messages to aaronlewis:
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from qaf-devil :
Hey just wanted to let u know that I was browsing thru sum of the surveys and I noticed on the religion one that u put that u were an athiest. Good for u!!! I totally believe in re-incarnation and sum karma as well, it's much more relaistic and....well I dunno how to explain it. I totally think that religion is sumthin that was made up thousands of years ago by ppl to help them figure out how they and the earth came to be. The Bible was just sum book of made up stories put together by a group of writers who made a guy named Jesus their main character. I was baptized but totally disagree with the entire Catholic religion cuz I think they're hypocritical and live in constnat guilt and fear. It's stupid and religion causes over 50% of the wars in the world. What kind of loving God promotes that? E-mail me sumtime, [email protected] (btw my name is Joanna)
from fatti :
You're from Boston? Well I bet you've practically stayed over at the Lewis' home! You're their neighbor! : )
from fatti :
Hey, I found you through the virgins diaryring. Being one myself, I just wanted to get to know my fellow members carrying a V-card. Wow, I thought I was reading something that belonged to me at times! We seem similar, from a glance of course. I'm an atheist that's crazy for Tool. One thing about my concert experiences that you might find interesting is that I've met Aaron Lewis three times. When they were first touring in '98 they seemed to be regulars around here. They played super small clubs so that allowed us to meet them on a few occasions. I'm defintely going to be hanging out in this diary in the future. My diary is locked, but that's just because I had to keep those crazy theists off of me. You are more than welcome to enter...just leave me a note and I can send you key. It's been wonderful finding this diary!
from staindmoon :
i know what it's like to just sit and feel like there isn't any other living thing in the world to inspire you. it sucks.
from staindmoon :
errr... me thinks the point of having a diary is so you can vent. not neccisarily to anybody in particular, but at least so you can write down stuff to get it off your back. though it does kinda make it special when people read it and empathize. don't get frustrated!!
from komradphil :
NOOOO!!! i likee j00!!
from komradphil :
very cool, liking this layout much.
from suburbangoth :
do you like my diary, eh? a lot, even? very cool. i'm flattered. how'd you find me, by the way?
from neurotic-one :
Just wanted to say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for joining my ring! Your the really first person to do so. Yikes, hope I don't appeared to over joyed! I read some of your diary, read the last few first, then was having a rough time figuring out who you were, so I started in the begining.....and your still somewhat enigmatic. Thats okay, I found a challenge ;-)
from kufuffin :
Aaron Lewis does not deserve to wear mumus though she does i have a strange suspicion that that at night she frolicks in valleys with little elves while sipping herbal tea::sounds of Erica Choking because she is being strangled by angry sister:: bye
from sweet-kandy :
I'M starting a new buissness well it is A Umm Cartoon doll making buissness. please try me out!! it is soo easy all you have to do is to :Go to my diary and e-mail me and tell me what kind of Doll you would like and ill try my Best to Make it to suit you!! thanx -sweetie p.s. tell your friends please!! (i make cstomize Dolls to plaese spread the word!!
from testify :
AHHH! Get the squeegee! Quick!
from aaronlewis :
Oh, girls just wanna have fun...(goes into the incessant chorus) They just wanna, they just wanna...just wanna have fu-un...
from komradphil :
No. that is not an option, it is never an option.

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