messages to betenoire05:
(click here to add new message):
from life-my-way : |
I noticed. Welcome back!!! |
from mom-on-roof : |
Ha! Square tires! Keep peddling, you'll get there. |
from moodymama : |
i'm jealous. i want/need new appliances! :o) |
from hsing-mom : |
WOO HOO LIN!!! I would have LOVED a high school like that. I hope she has a fantastic, wonderful experience there. |
from hsing-mom : |
do you maybe have "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or whatever it's called? It's basically wintertime depression, believed to be caused partly by the lack of light in the winter months. Must be a real pain for people in, say, Sweden or Norway.... At any rate, I hope you're back to yourself. Take care. :) |
from me-undaunted : |
happy belated anniversary! :o) |
from mom-on-roof : |
Great entry! Don't get old. Great advice! |
from mysticwhisp : |
Damn right you can wear low rise jeans and all I have to say to you and Demi is YOU GO GIRLS!!! :) Spirit |
from mysticwhisp : |
Enoyable read! Spirit |
from mom-on-roof : |
Finish that movie! :) I can't remember how it ended, but it was a good one. Please drop me a note to remind me of the plot, it's bothering me now! I mean really really driving me nuts! |
from neurotic-one : |
Hey something is going on with all the guestbooks...when I click on, I'm redirected to a search engine., Mr. Rogers was a Navy SEAL....I find that so hard to visualize. He was such a darling man. |
from dizzy-dame : |
Hey, this is Frazzled Imp. Due to certain people in my personal life not having the common sense that god gave a banana feeling the urge to delve into my journal, I�ve decided to pack my bags, and move to a new location. Since this move isn�t intended to thwart my regular readers who have nothing to do with me on an intimate basis, I�m just making the rounds and letting you know where I�ve gone. You�re still welcome to come read, if you�d like. You can find me at: Take care! |
from mom-on-roof : |
A nuclear power station a day keeps the palm tree away. Did you see what your randomizer thingy generated?!? Love the list, am compiling my own in my head and am getting more annoyed by the minute! |
from witcheepoo : |
Jake say's Thank You!! He won't keep a hat on for more than 10 seconds!! I hate it because I bought so many cute hats for him! But his costume has velcro under the chin, so he can't take it off. I ordered it on-line at The Tom Arma collection. They have tons of cute costumes. Good to hear from you again! |
from witcheepoo : |
Hey thanks for adding me to your favorites list. I've just started, so not many people read me. It's good to know someone's reading my babble. |
from mom-on-roof : |
My 4 yr old son: Mom, I have a little one, but dad has... (eyes wide as saucers) a GIANT one! Of course my husband loves to tell everyone this story! |
from witcheepoo : |
Hey There_Thanks for the comments. I enjoy reading your diary. Good luck with Lin, my thoughts are with you. |
from crystal42 : |
I'll keep you and Lin in my thoughts. I hope the docs say she's fine. I know what you're going through...a mom's nightmare when her "baby" is hurt. HUGS! |
from mom-on-roof : |
"He's on my last nerve and bouncing." May I please borrow this one from time to time? |
from mom-on-roof : |
"He's on my last nerve and bouncing." May I please borrow this one from time to time? |
from mom-on-roof : |
"He's on my last nerve and bouncing." May I please borrow this one from time to time? |
from me-undaunted : |
hehe, you are too cute. nyquil does nothing but make me sleepy, if i can manage to get past the nasty taste of it. |
from hsing-mom : |
OK, THANK YOU SO MUCH for making me spew diet Coke through my nose. THAT HURTS. Seriously, I really needed that laugh, sinus misery or no. I am so glad you left a note in mom-on-roof's diary so I could find you. :) Keep it up. |
from mom-on-roof : |
I'm so glad you found me, so I could find you, love your diary, laughing my ass off, your husband and his pink shirt and red hair, looking boiled, I spit my ice tea out my nostrils! And when you woke him up so you could take a nap, just 'cause you're bitchy that way, I said, at last I have found my twin sister, tragically separated at birth! |
from me-undaunted : |
good plan! i ate a disgustingly huge piece of chocolate peanut butter pie for breakfast and sat with my headphones on. :o) |
from me-undaunted : |
glad it's pink and not flourescent orange! |
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