messages to cheerboi:
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from kirtalynn :
"Doesn't it take more courage to live than to die anyway?" I like the way you think. I read some of your diary, and I liked it. I mean, not that I find happiness in other people's sorrow, but it lets me know that I'm not alone, I guess. Anyway, I hope you and Michael can work things out.... *Hug*
from soul-letters :
this is pretty remarkable <333333 rainy ♥
from afitchbaby87 :
Wow I thought that I was the only person in the world that felt like that. Now I see that there actually are people who just wanna die or crawl in a hole somewhere just as much as i do. But to keep yourself going it helps if you just think that maybe tomorrow will be better than today was or maybe that the world isnt meant for you but you are going to make it. And if you just dont worry about what others think (which can be really hard, but somehow you have to) you can make it. This may sound really cheesy but think happy thoughts. And smile as much as possible
from chezpierre :
aww, ur diary makes me sad for you :( *tear*
from simplysoli :
Where do you cheer?
from rarwhoisthis :
hey baby! your diary rules...hardcore. you seem like the cutest, sweetest guy around--plus your a cheerleader, all the better! check out rarr, its the crazy adventures of two college freshman...a cheerleader and a dancer. you'll love it!
from jasun02 :
Hey what school or comp sqaude do you cheer for, ia m a cheerleader 2.
from mpython :
i like your diary
from sinevil :
I hope you don't love harry potter toooo much. Could hurt your rep. yeah.
from cdghost :
from cheerboi :
how does this work? >_<

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