messages to abcook1:
(click here to add new message):

from kizzykim :
People are stupid and lame. Beasts are fun.
from dont-stop :
It's a dangerous world out there, with a lot of crazies. You don't want to hook up with the wrong person. Yeah, it's tough.
from kizzykim :
So what you really want to do is go all Virginia Wolfe on us and get a room of your own?
from bondedangel :
hiya, i live in Jonesboro, and found your diary and wanted to say hi, if you'd like to contact me my AIM name is Lollypopgagger and Yahoo is Bondedangel2001 no i'm not looking to hook up i'm happily married, but i just like the way your write:). Tonya
from alplum :
hi. i just read some of your diary and i have to say i liked it. you put everything just the way it was. no crap. keep writing. andrea
from kizzykim :
hey there Artie, It's Kimberly. Just going to tell you that I'm adding you to my AIM buddy list! My screenname is "ilovethefreshmen" (don't TTYL!

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