messages to brile:
(click here to add new message):
from janie12975 : |
Leah, you haven't been around in forever! Where are you girl and how are you doing? |
from marlen816 : |
Boy, do we have cute kiddos! I love that picture of the girls. And your weight loss pics are great! You look so awesome! I love your hair, too. I meant to tell you that Saturday =) |
from marlen816 : |
Yea for updates! Glad to hear that the holidays went well. And go you for the weight loss! |
from thecrankyone : |
some of my best baby memories of Warren are snuggling together at bedtime. |
from mamaness : |
Congratulations!!!!! |
from broken-bits : |
Hey :) I found your diary while looking through someone elses profile. Let me say I think your diary is a great read and I think you are a very special person for what you have been through with trying to have a baby and I am glad that it finally happened for you :) Anyway I have added you to my list of favs so I can keep on reading you. |
from marlen816 : |
Leah - I am praying for Salem's little bowels, but I just have to tell you that reading your diary always makes me smile, laugh and cry. She is such a little miracle. It still amazes that she is even here and to hear about her growing and development just is so incredible! |
from starfishchik : |
yay! Thanks for accepting me into the ring :D |
from lightedpath : |
Hello! Lighted Path is now up and running! You are more than welcome to come and add your site to our Christian Directory! Can't wait to see what God does in and through us as we all work together! - with much love, Christy |
from marinedream : |
no problem!! |
from heath85 : |
DC TALK ROCKS! I just joined the jesusfreak diaryring. I love JESUS he ROCKS ME WORLD! |
from hot-gal : |
i love the jesus freak song by dc talk!!!! "what will people do, when they find that it's true.... |
from godroxmysox1 : |
Hey. I really would like to be in your diary ring Jesus-Freaks. If you would read my diary and let me know if I could be in it that would be great. [email protected]. |
from alienbutrfly : |
your welcome and thanks for making the ring :) |
from lilstar114 : |
Hi! I really want to be a part of your diaryring. I signed up for it about 3weeks ago, and I was wondering if I got in. God Bless! -ReAnna |
from mandahb : |
hey! i'm just responding to ur entry on my guestbook! no we're not identical twins. and we don't look anything alike except for some features in our face! haha! God bless, mandah |
from bepmama : |
I am praying for your family Leah, especially for your for your little girl, that she stays strong and healthy. I am so sorry to hear about your precious baby, and having had a stillbirth myself, if you want to talk, I am here.{{{{hugs}}}} Jen (gilmanmom) |
from drem2001 : |
Thanks for letting me in to the Jesus-freaks diary ring! I hope I get to meet other people who have dedicated their lives to Jesus! |
from mamaness : |
They don't have any times on that site, but i'm finding out what time the birthday party (sat) and baby shower (sunday. lol) are at so I can see if we can fit it in. Theres Church Sunday too. Sheesh, busy weekend ;) It looks like it would be fun, and sounds like they will have a good play area for little kids! We may be able to go sat morning. Yay. |
from mamaness : |
Course you can list it. And tell me more bout that baby faire. OH but the boys have a birthday party to go to that day, so nevermind. Also we are moving in next door to andrea & peter in a couple of weeks!!! :) |
from themama : |
Wow what a weekend. The clock sounds nice though, heh. I love on the border. mmm I wonder where MIL is wanting to eat for Mothers day. Hmm... I am guessing you missed my news, this is aisling. . hee. I just realized I was logged on wrong, or well different! ;) |
from jessieescola : |
hi, it's [email protected]. thanks. sorry i didn't have it anywhere for you to find. last time i put it up, i got a ton of junk mail. grr... |
from tara10573 : |
I'm so sorry to hear about the lose of the third baby, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Many (((hugs))) & take care |
from ashes2pearl : |
I am locking my diary and giving the username and password to all those who have me listed as a favorite diary Username Guest Password Guest Ashes |
from chasingastar : |
yes, yes we can. thank you for being polite, coherent, and understanding in our correspondance and in your correspondance with my friend. even in your entry about me. thank you thank you thank you. le sigh. |
from brile : |
No problem. I don't mind people disagreeing with me. I am quite opinionated myself and don't want to be called names. We can disagree and debate and talk without all that. |
from thefields : |
i both understand and agree. (i don't think you and i are actually having a dispute.) i did want to tell you that it was lovely to talk/correspond to someone courteous who didn't resort to calling me "skanky" out of the blue as if that was a response to my opinions, or at all even coherent. <3 |
from brile : |
The meds at the most would have been $3000 and there are many drug companies which offer programs to people with lower incomes. Adoption is a WONDERFUL option. But it is not plausible for everyone. Even if we had paid full cost at $15,000 it would have been cheaper than $25,000 and waiting more years. You're right. Infertility treatment doesn't work for everyone. Neither does adoption. They are both wonderful options but some one who chooses one option over another shouldn't be criticized by someone especially if they haven't been through the situation themselves. |
from thefields : |
hello there. congratulations on your pregnancy :) while i understand it may have been cheaper for you (and some people) to being fertility treatments, i stand by my opinion that in the long run, those treatments can frequently be more expensive than adoptions. you aren't figuring in the costs of your meds, (which i don't think everyone has donated, my friend did not), the actual costs of birth, other treatments than in vitro fertilization, or the costs of getting those treatments repeated should they not work the first, second, or however many times afterwards. it cost my friend over $100,000 after several unsuccessful fertility treatments before she ended up adopting a three year old boy in her area. while i commend you for looking into bi-racial and international adoptions and m glad it cost you only $5000, i still don't think that that is the norm. |
from ke-ll-ey : |
Hey, congratulations on your pregnancy...! I just found your diary and I'll be back - keep up the great writing! |
from lilditzychic : |
hey! |
from evee77 : |
I'd love to be added to your ring. Im 15yrs old and Im just writing anything that happened in my day and what god did in my life that day. Since I am 15yrs old Im going to write about my friends and whats going on with them but God is my main priority. My diary is open to you, God has made you strong. Evee |
from oostaroo : |
Thank you so much for the compliments! |
from ashes2pearl : |
Hey Girl~ Thanks for the inteview it was great... I enjoyed flipping through your diary and I am going to be adding it to my favs... It's hard to find good clean diaries that inspire! I too love in TX- Beaumont. I would enjoy chatting with you sometime of have AOL IM and MSN if your interested let me know! God Bless!! Ash |
from red-ruby : |
Hi, Love your diary! I'm trying to conceive too! Just joined "Iwannabeamom". Live in Texas too! God richly bless you!! Red-Ruby |
from juniperaz : |
It's looking good, Leah!! |
from juniperaz : |
Just wanted to leave a quick note and let you know I stopped by to check it out! ((Hugs)) |
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