messages to aboutamber:
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from lmh22553 :
Amber, Many of us do not understand why you created a website on about your daughter's alleged brain tumor. Are you out of your mind?
from whybetrayus :
I also keep a journal to help deal with my eating disorder issues and have done so for years. Never has it crossed my mind to rob people of their money, trust, and compassion. I have sent donations toward your daughter before. I cannot tell you how much I regret having supported a person who has betrayed and hurt far more people than you'll ever realize.
from beenfooled :
why did you lie?
from grownupscoty :
amber sweetie i am so glad we got to talk this afternoon. you sounded so sad and it breaks my heart that i can't fix the pain you're feeling. please know that i am always here for you. don't ever hesitate to call me. my prayers will be with your family, especially kaidrie when she is in surgery. i love you amber don't ever forget how much you mean to me. i am here for you always! give kaidrie lots of kisses from me.
from rdhdprincess :
Hi, thanks for the note! You're pregnant - congratulations! Your girls are beautiful. I enjoyed reading about them, I'm going to go read more! Mwah!
from grownupscoty :
hot damn, holy shit, i think i just creamed my panties. girl i cannot believe you did that, i mean wrote that. i think i need to go ask dan for some loving now. that was hella hot, girlfriend.
from grownupscoty :
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hoping this is josh's boy finally. have to agree hilton is not top on my list of baby names either.
from grownupscoty :
i never liked jill much, i am sure that's who you're talking about. i am sorry that all hell broke loose there. i am thinking about you and kaidrie tons. kycie and josh too.
from grownupscoty :
HAPPY MOM'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from grownupscoty :
oh amber i am so sorry you had such a crappy day. i am thinking about you and saying extra prayers for you all.
from grownupscoty :
i am so glad you finally got one of these. i can promise you that you'll love it. it's a girl thing so tell josh to shut the hell up.

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