Here is a list of insanegerbil's favourite diary entries by other members:
food rocks by girlsmad comment:   i just love it.reminds me of a night i had last year almost left by rivergoddess comment:   just pisses me off to hear shit like this going on in her life.its so fucked up. Jack, the Whore by jackthripper comment:   gorgeous Partygirl's Guidelines To Letting Go of Unrequited or Bad Love by partygirl comment:   he's not bi, ladies.he's bored. Colors, intensece by rivergoddess comment:   maniac mcgee said the same thing in the first chapter.STILL MAKES ME THINK.fuckin deep profound shit. mAh FaBuLoUz DaY w/ JaY by jayzbabiigrl comment:   in love The Tucson Story by smokin8balll comment:   homeless - by vodkasky comment:   pyschodelic speed Office space by clarity25 comment: there's a job. 1-888-BUY-METH by smokin8balll comment:   got meth? im an alcoholic by abhorgod comment:   read. .... hmmm.... by bellhead comment:   i wannanotbe her.she so rocks. I don't want this stupid fucking life of mine by girlsmad comment:   teen angst cat by xpullmyhair comment:   soulmate love. and you too are broken.. by xpullmyhair comment:   "we love the abuse because it makes us feel like we are needed" true... raspberry by abhorgod comment:   yum sex I feel fake inside. by dizzigemini comment:   list poem Emergency Room by smokin8balll comment:   bad drugs - by darkredblood comment:   yes Maren and San francisco by rughead comment:   good times sickness by girlsmad comment:   exactly. I'm lame by girlsmad comment:   teen angst why the fuck did i keep that in the first place?????? by bellhead comment:   dildo i know y by dizzigemini comment:   cinderella sentenced by suicideinc comment:   overdose my civil duty by dizzigemini comment:   this poem is exactly how i feel most of the time. insomnia is your friend by ihaveslept comment:   solitude rocks surface scratch by ihaveslept comment:   mental rape. - by doorless comment:   typing like a dumbass
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by insanegerbil as a favourite:
insanegerbil has 6 entries listed by girlsmad as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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