messages to chicknstrip:
(click here to add new message):

from boxx9000 :
Happy Easter. I love you!
from boxx9000 :
0000000000000000000000000000000 0000000777770000000777770000000 0000077777777700077777777700000 0000777777777770777777777770000 0000777777777777777777777770000 0000777777777777777777777770000 0000077777777777777777777700000 0000007777777777777777777000000 0000000077777777777777700000000 0000000000777777777770000000000 0000000000000777770000000000000 0000000000000007000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 I stole this from Kitty-Kaboom..... Anyways, I wanted to be the first to say Happy Valentine's Day.
from irishdream :
LOVE the new tattoo... your hair always looks good to, haha. DARN YOU GOOD HAIR AND TATTOO PERSON! ~J's
from black--daisy :
whooaa! your new tatttoooo is awesome x 2349857489574895!!!!
from irispetals :
*hugs* darlin it'll be ok. :) Chin up.
from real2reel :
I've got a message board on both real2reel & alteraction, so please go to both and add a message or four. Thanks. John
from chicknstrip :
god, i hate that movie.... everyone loves it, but i fucking hate it!
from piecesof8 :
Hi there, this is Pieces of Eight, a new fanlisting for avid Pirates of the Caribbean fans. Would you care to join? Please check it out!
from black--daisy :
you get to see some pictures of my shexy ash when i get a shexy digital camera for x-mas! yeaah booii!
from santoshchase :
It looks like the internet has developed an entirely new breed of neurotic. "(If you read this diary WITHOUT my permission and find something in it that hurts your feelings, it's your own god damn fault. You shouldn't have been snooping around in my personal things.)" I am near positive anyone who'd go as far as to publish any personal insight on a public web-server, for which the publisher paid for web space, wouldn't be able to come very close to hurting my feelings. Granted, if my feelings are hurt, I have justly been advised it would be my "own god damn fault" for "snooping around" said publisher's "personal things." I wish you the very best, chicknstrip, in maintaining an existence free of nosey, web-voyeurs, confused into thinking that your publicly published, "personal things." Very best, Santosh
from voidlife :
I am leaving this note to inform you that I have changed my diary. I will no longer be adding entries under the name: voidlife. If you wish to be added onto my buddy list then you may E-mail me at: [email protected]. Thank you for being a devoted reader ~Shell~
from irispetals :
I want to learn to draw like you. teach me oh wise one.
from pornoviolent :
from voidlife :
-poke- read. -poke- your. -poke- comments. -poke- please? -poke poke- ^_^'' ~voidlife~
from planetcookie :
Thanks for the compliment on my diary. I designed the template myself. :0) Your diary made me cry from laughter!
from irishdream :
Nothing sexier than a toad, I dig it, I'm down!
from irishdream :
You're diary fricken kills me, it's hilarious. Love it.
from mzletty :
hey interesting pic and interesting name
from black--daisy :
from black--daisy :
Thanks, that truely made me smile! Thanks for your comfort-ness! Your right, I don't need that asshole..
from mistycreep :
*hugs!* thank you, i cant believe i sprained my thumb last night and now it hurts like hell! wahhh! now i hve to get ready for church. grrr i wish i could sleep some more and just lie down and do nothing! oxoxmistycreep
from frayed-skirt :
Hey KB! I'm just wondering how I can get one of those things that you can do the comments at the end of each entry. (That was a mouth full!) Do you have to have a paid account to have those? Anyways! Thanks! Love! *joy
from black--daisy :
from black--daisy :
from mistycreep :
That is an amazing arts! Thanks for the note, I don't normally cry infront of my boyfriend, until Dean showed up. I never really did to my exes before. I really don't know how Dean did it, but he managed to make me say things that I don't normally say it. He wants me to tell him what I'm thinking, even though it can be terrible or stupid, or whatsoever. So, he asked for it. Oh, and he managed to make me cry, and get all the emotional out of me but now he tells me I should try control myself lol. I honestly believe you should always BE YOURSELF around everyone, but I know sometimes society sucks, and it's hard to do that. It was for me, but not anymore, I just be me whether people like it or not and of course, I don't intend to try hurt them. :oS Gee..i'm rambling...sorry. Mistycreep
from black--daisy :
lol! yay about the pics! I had no idea you were an artist! awesomely awesome!
from black--daisy :
wow! your a really good artist!
from irispetals :
Talk about a backwards life. :) <3 I want a monkey too, btw.
from frayed-skirt :
Thank you for the note! I really appreciate it. When people read my diary, it makes me want to continue it. So thanks again! -Joy
from no-yes-maybe :
I just had to tell you how amazing I think your layout is!
from jennnnnn :
I read your diary without your permission. I am a horrible, horrible person, I'm not going to lie. But I loved it, just so you know.
from black--daisy :
well thankies! yes, lolly pops are made from brilliance, and yes, marco is lame. ^_^ rock on till zee end!
from alteraction :
I can relate to the underwear thing. I never coordinated them with tops, but I always made sure they said something clever. Now, I don't care at all, I don't even wear underwear anymore. Its fucked up.
from real2reel :
I thoroughly enjoy your diary. I've read quite a bit of your entries and it had consumed a lot of my time. The one about people getting killed in fires really made me laugh, I know, I'm a sicko, but I don't give a fuck, it was funny. You could check out both my diaries, real2reel or alteraction. The latter one doesn't have too many entries, I just started it. I just wanted to tell you you're cool. You're cool. Later. John
from spit-swallow :
Mr T rules!!! I met him at a baseball game once...
from chuckfilthy :
from dust-settle :
so i clicked your banner, enticed by the promise of a booty call and get mr. T instead. definitely a halloween trick.
from black--daisy :
great Diary! i love the template and i like writing style (dont ask, im just stupid like that). again, GREAT DIARY!
from lady-malfoy :
I'd appreciate it. :) lady-malfoy at diaryland dot com, obviously.
from lady-malfoy :
But but but...I was just startin' to read you!
from chuckfilthy :
this IS peepee talking.." i love my diary it's me!" THANKS THANKS THANKS, LOVE YOU MUCH this is greg talking "isnt greg a lovely name? also, sacajawea is a lovely name."
from leesey619 :
hey--just wandering around aimlessly and somehow stumbled on your page--you're a cool gal and i really liked reading what you had to say-it's rare that you find someone who doesn't abbreviate words with numbers and someone who doesnt list all of the days activities on diaryland, or anywhere actually. you're fun and one of those "rare" one-of-a-kind people--i can tell. good for you! Lindsey
from liliocaloni :
hey baby could you not have my new journal on you links please i want no one to see it but us...who knows what personal stuff imay write
from boxx9000 :
Your new diary template looks incredible!
from cherry-x :
if you give a mouse a cookie- the best book ever.
from luminaryssh :
thanks for joining my cheatedon diaryring!
from apocalipx :
i love how it still knows my name... =)
from cdghost :
gee thank you very much.. you are very kind..i am sure i will enjoy reading whatever you write..take care..and be well my friend.. XXX
from cdghost :
you are gonna make me blush :)
from cdghost :
i like reading your words..especially about watching the the sky is always cloudy
from liliocaloni :
thats true it is pretty fuckin hilarious because she is such an idiot
from liliocaloni :
why did you put that conv in your diary?
from liliocaloni :
Yes honey he will and he does always feel that way in the morning. you know it, your just afraid that he is to perfect so it seems as if you are placing bad on him when there is none. Just try to enjoy it as much as possible, K? Love you sooooooo much
from chicknstrip :
just me, only me....

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