messages to bethel1467:
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from sunstarr :
Thanks for the kind words about me in your profile! You just made my day!!! Hope to see you update soon!
from widyaz :
Hi. I remember you one of the first people who left me a note in my diary. I haven't really been by your diary and today, as I was reading all the notes I've received and wondering whether I should take some of them off, I saw yours. So now I've dropped by and read some of your recent entries. Interesting. Hope you are well.
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks so much for adding my diary to your Diaryland favorites!
from widyaz :
Been awhile since I heard from you. Hope you're fine.
from hornstar :
Thank you for the note. Aaron and I don't often have cross-over readers so thanks for taking a read.
from aaronorear :
I've not had the unfortunate situation of sparring over faith...not yet. I did, as an atheist, take the other part when my lack of belief was attacked. I fear the day when someone comes looking to pick a fight, as is sure to happen when there's a stiff white collar under my chin. Though I have to admit, there's some part of me (inherited from my combative mother) which will relish the struggle...I don't go looking for fights, but when they crop up I'm a terrier. If you're goaded you can only respond with honesty. It's unreasonable, of course, for someone to bait you into a discussion and then get offended by what you say...but perhaps some people can only come to peace through conflict. C.S. Lewis had to thoroughly trash Christianity before he could accept it...he had to know it could stand the test of his own intellect. It sounds to me as if the person you sparred with pretty much invited you to, then insisted that you, say she's bound for does seem that people outside of Christianity think that we all see things in such black and white terms and that we believe because it's all so easy. That's the effect of televangelism for you. This is starting to ramble... Anyhow, far from providing any insight of my own, I plan on following your good example and demurring until the line is drawn in the sand and I'm pushed over it! The Peace of Christ is nothing to start brush fires over. (P.S. - remember when you left yourself a note intended for me? I've now done the same thing...I'm going to erase it, however...)
from aaronorear :
If venerable means slightly goofy and fussy, then yes...the Anglican Church is a whole LOT more venerable...
from bethel1467 :
o dear lord. . . . i went nuts just being separated by a few states. i couldn't handle the thought of my beloved (or me for that matter)being in a war zone . . . . that your co-worker can handle such realities (i pray) is a testement to the endurance of the human spirit.
from aaronorear :
Every time I start to feel bad for myself I remember my co-worker, whose husband has been in Afghanistan since the day after their wedding...this past summer.
from aaronorear :
Thank you...I have some catching up to do. I enjoyed your latest, about the creative bender. Good idea, not to question...just ride. And what are you, in league with the Dean's wife? Hornstar and I won't be thinking marriage until we've lived in the same city for a while, like a real couple.
from blue-flag :
Having a great time in sunny you were here! ~~blue-flag, formerly known as thrennion
from thrennion :
Just a quick note to let you know that someone I know found my diary online, so I'll be moving it in the near future. I'll let you know when I've got a new diaryland address!
from aaronorear :
Though you weren't looking for assurance it's assurance you will get...I've always found your diary to be a true celebration of life - even the nasty or annoying bits of life, which are harder to celebrate but part of the picture anyhow.
from widyaz :
thanks for bday message! re the training exercise, no it didn't seem silly, to my own surprise i must say. when the simulators (press, casualties, "missing people") were briefed on our roles we were all tickled by the idea of creating all that drama for our colleages and the student body. but on the day itself everything kind of clicked together. cos i think we realised it would actually be more fun (not to mention helpful) if things were realistic and people really felt under pressure. some of my non-simulator colleagues wanted to laugh during the exercise, but because we didn't break out of our roles they got focused and went with the flow. hope i've enlightened you.
from widyaz :
thanks for visiting my diary! once the nightmare of monday is over (i'm GMT +8) i'll check out your diary too. :-) god bless.
from aaronorear :
What, exactly, he expected a small dog to do is beyond me. Small dogs are genetically bred to lay at your feet playing with chew toys.
from aaronorear :
Beautiful entry...thank you for that.
from sunstarr :
i am sorry to hear of your unfortunate situation with your eye surgeries. why have yu had to undergo so many surgeries? feel free to email me--- goldie1208 at aol dot com--- meanwhile, i found the entry concerning hubby's hernia surgery and thought you might be interested in reading it: i hope you have a wonderful day and i look forward to more correspondence with you!!!
from sunstarr :
i found you through a banner... prolly will be back for more. in the meantime, can you tell me something? are you due for a hernia surgery? just wondering... my hubby had one back in Oct. have a great day regardless!
from thrennion :
Thanks for stopping by! I've added you to my favorites so I can keep reading your diary as well--I'm really enjoying it.
from aaronorear :
Your description of dinner, homework and the bedtime story was lovely. You're a very lucky man...
from aaronorear :
My mother "discovered" Art Bell driving home from her late-shift job, and called me the next day to insist I was just so funny/enthralling. My personal favourite Bell moment came as the Lewinsky story was breaking. Art was stunned. "I can't believe it," he said. "I simply cannot believe what I'm hearing. It's beyond comprehension. Oh, well. Our next story is about a UFO sighting, during which some sort of cloaking device was utilized..." Classic.
from velvet-heart :
Mhmmm. I see
from aaronorear :
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