Here is a list of molzo's favourite diary entries by other members:
Rapture by prettykay comment:   with time let me by sparklytears comment:   eternally begotten The Cracker Experiement by miss-miami comment:   crackers inception by sparklytears comment:   styrofoam winds what do I want? by bassclargrrl comment:   everything's eventual boy child by i-h8-boys comment:   broken hearted God Must Exist by stats01 comment:   god exists Other self and marriage dreams by forestdream comment:   wax optimistic I voted, it's official. by molzo comment:   I voted. it's 1:43 a.m., do you know where your sanity is? by superlemon comment:   decapitation Sometimes You Win by tv-dinners comment:   music relationship drama by perceptions comment:   break up definition by silentsix comment:   happiness Special memories and food safety by forestdream comment:   The Sausages! The Matrix: Rebloated by regz comment:   matrix: rebloated the question by bassclargrrl comment:   BWAHAHAHAHA! LESBIAN! My personal doctrine by dirtguy150 comment:   personal doctrine Even the losers by mollyx comment:   jerkface dear school by dontyouwish comment:   effer unsure by paper-rose comment:   fallen embers Carnivorous Socks by augustdreams comment:   carnivorous socks You Need To Know Seattle To Miss Me by jelybeanie32 comment:   My Seattle I'm so screwed up by paper-rose comment:   forgotten love and here we lie, two broken pieces of the puzzle by contradict comment:   disappointment 010911 by crepeguru comment:   Sept. 11 nelson mandela jesus frida kahlo the world me by holdasecret comment:   silver girl Night showers and organic yoghurt by forestdream comment:   australia home again... by encima comment:   first open wide by thisisjohn comment:   magical pictures from hawaii by perceptions comment:   hawai'i Sink or Swim by un-bad comment:   love ...and so it begins... by augustdreams comment:   dildo issues with chick flicks by thefields comment:   moo by doighty comment:   p0rn TOP FIVE-ish REASONS I HATE YOU. by olei comment:   heh Marriage and Thin Cheek Walls by amoosie comment:   good stuff
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by molzo as a favourite:
molzo has 1 entries listed by wildforests as favourites molzo has 1 entries listed by molzo as favourites molzo has 3 entries listed by forestdream as favourites molzo has 1 entries listed by bassclargrrl as favourites molzo has 1 entries listed by amoosie as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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