messages to azmad:
(click here to add new message):

from greenmind :
Oh mate! *hugs* I'm so sorry for your cat (she definitely led a good life being with you) and your blood sugar level (baking all the regular stuff and replacing sugar with sweeteners is easy and a berry pie (with rye-flour crust) is best in the world and good for everyone's health because of fibres and vitamins (and now I get a little bit carried away ^^). Take care of yourself (and let me know when me who writes nonsense in your notes angrys you who must read them.)
from greenmind :
Harassing you again! I'm so sorry for your boss, fellow (sincerely though little late)! *hugs* It hurts to lose someone you care, someone who is nice to you. If you still want to talk - I'm here to listen. I, too, lost someone really special and am still mourning. But life goes on, eh!
from greenmind :
Hah, yeah, 390 litres, eh? :) Guess what? My colleague told me today that one bag = 1000 litres! That's just sweeeet.. Anyway, my Japan trip is starting to feel like an idea doomed to fail because my Jap fellow said "You shouldn't come here in July. You won't stand the humidity and stuff. And there's no cherry blossoms." Unfortunately, July seems to be the only period of near future when I can go there and oh bloody everything..
from greenmind :
Thankyouthankyou, I'm so grateful for your help and will to share japan-ish information. Umm, I decided to visit, at least, Tokyo and Kyoto. In both cities I might have a native guide (a Japanese fellow) so I hope he'll know some of the places you mentioned. It'd be great to see Osaka and Nara as well... I have to keep in mind that nothing, absolutely nothing, is sure. Though it's hard. ^^ Thankie again!
from greenmind :
Still updating, great! Congratulations on your pay rise (hoorray!) and btw pen drives (and any other stuff gone missing) have a nasty habit to get lost in fridges or microwaves or wastepaper baskets. ^O^ At least, here. Anyway, care to give some hints where to go and what to see in Japan? Me probably (probably!!) going there in the beginning of next year. *hysterical in a mature way* Sorry to hear your plans aren't going as well. T_T ~G-who-bothers-people
from lil-kender :
I'm so glad you've decided to write again! Rah rah rah for Azmad! What hey? You're back on Diaryland! Thank you for commenting on my new (or rather old) layout too! It's 10pm and I'm dead tired and I'm not making chronological sense as you can probably guess ;) Welcome back, buddy!
from lil-kender :
*hugs* Sounds like heavy rain, ol chum. But don't let it soak you till it drags you down, alright? Think positive, buddy. And do something extraordinarily different, something that can help you get a head start. If you need someone to talk to, us Diarylanders are just a click away.
from lil-kender :
Where is Azmad?? *searches high and low* Hey buddy, a late happy 2006 to you. Post an entry or two sometimes, eh? It's enough having one lazy person around in Diaryland ;)
from lil-kender :
Aww, thank you sweety ^^ I hope things don't go worse too, but my friends know about it, and they won't let me go anywhere on my own, so that's alright. Safety first!
from lil-kender :
*laughs* I may be able to send you that mp3 over the net somehow ;)
from lil-kender :
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year, Azmad :)
from greenmind :
TOGE is perfect! ^_^ Thank you, you're precious! May I introduce Mr. Toge? ^_^/ I bet Nyoronyoro isn't in any dictionary... because if you happen to know a tv-animation called "Moomin"... one of the character is called Nyoronyoro in Japanese. After seeing a pic of Nyoronyoro and using little bit imagination, your wild guess could be quite close... ^_~ But me stop speaking nonsense now. Doumo arigatou gozaimasu again!
from greenmind :
Konbanwa, dear Azmad. Spike is very good but my friend has already Spike-cactus. >_< Life is cruel. Arigatou anyway! Yeah, "body part"...*grin* Actually I once had long cactus which look like something very familiar...Hi, what about Nyoronyoro-cactus? One of those midnight thoughts again... ^_^;; Nobody can drink too much rom. ^_~ Enjoy!
from lil-kender :
Your entries made me laugh! Thank you for uploading the piccies, they're very lovely ^_^* I saw the picture of the bamboo trees, and think that's very cool. Ahh, lookout! Kender in ninja disguises! I know you still have tonnes more pictures in your own pouches *grins in expectations* Very nice sceneries, thanks for sharing with us, Azmad! =D
from greenmind :
Pretty pictures! They're nice, so Japanese. *sigh* Where were you? What was the destination of your trip? Not Tokyo I guess... Kyoto maybe? I hope you had really nice time. ^_^ Green tea ice-cream sounds good. Yummy. Sorry to bother you.
from lil-kender :
*bounces up to Azmad with her dangling pouches* Hellloooo! =D First of all, I wanna say happy belated birthday! Hope it was a wonderful one ^^ I hope you've been well too, anymore planning to go to Japan? And have you scanned your pictures too? Me wanna see!
from greenmind :
I'm little bit late but: Otanjyoubi omedetou, Azmad-san! ^__^
from ittybittycat :
Saw one of you banners. The Ranma 1/2. My new favorite manga. You have a cool diary ^_^
from lil-kender :
Cute kitty! =D Hi Azmad, hope you've been doing well, and that life isn't treating you too harsh =( *sighs* Things are the same for me, but I'm feeling more mellow nowadays. Anyways, are you planning to go to Japan again one day? I still want to go to NZ and bury myself there, no kidding!
from lil-kender :
Hey Azmad, thanks for visiting my dusty ol album ^^ I really hope you'll get well soon... You need to be more genki for the coming Christmas, my friend!
from greenmind :
Azmad, thanks for note!It was good to hear that you're okay!*hugs*Oh yes, I can try to draw that Star Trek-picture but I'm sure that it won't be good (I have never draw Mr. Spock or something else Star Trek-stuff..) We'll see... *grins* It'll be fascinating. -- Yep. I have changed my layout, just love that psycho bunny. Oh my, I didn't see Star Trek yesterday! NO! *withdrawal symptoms* .. I really hope that someone tape-recorded it. ~Shaltra
from lil-kender :
I'm glad you're physically okay though...
from damodred :
Thanks for the notes. I could use a holiday too, preferably somewhere warm.
from lil-kender :
Azmad, we know you're back, we demand an entry or two about your Japan trip. Either that, or I'll let my kender troop loose and leave you with empty pockets! Nevertheless, I hope it was a fun trip ^_~
from lil-kender :
Thanks for the note, sweety. It's funny how I think I'm over it, when deep down inside I know that I'm not. I keep justifying myself that I'm okay so that in the end I believe that I really am okay. Hmm, that sounds confusing ^^; But in any case, I'm doing alright now, and glad that you're feeling better too ^^
from lil-kender :
Thanks Azmad! And hey, glad to hear that none of you guys got hurt.
from darkfairy13 :
Gomen! Yeah I have to catch up reading diaries, I have been into live journal too much so I am back ^_^ Thanies my birthday was eh.
from lil-kender :
*laughs* Silly Azmad ^o^ Anyways, yes, I often spell it that way cause it sounds... nicer, I guess ^^; Only on certain occasions do I spell it 'stupid' but that would be out of sheer rage, and I wasn't really upset last night but partly amused by my really dumb uni. Graah, what's a uni without it's library! Anyways, thanks for the notes, Azmad ^^ ~ Mace, the kender who puts 'o' in your words!
from darkfairy13 :
I saw your ranma 1/2 banner and had to click it, I love that anime! cool diary
from raven72d :
Tokyo Pig rules!
from lil-kender :
Thanks for the advice, Azmad... And indeed, love can be the most dangerous emotion, so true. Anyways, I hope you're in a much genki mood these days ^^
from lil-kender :
Thanks for the birthday note, Azmad! ^^
from lil-kender :
Hehe yeah, the extra i's were meant to show my geekiness on cute deers ;) Ahh, I'm glad you're learning Japanese too! I used to study the language before, but only the basic stuff. I'm currently studying Mandarin, and sometimes I get a lil confused with Mandarin and Japanese ^^;
from lil-kender :
*laughs* Oh Azmad, you silly dwarf+kenderish person. I'll still be writing here ^^ I was just referring to my brand new life when holiday starts, something that I'm anxiously waiting ^^; Thanks for the note, it cheered me up! And all the best to you too! ^o^
from lil-kender :
Heyas again, welcome back! ^^ I hope I'll get better soon too, cause if this keeps up, people may have to call me Miss Raistlin ^^; Anyways, yay for Japan piccies! You will have to put some quotes there, Azmad, and tell us where and what they are. Hope to see more of those! Also hope that you enjoyed your holiday too ^^
from lil-kender :
Azmad, you're in Japan now?? Whooo! *does kender dance umm thing* Take lotsa piccies and scan! I'm sure it's lovely there in Japan, well heck, I have no idea, but it's what I'm thinking right now ^_^ Hope you're having lotsa fun!
from lil-kender :
Is that Flint? (almost typed Gimli there *grins*) Good luck with all those things, ya? Were you going to Japan for work or solely for holiday?
from lil-kender :
Happy V-Day, Azmad ^_^
from lil-kender :
Thanks for the note, Azmad, am feeling much better now. Hoping that you're doing okay there aswell ^^
from lil-kender :
And thanks for visiting mine ^_~ You're a DL fan too, very cools! My fave character is also Tas, and I did hear he got killed by Chaos. I felt really awful knowing that... ^^; But have also found out that he managed to escape somehow, so yay! Do you know which books they are cause I haven't read any of em yet. In any case, hope you'll have a great time in Japan. Do write all about it once you're there, shall be back for more ^_^
from lil-kender :
Ranma's cool! Enjoyed reading your diary.
from jjslair :
azmad~ even though i said truce, that pic you did of a witch stirring the pot cracked my shit up! oh, and just because i said truce doesn't mean she's my big buddy now...i just want to forget she exists, basically. keep up the sarcasm - i love it to death! jj
from evil-edna :
Heh, heh. Stone throwing......ah, it's almost Drumcree time again ~vomits~. Oh, and you forgot the dash in Evil-Edna. Yeah, I'm a lousy nit-picking critic. No, I won't sod off :-D
from evil-edna :
Oven gloves dear boy - works for handling both mad cats and insane cockatiels. Hey, you haven't seen Fred yet, have you?
from damodred :
he's such a cute kitty. even though he is trying to kill your hand. i always wanted a solid black cat.
from evil-edna :
AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH! ~runs off to plot fiendish revenge~
from dariadevil :
i would pay.. no, you name the price! ;o)
from evil-edna :
Pah - it's an honour to know me in real life......although maybe not for a couple of other diarylanders......*miaow*. Anyway, what the hell was I gonna say. Oh yeah, sleeping tablets. You do realise you build up a resistance to them after a while?
from evil-edna :
I swear to whatever I was thinking about you tonight as I was driving around - how you'd closed the diary, I haven't seen you on MSN and you're never in Diarychat...Then again I haven't been on much either. I was gonna mail you so I'm chuffed to see you updating. Now, you're not allowed to die soon because I'm trying to get things organised for you to come visit a couple of days soon :-) I need a couple of weeks to pay off some more bills, but then I'm gonna look at the work schedule etc and see what we can plan :-)

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