Ooh, look at the thing there! Wow!

I'm Jenikka. I am a nerdy overachiever. That's what most of what I write could be about, so I might bore you easily. Then again, I might write a bunch of useless poo. You'll just have to find out.

My favorite diaries:

raven72d profile - diary
hattermad profile - diary
squarelife profile - diary
peteypuke profile - diary
cmzewalk profile - diary
chimericalme profile - diary
fallenelf profile - diary
oh-yum profile - diary
shiftngshdws profile - diary

My favorite music:

Pizzicato Five
comments: Liked them since I was about 15 years old. My first taste of that sweet, sweet Shibuya-kei.
Tommy February 6
comments: Very cool, Japanese/Euro, new-wave type music. Je t'aime, je t'aime!
comments: Cute Mexican pop-punk that makes you dance around your house like a total spaz.
comments: Yes, she made a CD, and yes, it was very good.
comments: How can you not like her? She's Bj�rk.

My favorite movies:

comments: Cute! Perfect! There's nothing wrong with this film!
comments: Christian Bale. Taye Diggs. Sci-fi social commentary. Hoo.
The Eye
comments: Chinese horror film. It actually scared me more than Ringu managed to do.
comments: Japanese horror film that didn't scare me, but I liked it anyway.
I Married A Strange Person!
comments: Bill Plympton film, full of telekinesis and boobies.

My favorite authors:

Gabriel Garcia Marquez
comments: Of Love and Other Demons
Pablo Neruda
comments: The Sea and The Bells
Laurell K. Hamilton
comments: The Anita Blake books are addictive.
Ai Yazawa
comments: Paradise Kiss is funny, cool, fabulous, and all those other good things.
Angela Nissel
comments: You must read The Broke Diaries! If you're broke (like me), it's even funnier.

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last updated: 2004-02-02 05:00:36
this user's total entries: 29
user since: 2003-02-20

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