Here is a list of forestdream's favourite diary entries by other members:
Spiritual Musings by whereibegin comment:   A lovely entry on the author's spiritual leanings. a chamber you will never see by dizzyfirefly comment:   A really lovely idea, beautifully expressed. Pre-Dawn Madness by alithiel comment:   The imagery is just wonderful Thoughts on futures both past and yet to come by augustdreams comment:   Thoughts on the future, with her typical optimism. awoken by antipodean comment:   Writing wake up and just know? by bassclargrrl comment:   The future - by euphorically comment:   Memories of Spain Time and Ice by la-the-sage comment:   Wonderfully written memories Why I teach by vividdreamer comment:   Thoughts on a career promise by molzo comment:   Keeping promises eucalyptus leaf by tithonus comment:   Lovely fantasy reality make believe by jomelchaton comment:   A tense moment, beautifully described - by euphorically comment:   She evokes such beautiful visual pictures with her words. Maybe I'm Crazy, But . . . by liadlaith comment:   Beautiful - so descriptive. I like eggs too :) revenge by tithonus comment:   Concise and thoughtful, as ever. love by molzo comment:   Thoughts on love - beautiful. it's 1:43 a.m., do you know where your sanity is? by superlemon comment:   A weirdly compelling train of thought fell out of the sky by jomelchaton comment:   A vivid picture material losses by odalisk comment:   Personal insight and a picture of Morocco . by omorfia comment:   It's extremely personal and I felt privileged to read it. because my love for you would break my heart in two by omorfia comment:   Succinct and true. Too terrified by molzo comment:   Deeply honest. She is always utterly honest. The Secret to My Success by soap-box comment:   Me too! Here Beginneth the Tale of Rapunzel the Witch, and Her Wondrous Hair by soap-box comment:   A beautiful story the mental image of.... by larrielou comment:   I tried to pick one of the funniest entries, but they're nearly all extremely funny. This one made me laugh out loud. If I could. by iwantoomuch comment:   I want so many of these things as well. sanctuary by bestiary comment:   Gorgeously descriptive.. Aphrodite's Adventure in PetCo by augustdreams comment:   I can just see Aph cruncing away... Officers' Wives by whereibegin comment:   A completely different world
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by forestdream as a favourite:
forestdream has 2 entries listed by tithonus as favourites forestdream has 2 entries listed by omorfia as favourites forestdream has 3 entries listed by molzo as favourites forestdream has 1 entries listed by lashlar as favourites forestdream has 1 entries listed by iwantoomuch as favourites forestdream has 1 entries listed by ivoryfaerie as favourites forestdream has 3 entries listed by euphorically as favourites forestdream has 1 entries listed by bestiary as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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