messages to cagedspirit:
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from thisisjohn :
so true about dland. i remember chatting and AIM and all of that. now ive sold my soul to the soulless social media. this WAS social media here though... and it was great. now its a boneyard.
from taik :
Thank you very much for your words.
from cdghost :
hey, i came across your words and enjoyed them very much.. have a good one..the cdghost
from moonrattles :
I've thought that for a long time, too. I may have said it aloud only once or twice. That's what a few to many beers will do for you. Thank you for leaving me a note. B.
from kideternity :
hey-- if it's not too much trouble-- could you e-mail me the track listing for the "because I can" mix I made you? thx KidEternity
from kideternity :
missed you there for a while... hope things are better in rob-gordon land KidE
from guessitsme :
i totally spelled gandhi's name wrong. god, i'm tired.
from mini-mermaid :
hey - found your diary by chance. very good points on the video game thing - i totally agree.
from senza :
hey i liked your diary a lot. came across it by chance.would you mind if i add you to my faves? bye
from perceptionss :
Thanks for the nice note and email. I would have answered back sooner but I tend to get very sleepy this time of year. I hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself. Eric
from leggs1228 :
Hey darlin - I am glad your spirts seem to have picked up!
from kideternity :
hi, i found your diary from guessitsme...i like you, too. so i'm glad both of you exist. i would bake you a cake, i like you so much. =)
from darkangel182 :
you think coldplay doesn't make sense, go listen to system of a down.
from leggs1228 :
WTF does SMWAA mean?
from emygal :
I love you, SMWAA!!!!!
from sparklefae :
Hi! Thanks for the note, I had no idea I was so complex. Fuck is the best word in the english language. Or my favorite at least. My mother always said I had a direct sewer line, not a potty mouth. Anyway, thanks for the note, did you pass your Shakespeare mid-term? I love him, he's the bestest. I'm not just saying that cause we share a birthday either, I've loved his lyrical writings since I was 9. Anyway, thanks again. Don't read my newest entry, it's boring as fuck. Just warning you ;0) Jessica*SparkleFae*
from dynamitekid :
I'm back from the motherfuckin' dead.
from emygal :
BOOBER...I'll say. Hehehehe. Luv ya SMWAA.
from emygal :
Hey baby, just wanted to tell you that I love you. SMWAA.
from de-vil-angel :
Hey, wow thanks so much for ure note, it wuz so damn nice, it just made me feel so good, i dunn really know why. The burning sounds kinda cool. How bad are the marks it leaves? Cuz these cuts are way too much trouble having 2 keep them hidden, a burn would be less noticeable. I just alwayz liked the cuttin 2 much 2 try anything else. I hopefully won't do it but if ever the need arises and I can't push the feelings away I'd go for that. And ya, I'm just wondering.... I just wanna try and be happy tho ya know? I really am trying. And I know that I'm not done the self-injury shit for good. But hopefully for a while. I hope u manage to eventually stop too. I found u tho cuz u know how if u click an artists name it shows u other ppl who have listed that artist as their faves? Well i wuz lookin at ppl with Nas in their faves. I added u to my AIM by the way. And seriously, thank u so much for ure note. It just somehow really meant a lot to me. It wuz like so big brotherly or something. I dunno cuz I ain't got a big bro, lol but u know wat I mean. Oh ya and that entry bout the mint skittles wuz so hilarious!!!! Anyway keep them posts coming. Later. And thanks again.
from de-vil-angel :
oh ya and about the song lines popping into ure head...its been happenin 2 me quite a lot lately, and i agree, its fuckin freaky.
from de-vil-angel :
ure layout ownz and i love wat u write. keep it comin
from dynamitekid :
Fucking awesome entry. Just perfect. I'm ghost.
from cagedspirit :
Whoo! New layout for my diary. Ain't it purty?
from dynamitekid :
I will talk to you later bro. I feel better with that off my chest. Ooofah, time to watch Boogie Nights.
from dynamitekid :
from bobbipuzel :
Hello! You have a most lovely diary! :o) I will be sure to stop back in soon! Please take care! ;o)
from dynamitekid :
Hey, jesus christ! I iwhs I kinda had a messed up life. I'm just in a disfunctional family like every other slob. Anyway great read bro. Chuck is a smart guy of course he would talk to you again!

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