messages to ayo:
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from bindyree :
Happy 2006, and thank you for your continued presence here on Diaryland. I'm glad you're on my Buddy List! ♥
from lacuriosa :
Well, we could take advantage of verizon's minute free chatting if I had your number.... e-mail your number to me?
from bindyree :
Fandom being the community that it is, I'm sure we'll meet eventually. Persistent but unsubtantiated rumors say I might actually go to Nasfic next year.:)
from cdghost :
i enjoyed taking a look around ..all the best
from lacuriosa :
who knows if this will even get to you, but there's no damned address book button... ARGH.... I'm hoping you're burn free and I'm bummed you didn't get the job here. that've been COOL! la F

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