messages to beckybaggins:
(click here to add new message):

from grt8f84me :
Hey...where ya been? Miss you! Hope everything is going well! Hope your doing fine! Hope to hear from you soon! ((I can't think of another sentence that begins with HOPE)) Miss ya!
from candoor :
love that birthday pic (Happy Birthday, still! :)
from summersands :
.. was hoping for a Sox loss last night, but Ortiz had a field day on the Tampa Bay ;)
from grt8f84me :
Hey, sorry to hear about the news from the doc. I'm sure you will kick this things ass if needed. Makes me think that I should get in to get one of these done, being that I'm turning 40 this year and have never had one. Yeah, sounds like a plan... Massive (((hugs))) to you, my dear!
from summersands :
.. How's the Red Sox nation been treating ya .. it's been a tough year as a Yankee fan.
from summersands :
.. that was pretty scarey stuff last night with Clement, hope he is ok.
from summersands :
.. how about those Yankees! (wink)
from grt8f84me :
Missin' you...everything OK? How you doing on our self-help project, missy?
from grt8f84me : you doin' today? I hope you feel better! Just rest, rest, rest...a laugh or two probably wouldn't hurt. Hmmmm.....
from summersands :
.. thanks for the note my friend. I'm not sure about another run out to her doorstep .. but you never know (I wished she was there). I'm hoping we bump into each other this summer, I sure miss her .. I just wonder if she ever wonders about me? Great pictures from Fenway by the way, I love the Yankee vs Red Sox rivalry!
from grt8f84me :
Hey, Sister! Hope you feel better. I can attest to the fact that beating the hell out of someone with their own arm works wonders! Ask Hombre! Smile, Chickie!
from kstyle :
thanks for kind words about my pics! :)
from beckybaggins :
Thanks, Beck! :-) Hope you have a great day too!
from beckybaggins :
I'll leave my own note for yesterday's entry. "Wow, Beck, no wonder your back is so effed up! Sorry you had such a lousy day yesterday. Hope today is better!"
from grt8f84me :
Yes, of course you can e-mail me. Just click on the link at the bottom of my profile. I hate to admit that I did not get up and workout this morning as I was supposed to. But I will make it up tonight. I'm so excited!! Can't wait to hear from you!
from grt8f84me :
Hi...I would love to buddy up on our endeavor to be fit!! That might be the encouragement I need! And thanks for the words of support in regards to pushing my son to concentrate on school...I'm just afraid that he's going to try and take his sweet time in figuring out what he plans to do next, ya know! Have a great weekend!
from grt8f84me :
Ooops...sorry. I posted the wrong response to you! My bad...but thank you so much for your note. So, what's your opinion? Is my banner right on the dime? Am I cracking up? ((laughs hysterically))
from grt8f84me :
Hi...Yeah I know what you mean about how sad it is to be reading someone's diary...I guess it's about as sad as having to vent all your feelings in a public diary. LOL But hey, it's what gets me through sometimes. Thanks for the note!
from bindyree :
Ahhh Iggit, blah!
from tommy212 :
that's good news! i am very happy it turned out not to be cancer, and i can only imagine the relief you do feel.
from tommy212 :
Prayer said for you. Good luck, Becky.
from tommy212 :
diaryland is stupid and won't let me unlock my diary. for now, username is tom, password is tom.
from tommy212 :
#7 is Jenny Says by Cowboy Mouth, of course :)
from bindyree :
Hi, thanks for the comment, and I have only guessed one line from one song. I'm glad you wrote. :-)
from roebean :
Nope -'s easier to keep up with my family if I concentrate on one diary :)
from mackaj :
i looove the oc too, as much as i hate to admit it!
from hissandtell :
Hi - I stumbled onto you through ms roebean and have been enjoying the read and your wonderful photographs. I shall be back! Love, R xxx
from kstyle :
thanks for text message, that was sweet!
from roebean :
Hey there, didn't go to school in NY, my uncle was principal at BHS over there :) I went to HS in North Adams
from roebean :
Hey Becky! No - my store was on Route 7, but I do know Spring Street in Williamstown quite well!! Did you go to HS in upstate NY? Curious :)
from tommy212 :
I'll be rooting for the Sox here too! I wanna see them spank the Yankees.
from tommy212 :
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one!!
from tommy212 :
I just heard about that accident on the Cowboy Mouth message board too. I think Marvin really influenced a lot of people and had a great passion for life. It's very sad.
from swingerdiary :
Thank you for your very sweet note on my diary.
from kstyle :
thanks for the text message! it's so cool to get one in the middle of the day, wherever i it!
from tommy212 :
You should definitely see Shrek 2 before Van Helsing, I saw them both and Van Helsing was pretty bad, and I wasn't expecting much. Of course then again Hugh Jackman doesn't do much for me. Shrek 2 was the best movie I've seen in a long time. Oh, and thanks for the good luck in my triathlon, I'm afraid I'm going to need it. Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
from cdghost :
enjoyed reading your entries very much
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from fattomato :
Hi. Thanks so much for reading my diary. It's very boring compared to yours but I'll get into it eventually. Good luck with your weight-loss.

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