messages to bibliophilia:
(click here to add new message):

from seme :
Thank you! I have no idea what today will hold.
from ladiebug :
oh my god, congratulations!!!! i hope you have a great 2005 - so glad to see that you're alive, well, and thriving!! big hugs, anna
from the-book-bag :
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for adding me to your favorites list. -cat
from molzo :
Not true. I like to read anything about you.
from yvette18 :
I just wanted to say hello. I am going to be a good sparkler, and get to know the other spark members better.
from tofukiller :
I LOVE YOU I MISSED YOU And I was looking through my old guestbook entries and I tracked you down BUAHAHAA. <3
from girl-aflame :
Wow, thank you, what a generous offer! I don't know how to use FTP but I can certainly learn, in this vast resource ocean of the internet. I really appreciate that, thank you so much!
from molzo :
I just thought I'd come here and tell you that I love you. I mean, I really love you. I was hoping this new knowledge of my *true* feelings for you would return your illusions on love. Did it work?
from bethany9 :
hey, great design, and your writing is very irreverent. kudos! i'll add you to my faves. keep on truckin!
from ladiebug :
i'm sorry if i caused you trouble :(
from creepatron :
I didn't read the entry, and now it's gone? Damn you, my curiousity has been officially peaked.
from thespark :
Ahh...a nice little note from me. I'm sorry your name was absent from the site for so long, but it is there now. I'm doing a lot of administration crap today, so you should be all up everywhere and fine and dandy...just before I close for the new year! I hope you can understand my late start and hang around for update madness this coming year. I'm really glad to have you!
from mainsqueeze :
Glad to find your new diary. And you MISS EXERCISE. You are much, much better person than I. Happy holidays.
from gabriela83 :
Welcome to The Spark!
from zoneoutgirl :
you can make it. nice dairy.
from molzo :
I run a diaryring/community. I'd like for you to join the ring.
from virginmary :
oooh oooh oooh! i just figured out who you are, my dear! thank you for the kind words as of late. loved the cooperstown pics, too. :)

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