Here is a list of starsurfer's favourite diary entries by other members:
AVAST, ME HEARTIES! by idiot-milk comment:   AVAST YE MATEY! ME HOOK 'LL END UP IN YER EYE!! The Rules Of Auto-Eroticism by unclebob comment:   "Oh my God...YOU'RE MELTING!" boy meets girl by perceptions comment:   The if only my boyfriend could write like that. Inner Tourette's by frequencies comment:   wah waah waaahh! inner thoughts are too surreal. Bad Places to Die by zoomsean comment:   Live, I tell you! always quote hook in times of trouble by elisabeta comment:   It's not just about music. Nothing. by trancejen comment:   It was written for her. See what's become of me. by halfsorry comment:   Yes, it's still happening. fear and flying by rfb comment:   Emotions - what a writer needs to know. Threethomes by dizboy comment:   ....including Crisco. Glee! Talkin' Bout Kids. by trancejen comment:   Family fun for the i am a jackass by hodgson comment:   Um. I like a lot of his entries. ! !! But, this was a random click that led to a nice knee-slapper, yo. here's to me and here's to you by rfb comment:   Here's to Quack. Concrete proof of how girls suck by girls-suck comment:   They have proof that girls are evil! -girl- - by blankstare comment:   It's honest.
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by starsurfer as a favourite:
starsurfer has 2 entries listed by rfb as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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