messages to azriel:
(click here to add new message):

from zuzus-petals :
Happy New year! Miss your words! - Zu
from zuzus-petals :
Again, it's been WAY too long since your words graced this part of the planet. I wish you strength through difficult times. Did you ever read (or see the movie) the Accidental Tourist? There's a great line... "It's not whether or not I love you that matters. How I feel about myself when I'm with you.. that's what matters." Something like that.... provocative.... - Zuzu
from zuzus-petals :
Look, look, you're here.. you're back, you're writing! So wonderful to see you there. - Zuzu
from snow666white :
hey...I enjoyed reading your most recent entry...I can very much relate to it... your thoughts are like a black hole...sucking everything up and turning it inside out...lovely musings, indeed!
from operastar :
i've taken over the diary "fword". it's a collaborative website serving the purpose of getting feminist ideas, poems, quotes, and essays out into a public forum. please send any feminist related contributions to [email protected]
from clashluver :
wow, you sound like Francesca LIa Block. I'm in love with your journal. Check mine out if you want, I'm not nearly as good though.
from unresolved :
thank you so much. xoxo
from peixe :
In my opinion you remind me of a 12a.m. romantic and dancing poet... if you don't mind I would like to continue to read.
from gc-rules :
Hey! Just dropping by! You have a really good diary and you write really great entries :) I put you on my favs! <3

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