Here is a list of dramen's favourite diary entries by other members:
Forever Young by unsentletter comment:   I don't know... just, touching, I guess. Read through it a few times. love love love love love love love love love by chickpea981 comment:   Okay, ignoring the lay-out and such, I came across this entry I don't know when, and the two lines at the end are just... something to remember. Eh. It's another rant. Go figure. by idiot-milk comment:   Valid end point, about society, in a sense, being way too sensitive to being insulted these days. I do & don't agree with it, though. by soulstrong comment:   I only read the conversation... dude it's funny lol. Yeebit ! take me out and show me the stars by ambiguass comment:   The general idea of the whole thing is just so... i don't know. But I understand it well. List by aulina comment:   The idea paragraph hits home for me. the year in review by justenough comment:   Their year-review of 2003, done in month form. At the moment (1/1/04) I feel like doing a likewise entry, but who knows. It made me feel like she really understood, and saw where she had been, and wrote it in a sort of poetic third-person, yet in first person. Heaven is not ready for one such as myself. by idiot-milk comment:   More fuel to add to the ever-going argument of 'Don't try and convert me !'
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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