messages to classclady:
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from deepblue3 :
I just took your survey. The song was "Mary Moon" not Mary Moan! ha ha ha ha. Funny. But you quoted NIN so you are one class c lady in my book. ;)
from kimbarley :
Hey girl. Just wanted to drop another note to let you know that I'd hang with you. I love reading your diary and I love how you don't give up even though at times it seems the only way. I did have a question for you... do you have music coded in to your page? It only plays when I check out your page at my friends... at work, no music. That is all until next time. :)
from picsistic :
Hey Classclady. . I'm new to diaryland and I just finished taking your lyrics survey and looking at your page. You seem like a very interesting person who has a lot of the same likes and dislikes I have. And the fact that Dave Matthews is playing on your website was like icing on the cake. Love him. If you want, shoot me a message sometime or take my survey. I'd love to get to know people and I don't know anyone yet. Take care.
from beagle47 :
i call those i really care about monkeys so i look forward to ones that fly in on a wing and a prayer bringing secret messages...
from nixtress :
it gets easier. the kids? I promise, it gets easier. I've been there, am still there. And as much as it rips your heart out every time you give them back and as much as you bleed and cry the entire ride home, I swear to you that eventually, you numb up and it doesn't cut as deep. They adjust and you adjust, and although it's not speedy, it does come about. And being resilient as they are, you'll come to mind it more than they do, and that'll carry a sting all it's own. I've been there, and am still there and if you need to talk, I listen well. Keep your chin up, strong lady.
from ryan8-5cut :
kidssuck kidssuck
from sadgreeneye :
Hey! Thanks for the note. You've got an awesome diary. I'm a little humbled that anything I write would mean that much to you. Which one did you like? Thanks again for the note. --Joshua
from kimbarley :
Amen to your post today my dear. There were many times people told me I was stubborn or angry or whatever else they picked to label me by. None of them understood that the passion that I used to fight with was the very thing keeping me alive. Stay on your course, use what you have... this whole thing has probably taught you so much. I know my personal experience did. I hate what I went through but will never regret nor want to take back all that I learned about myself. I have limits, yet the strength far exceeds them. When I read some of your posts I at times feel like I am looking in a mirror. OH and thanks for visiting me... your little note made me smile today.
from laugrace :
I have been thinking about you constantly since I started reading your diary. I can imagine the pain you must be feeling but remember that your kids will always be your kids wherever you are. I believe that everything happens for a reason even though we may not think so at the time. It will make sense in the end. Still, as a mother of 2 beautiful girls, I "take my hat off to you" for handling this horrible situation as you have. You are wise beyond your 24 years. Good Luck
from candid-revu :
Want your diary reviewed? Try candid-revu for your reviewing pleasure ;) *This isn't spam, we just want everyone to know we're open for business!* (shameless promotion, we know�)
from squirrelx :
Dear Grace: I'm so sorry about today's decision. Beyond sorry. Beyond the beyond of sorry. Please know that you are in my heart and my prayers as you rise above this travesty. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from beagle47 :
Hello, thanks for visiting and "buddying" me. I enjoy your; keep it up!
from slickasgrace :
hmm me a nice man? you set your goals to low. shining armor always becomes tainted and rusty
from squirrelx :
As one bathroom crier to another ... I so much relate to your latest entry. We have to take heart though. This holiday stuff will be over in less than two weeks. We just have to tough it out a little while longer and then we can make fresh starts come the first of the year. 2003 has got to be better than 2002! Best, Xtine
from squirrelx :
Dear Grace: Leave it to you to write a note that brings [happy] tears to my eyes! You've been goin' through a lot of dark times yourself, but you still manage to shine brilliantly, bringin' much needed light to the heart of a friend. As ever, Xtine
from squirrelx :
Dear Grace: I can well understand why you might be feelin' kinda scared and alone these evenin', but please take heart. The angels are watchin' over you. Some wars can be won with relative dispatch, others require that many battles be fought, but regardless of what happens tomorrow, you will ultimately prevail. I'll be prayin' for you. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from squirrelx :
Dear Grace: I know you're goin' through some very rough times right now and I'm beyond the beyond of sorry about that. You're in my prayers. You WILL prevail. You've got the heart, strength, and spirt to rise above any obstacles in your path. As ever, Xtine / Squirrel X
from squirrelx :
Dear Grace: Thank you for the reciprocal words of encouragement! Your support is almost as amazing as it is sustaining to me ... what a miracle to be throwing one's heart out into the wild blue yonder of Diaryland and have other hearts come flying back at you. When I started writing entries, I never expected any rewards other than a sense of release. I'm beyond the beyond of grateful to have made a friend. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from squirrelx :
Dear Grace: Your recent entries, like all the rest, are gutsy and inspiring. There's no doubt in my mind whatsoever that you're well on your way to 'becoming' every magnificent thing you've ever dreamt of. Stay the course! If it's not too presumptuous to speak for your fans here on Diaryland --- we're all pullin' for you! Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from squirrelx :
Dear Grace: The entry I wrote about my mother yesterday elicited quite a few responses from the good folks of Diaryland, but none wiser or more compassionate than yours. I truly thank you for reachin' out with the verbal equivalent of a hug just when I was needing it most. Like you, I have a 'paid friend' who's supposed to be helping me detoxify my psyche and therapy is working ... up to a point ... I guess. Funny thing though, I seem to do a lot more healing through contact with kind-hearted kindred spirits such as yourself, so again, I sincerely thank you. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from squirrelx :
I just want to thank you for your infinitely kind words and to compliment you on your diary's brand new look. You may be struggling with HTML code [a situation I can related to!], but it sure hasn't stopped up your creative juices any. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from squirrelx :
Bless your heart for adding my diary to your list of fave raves. I really appreciate the kindness and I've added yours to mine because I also appreciate your writing. It's both 'classic' and wonderfully eclectic, IMO. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from classclady :
The email from Mr. Potato Head- What is the todd experence that you keep writing about? Are you daitng this guy or what?

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