Insane Bartender

�A good-bye is never painful unless you're never going to say hello again�

Through introspection, my conclusion is that bowdlerising my opinions for the sake of others is only damaging to myself and indeed those others also. Hence, I shall once more harangue and bloviate here, pervicacious and supercilious as ever.

My favorite diaries:

miss-peaches profile - diary
comments: Someone who whinges almost as much as me can't be bad.
madfuzzyme profile - diary
comments: If I had the heart to rant with a sense of humour, it would read like this.
dick-rigit profile - diary
comments: This guy seems a little unstable, which is always amusing
solitus profile - diary
comments: linked for the time being so I can read a few consecutive entries
itchymicchi profile - diary
comments: as above
venusianfire profile - diary
comments: Becase I'm curious as to where this is going.
edgarfrog profile - diary
comments: It's just funny.
tailbonelust profile - diary
comments: She eats with her fingers. It's just wrong.
fuzzems profile - diary
comments: A dilectable mix of misanthropy, self-loathing and the compulsion to exorcise both through writing that is very familiar.
beagle47 profile - diary
comments: The ability to sum grand thoughts into small sentences is utterly fascinating

My favorite music:

Daft Punk
comments: The best thing France have ever produced. Fact.
comments: Music to drown out the rest of the world with.
Michael Jackson
Smashing Pumpkins
comments: Music for chilling, or for venting rage. Pick and choose.
comments: Supreme 80's & 90's pop that I just love.

My favorite movies:

36 Hours to Die
comments: Only joking. My lil sis bought it for me for my 24th birthday, it seriously sucks. Seriously.
comments: One of the finest comedies ever, and among the most quotable.
Hot Shots
comments: The first time you see this, you'll laugh so hard it hurts.
comments: Sparked my passion for sharks, a passion which still burns brightly

My favorite authors:

Stephen Donaldson
comments: If Tolkien still lived, he would know whose name is The Lord.
Sun Tzu
comments: Author of The Art of War, feared Chinese general, and father of bloody battles in feudal Japan
Xavier Maniguet
comments: Read The Jaws of Death, and take note of the juicy photos. Awesome.
Robert Jordan
comments: Any man who can write a story with the sheer epic depth of The Wheel of Time commands my respect
Peter Hamilton
comments: A wild imagination combined with a compulsive research into his subject matter

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last updated: 2007-12-31 08:08:14
this user's total entries: 158
user since: 2003-09-15

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MSN Messenger name: Insane Bartender

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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