messages to benzene:
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from famoustn :
Thank you SO MUCH. You honestly have no idea how that made me feel. Just-thank you!
from swimmmer72 :
HaHa!! That's a hilarious entry!!! Very inventive of you, even if it didn't work! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Very nice! I really like the layout and the graphics and can't wait until you get it just how you want it! :)
from swimmmer72 :
YAY!!! New webpage! And yes, when you write, I visit! :)
from transgress :
um, excuse me, is there something wrong with oversize sweatshirts featuring kittens and bluebirds?!
from urbancadence :
Thanks so much for your thoughtful note! :'-)
from swimmmer72 :
Great pictures! It looks like interesting work! Are you near Pymatuning again? :)
from urbancadence :
I'm baaaccckk! :-D
from swimmmer72 :
I've seen those horses!! Both from Beaufort and from a boat chugging along toward Cape Lookout. Not at night, though, which would have been pretty cool! :)
from swimmmer72 :
I enjoyed your pictures from Pymatuning a few entries back. Are you originally from NW PA? I'm from Erie and the video of the carp made me smile! :)
from urbancadence :
Hmmm sparkly wig, huh... POST PICTURES!!! Pleeeaaaassseeee!!! Hahahaha!!! (Gawd, I'm so lame!) :-P
from urbancadence :
Of course, I also meant to say... YAAAYYY, congrats on finishing up your field work early!!!! :-D
from urbancadence :
Who is that hottie in the white cowboy hat? WOOOF! (Sorry) :-P
from transgress :
Yes, Columbia having a different atmosphere than Maryland is a serious understatement. But whatever, it's done with now. Sounds like you are having a much better time with grad school than I did. Congrats on finishing your first year!
from urbancadence :
Hey there! Yeah, I'm being a bit giddy right now, and I'm pretty sure you can relate!! Hahaha! Don't you love this 'honeymoon' phase of relationships? You should totally set up a more private journal where you can write about relationship stuff without having to worry about the audience. Also because I'm nosy that way. Ahahahaha! I hope you're well! :)
from urbancadence :
Thank you so much!! ;D I hope you are well! UPDATE!!
from urbancadence :
Thanks so much for your support. It's just so surprising, sometimes you think you know someone after spending so many years with them, but they completely surprise you by their actions. I've been very depressed the past week, but I think I'm finally starting to come out of the woods. I'm slowly taking steps to build walls around my heart to block him out. Slowly but surely! Thanks again for your note. Really appreciate you! :)
from urbancadence :
It's a deal!!! YAAAAYYYYY, GO US!!!!! :-D
from urbancadence :
Whoa!!! That's HUGE!!!! Big fat congratulations to you!!!!!! I mean... DUKE! WOW!!!!! I know you're gonna have QUITE a celebration this weekend! Yaaay, go you!!! :-)
from urbancadence :
Thanks, you :') I'll get there... and all I can do for now is to keep telling myself that until I actually get there. But I will! :)
from urbancadence :
Could you be any more sweeter and considerate?!? Don't worry about me, just because I'm down in the dumps doesn't mean that the whole world has to come to a grinding halt :) You're completely entitled to have a great holiday season and feel good about your life, and since it's your diary, you have the absolute right to say whatever you want without having to worry about being sensitive to others. After all, on any given day, there WILL be someone who's down in the dumps, that's just the way life goes! Allows me to live vicariously anyway, so please don't worry! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year... and bless your heart for being such a genuinely kind and caring soul! :'-)
from transgress :
Don't worry about the GRE too much. I did TERRIBLE at the GRE and I got into my first choice. Of course, after I'm in, I find myself back in that uncertainty position that you talked about putting behind you. :)
from urbancadence :
I'm taking the GRE too (the subject test too), and I'm absolutely dreading it. Sorry that it kicked your ass. The MCAT kicked mine (twice), so believe me when I tell you I know what it feels like :) Don't you love how the GRE does NOT measure your intelligence, and neither does it measure your potential in grad school, but you still have to take it (and pay $$$) anyway? Just wonderful! :(
from transgress :
Grad school ISN'T as daunting as I thought it would be. I think that's part of my problem! Anyway, thanks for the encouragement!
from urbancadence :
I didn't know there were anybody who still liked Macaulay Culkin! :) He was walking around the show all by himself, and nobody seemed to even notice who he was. That's LA for you, I guess. As for Banksy - I'm glad you enjoy his stuff, I've been a big fan for quite a while now, and while I'm absolutely stoked that he finally did a show in LA instead of the UK where he's from, I'm sad that he's not so 'underground' now with all the exposure he's getting, and thus not so 'cool' anymore :( But still, he makes pretty strong and important statements, and his work is just so entertaining. I didn't see the NY Times article, but they did a little piece about him in the LA Times, and all they could talk about was 'cruelty to animals'. GRRR, it's PAINT! It doesn't hurt, and the elephant DOESN'T get killed after the show!!! But I'm glad that I was able to introduce him to ya! Hope grad school apps are going well! :)
from urbancadence :
Heehee, thanks!! ;-)
from transgress :
CONGRATS!!! I can't say I'm not jealous because I haven't even set a defense date and I'm kind of running out of time, aren't I? Yes, things will in all likelihood turn out fine for me, but I just like to be an overdramatic asshole to myself. Anyway, congratulations again!
from urbancadence :
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Tha's some awesome stuff to add to your CV!! :) I have a big phobia of giving talks. In fact, I'm scheduled to present at two research conferences next week. I plan to chug down a couple of beers before them so that I would be relaxed. If I don't, I become so nervous that I talk at hyperspeed and trip over my own tongue over and over again... and I end up making a complete ass of myself. Even more formidable is the Q&A session... I'm always so mindful of the fact that I'm presenting to a room full of people who may know a lot more about my research field than I do. Hmmm... come to think of it, I'd better make that a couple of beers AND a Valium. Anyway, congratulations to you! Happy graduation!!!! :)
from transgress :
Did I ever tell you that you must be the smartest person alive? I'm in the process of writing my thesis right now and it's the most frustrating experience of my life. You seem like you really enjoy your research though. I'm impressed! :)
from urbancadence :
Don't you just hate these grad school people who think that they're sooo damn great? I hate to see what kind of professors they become. No wonder we have so many horrible teachers these days. Anyway, my lab studies animal cognition, learning and behavior. I think you'd be interested in what we do :)
from urbancadence :
Thanks for your lovely note :) I know I'll survive one way or another, but it's not knowing exactly how that's the killer. Life really sucks sometimes!
from urbancadence :
I just realized that the link you sent me was a satire. Not that I thought it was actually real. Not for even an iota of a second. Uh-uh. :-P *blush*
from urbancadence :
OH MY GAWD!!! Is that link you sent me for real? Not an intended satire or spoof? There really are people THAT stupid?? No wonder the world is going down in shits!!! :) Well, I'm glad there's at least two of us sane scientifically-minded people around! Thanks for the laugh!!
from masala- :
Hey! Thanks for worrying about me! Actually, here in Austin we're not going to get much more than a little rain and high winds most likely. Very glad it decided to turn and go further east. :)
from urbancadence :
Aw, thanks SO much!!! I'm gonna need ALL the luck I can get! I really appreciate your sweet and kind thoughts - THANK YOU!!!!! :-)
from travelgirl79 :
Glad to read about you! Take Care
from urbancadence :
Well, your type of lab work makes mine appear like a Disneyland ride any ol' day, so I really have no right to complain (but I still will, 'cos I just can't help it) :-) Hope you're having progress, and thanks for stopping by!
from urbancadence :
Biology :)
from urbancadence :
To do lotsa dirty work in the comfort of your own home, there's (in case you haven't heard about it). I almost never search for journal articles in the library, I get what I want from my warm and cozy casa :) Viva la internet!!
from masala- :
Hey! Thanks! :D
from mistresyo : Ahi esta la nueva encuesta. ^_^ Saludos!
from mistresyo :
HOla! Gracias por contestar la encuesta ^_^ Dentro de un rato voy a crear una nueva tambien en espa�ol. Y ya estoy pensando en mandarte una lista de los generos de musica ibero y latinoamericanos. suerte, xoxo Carolina
from mistresyo :
HOla! Gracias por contestar la encuesta ^_^ Dentro de un rato voy a crear una nueva tambien en espa�ol. Y ya estoy pensando en mandarte una lista de los generos de musica ibero y latinoamericanos. suerte, xoxo Carolina
from mistresyo : I don't have your e-mail so here's your holiday's Ecard. I hope you like it
from urbancadence :
Woohoo! Cell bio... fun stuff!! Heehee! Good luck with the exams!
from urbancadence :
Hey! Thanks for stopping by :) And nah, you can't be anywhere as dumb as Idiot Girl... she makes George Bush look like Albert Einstein. Really makes me wonder how she got into college :)
from soul-glimpse :
hey how's it going? pretty well here--it's nice to know there are other intelligent people on the planet who appreciate richard russo! empire falls had such an impact on me. anyway, umd? basketball season's going to be fun :) hopefully unc won't choke too badly. have a good weekend.
from mistresyo :
Hello!! I just want to let you know that I read your diary ^_^ XOXO Carolina

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