Be cool my babies

I'm superstitious. Whenever I start a new movie I kill a hobo with a hammer.

My favorite diaries:

jcrowell profile - diary
comments: Ouch! That's going to bleed when my heart beats.
baxe profile - diary
comments: I must be a robot. Why else would human women refuse to date me?
aerialroots profile - diary
comments: I'm not a robot like you. I don't like having disks crammed into me... unless they're Oreos, and then only in the mouth.
amblus profile - diary
comments: Drugs are for losers, and hypnosis is for losers with big weird eyebrows.
andrew profile - diary
comments: If it makes you feel any better, his body was vaprized so there no chance he'll come back as a zombie.
facepunch profile - diary
comments: The tanker has six-thousand hulls, so, unlike me, it's entirely leak-proof.
chickie-legs profile - diary
ebm profile - diary

My favorite music:

They Might Be Giants
comments: I've seen them thrice. The Johns are the best!
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
comments: Giant hair, excessive sock rocking.
Sondre Lerche
comments: I wear his tshirt so much it stinks.
Cree Summer
comments: Creators of my current themesong.
comments: You've never heard of them. I'm cooler than you.

My favorite movies:

Delusions Of Modern Primitivism
comments: You're not oppressed, you're from Houston.
comments: It almost made me throw up three times. DVD extras are even better!
Wet Hot American Summer
comments: You mean penis in vagina?
comments: 957?
Gone With The Wind
comments: I'm not ashamed. Those costumes rocked! (Brett Butler looked like a child molestor more than a hero)

My favorite authors:

Kurt Vonnegut
comments: "Slaughterhouse Five," "God Bless You Mister Rosewater," "Cat's Cradle"
Ayn Rand
comments: "Atlas Shrugged" "The Fountainhead"
Tanith Lee
comments: "White As Snow," "Vivia"
Mark Z. Danielewski
comments: "House of Leaves" will change your life, and I don't usually say lame shit like that
Vladmir Nabokov
comments: "Lolita," "Pale Fire"

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last updated: 2006-06-30 10:56:52
this user's total entries: 1151
user since: 2001-04-01

AOL IM name: KillerBombshell
ICQ number: s are for queers
Yahoo Messenger name: cherrygrl222
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