messages to cmzewalk:
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from liveversion :
i'm pretty sure you can change the template on the guestbook. i've seen other people with some crazy designs, but i'm too lazy to do anything other than change the font.
from jenikka :
You got a cute new design! I guess you don't need my help. Sorry. :( But I like the layout you have now! It's pretty!
from theremainder :
by the way the layout thats in theremainder right now is not yours.
from theremainder :
i hope this all makes okay sense.
from theremainder :
well it seems the server is busy so i can't upload your layout onto theremainder at this moment, so i'm going to email the code to you. ALL you need to do is copy and paste exactly what i send to into the diaryland HTML editor, and if you don't like it, just take it ut again. easy as that. :) with regards to your questions about guestbook layouts, i believe lex makes some free guestbook templates. i don't have a guestbook myself so i can't make a matching one for you. have a look at lex's site (it's linked on beautify) and see if there's anything there for you. look out for that email, okay? xo
from rollerqueen :
i've noticed you've got yourself a new design of your own. i don't know if this means you don't want my custom after all, but now you have two options. i have uploaded the layout at if you like it, you can view the source code, copy it and change what you need to change (all the links are configured to your own username, all you need to change are the %%short_description%%, %%date%%, %%time%%, %%entry%% and %%prev%% & %%next%% links), or you could let me have your password to change your layout myself (if you want it). i must stress that all the people who have requested customs before have let me do it this way because they are unsure of how HTML works. i wouldn't dream of changing anything other than your HTML or "hack" your username. please also bear in mind that you can change your password, let me change the HTML with the new password and then go back to your old password so that I don't have access to your diary in the future. let me know what you're going to do. thanks a lot for requesting and i hope you like it. if theres anything you want changed, or if you don't want the layout, then also tell me. thanks. xoxoxo
from rollerqueen :
hey, it just occured to me - have you checked out it's a site which helps with HTML. i know its for kids, which gets annoying, but it explains stuff very clearly and it's the best one i've come across. hell, i even use it sometimes [quite a lot actually] and it might help you to check it out. xo
from rollerqueen :
try copying & pasting the example i gave you straight into the Diaryland HTML editor, and just replace "username" with your own signmyguestbook user name. you're going to want in between the tags </map> and </td>. i think its quite easy to find where those are in the code. tell me if there are any more problems okay? i am working on your alyout at the moment - it should be done fairly soon. x
from jenikka :
If you want some help, just email me ([email protected]) and let me know what you want the page to look like.
from rqdesign :
okay, to make a text link you need to put this in the html code or in an entry: <a href="http://whatever site you want to link">a description</a> for example, a guestbook would be <a href="">guestbook</a> - hope that helps. to link your email address all you have to do is go to "change my email setup" in the members area and follow the instructions.
from rollerqueen :
hey, this is bex from rqdesign. you have no email address linked from your diary so i'm leaving you a note. if you want a design, all i need is a brief outline of what you might want - if there are any particular colour schemes or themes you like. if not, i do have a spare template i made today out of boredom you could use. it's got words in the background kinda like the cover of rock steady by no doubt. or, of course, i could start something new. let me know. thanks :) x

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