Here is a list of goingloopy's favourite diary entries by other members:
Write what you know? by augustdreams comment:   Inspiring. Detritus by weetabix comment:   This makes me want to really figure out exactly what "stuff" is in my storage unit. Doctor, my EYES.. by clarity25 comment:   Many of her entries have touched me...but this one just SOUNDS like me. :) Momisms by iamheather comment:   Her mom was a very smart woman...and it rubbed off on her daughter. But I still like the F-word. 40 big ones in manhattan by awittykitty comment:   This is the coolest birthday present & friendship story ever. BLAHDY BLOO WHATEVER by kristintracy comment:   It's so very "approachable." i hate coming up with titles by supermom3604 comment:   "Where's that?" Read it and see. :) I'd like ranch dressing covered in cheese with a side of ranch dressing for dipping purposes. Oh, and could you deep fry the living hell out of that? Thanks. by idiot-milk comment:   Hell yeah!! I have Jesus's class ring and I held a meat thermometer for ransom. by porktornado comment:   I have no idea why, but the whole meat thermometer exchange makes uncontrollable, stupid-sounding giggles burble out of me. let's have this out, fuckers by discothekid comment:   Couldn't have said it better myself. Self-Help by i-girl comment:   Brilliant commentary on the fucked-up self-help industry. The good, die young. by juddhole comment:   He made me miss this guy, and I never even knew him. Bring kleenex.
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goingloopy has 1 entries listed by kiosh as favourites goingloopy has 2 entries listed by betchy as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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