profile - diary
comments: Things have changed.
luciangrey profile - diary
comments: And now my return, and his exit...forever revolving we are.
summersands profile - diary
comments: Lost in the pain of the past, and the hopes of a future, however unknown
breakthedark profile - diary
comments: Written as if torn from my soul, I can relate to it all
herdarlinsin profile - diary
comments: Ongoing journey into self-discovery and healing, one day at a time
suta profile - diary
comments: Oh how I long to hold her, unlock the many secrets of her heart and mind, and protect her from the evils of the world
publicsecret profile - diary
comments: His words are intoxicating, when he chooses to be
fightn4life profile - diary
comments: Mutual understanding that comes when I need it most
candora profile - diary
comments: He makes it all make sense, if you read it correctly
moonshine76 profile - diary
comments: She reminds me of innocence, I treasure her
luvfootie profile - diary
comments: Someone who needs to update more, as I crave words from you..
tarkis profile - diary
comments: Someone who understands it all far better than anyone else ever could
eternalbeing profile - diary
comments: Quite new, awaiting the unveiling of more
iamjackslie profile - diary
comments: He says things most people only think; I admire that
the-thinline profile - diary
comments: Her words are as beautiful as she is; I wonder if she knows this
gazrip profile - diary
comments: He's got me curious, and that's an accomplishment in itself
smoog profile - diary
comments: Amazing, beautiful, is it wrong I now wish everyone had brain surgery to be more like her?
paintedgray profile - diary
comments: Words so beautiful, it's a sin they come few and far between
nicim profile - diary
comments: I've been reading this for a while, trying to catch up. An unbelievable love story, I hope for a happy ending.
mawce profile - diary
comments: Perhaps the only one that understands it when I speak of duality
beckers-j profile - diary
comments: It's nice to read someone from my old stomping grounds
xher-secrets profile - diary
comments: Such a cute lesbian
lifeasme66 profile - diary
comments: Mature, interesting, fascinating
fallen9angel profile - diary
comments: I know your soul
vladica profile - diary
comments: Support
neverbeme profile - diary
comments: Cheesy banner, but it got me. Beautiful page, interesting so far.
becomingmoms profile - diary
comments: I'm behind...
steelcollar profile - diary
comments: Because we are
greatmistake profile - diary
comments: I am intrigued

My favorite music:

Alanis Morissette
Sarah McLachlan
Billy Pilgrim
Christian Kane

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

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diaries which list jiltedsoul as a favorite diary
last updated: 2009-02-17 04:26:37
this user's total entries: 84
user since: 2005-05-09

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Yahoo Messenger name: jilted_soul2000
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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