messages to brkfstfnys:
(click here to add new message):

from luxolive :
My wide head helps me swin, see, and hear REALLY WELL.
from besty-boo :
I love your name.
from inaptbeauty :
hi i added you in my DTC (diaryland trading cards) collection. wanna trade?
from dirtnerdluv :
Ice Cream Sandwich Cake! Thanks. I'm going to remember that one. I think I can make it without messing it up.
from amblus :
Hi, are you me? Because I just bought fancy new sunglasses and haven't be able to wear them. Like a fly in my mother stinkin' chardonnay. Also, Sam Rockwell? Are you his other fan? He's my boyfriend, he just doesn't know it yet.
from amblus :
Hi, I had NO CLUE there was a movie version coming out of I Capture The Castle? Exciting! The book is great. Now, you suggested The Princess Bride, which I've read many, many times, so hit me again!
from dirtnerdluv :
ha! i just got home from a movie and dinner. BUT right before i went to the apple store and bought an aircard for my iBook. i hope i have an easy time installing it also.
from dirtnerdluv :
and i like your novel selection for the friday five. about five years ago i was visiting my friend in Pittsburgh and we went and found the "cloud factory" from the book. and then we got drunk and ended up at that pizza/burger place everyone ends up at.
from dirtnerdluv :
i'm grabbing the swell tv trays this weekend!
from dirtnerdluv :
VMA passes! What a score. Free stuff is the best stuff. And I like how you named all the people you saw for us. Good job!

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