messages to calynda:
(click here to add new message):

from karika :
hey, u dont no me but i just found ur diary and i thought id leave u a note sayin hi...feel free to look at my diary since i looked at urs...hope u write back, peace
from blaiyze :
So nice to hear from you.
from blaiyze :
How are you today?
from blaiyze :
Thank you for adding me to your list of favorites. *Blaiyze bows and hands you a black rose*
from darkrose1782 :
Hello I know that you dont know me, but I have been reading your diary for a while. You dont have to read mine, but I enjoy both of yours. I'm sorry to hear about your mishap with your step-mom is it? well just wanted to write to tell you what I thought. -Rose
from pennygirl :
I really like both of your diaries....-Pipey
from sesshomaru :
you are a very interesting person.
from yamakingj :
I too am working on a novel... fun stuff no? Anyways, good luck and if you feel like reading my diary, I have an excerpt or two from my book in there. J
from kynalynn :
Thanks for explaining. :)
from calynda :
*chuckles at Dhari* . . . that cough's getting bad . . . . maybe you should have it looked at . . . *smiles and pokes Kyle* . . . yeah . . . we'll just blame it on you . . . not that I'm ever really on when I used to be on . . . or anything like that
from calynda :
I love these online diaries...not that I'm ...*coughs* ...nosey, I to read them now and then. *laughs* Nice work on this one Hollie, thanks for letting me see it. :)
from yokohead :
Congratulations, you've joined the ever growing ranks of d-landers. Heh. I'll drop by here pretty often, we never talk enough over ICQ anymore. =] Mostly my fault, I'll admit. I have to change that.

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