messages to consigliere:
(click here to add new message):

from schmance :
Wow! I'm so, SO happy for you! Well done.
from hulabelly :
Whoa! Who is mean to you? Lemme at 'em! Lemme at 'em!!
from hulabelly :
Awww...hugs to you, sweetie, I hope you get something soon. And can I have one of those cookies?
from deb-e-ne-ne :
Unfortunately (or fortunately...) it doesn't seem that your hole theory holds true in this case. As endearing as that was, there are many nonendearing/annoying qualities I discovered after spending ample time with him Saturday. So we're just going to be friends for now. Definitely just friends. But it's ok. Maybe he's got some cute, normal friends...
from hulabelly :
I'm a bad person to ask for this kind of advice. Now that I have a job that I love and a doofy old boss that I adore, I often push people to quit their jobs if they are unhappy. So... QUIT! And then take a trip to the southeast!
from foxy-jeanne :
So does that mean you don't hate me for delaying law school (maybe indefinitely)? :)
from janest :
That is exactly the kind of store I wanted. Real estate is what killed my dream -- for now. Ooh, I don't know where in the DC area you are, but I fell in love with a bunch of locations in Alexandria on a visit last spring. Of course. I always like the areas that cost too much.
from hulabelly :
Oscar The Grouch is often seen in the company of Slimey The Worm. They are the best of friends!
from briddy-b :
You are the sweetest. Thank you for your kind words, doll. It's been a mere four days and I already miss it! (Not to mention the fact that it was a great way to track my last teeth cleaning, the last time I saw certain people, etc). Maybe I'll come back soon, perhaps not. I am, however, saving tons of time! All that writing was taking a chunk out of my day. Anyway, thanks again. You keep up your fab diary. xoxo brids
from deb-e-ne-ne :
Good luck with the job situation. If you ever need a sushi break, you know where to find me :)
from deb-e-ne-ne :
Dammit! Add me to the being pissed on crew. Anyways, So sorry about P! That's horrible! Glad she's ok though, if stir crazy. As for digs and me, there are a few reasons I am not there quite so much: 1) I don't have nearly as much Internet time at work anymore and I don't want to spend all night online at home, 2) I don't feel like I know a lot of the people there anymore and am hesitant to post anything too personal, 3) I can't relate to a lot of the new people bc they seem really young, really "hip," really "save the earth"-y, and 4) Most of the people I like from digs have diaries, so I communicate them off board.
from foxy-jeanne :
I just wrote a long and brilliant comment too, and dland told me to go piss up a rope. Bah. Anyway, consolidated note: hug. You are brilliant. Your advice has been invaluable to me, and I hope you know and believe that.
from janest :
Ha! I just wrote this giant comment and then Diaryland told me to bug off, basically. Ah well. Anyway, I was saying that messageboards are frequently outgrown, even (or especially) ones with ever-changing membership and consequent ever-changing tones and popularity. New babies are WAY hot right now, and Q, well, he's SO two years ago. Har. Get it? Yeah. So I think if you want to step back, you aren't being drastic or anything. OR you start a topic called "My Awesome Toddler (Can Kick Your Newborn's Ass)." If you did, I'd even post.
from hulabelly :
It's yo, thang, do what ya wanna do...
from savasana :
Password, please? slange AT mcw DOT edu....thank you :)
from schmance :
If you sent me a password, I missed it! Sorry! [email protected] Thanks!
from schmance :
Look at me, channeling catnipqueen!
from schmance :
Pretty please, may I have a password? [email protected]
from catnipqueen :
Can I pretty please have a password? catnipqueen21AThotmailDOTcom
from fluffygurl :
Can you add me to the list pretty please? Im at [email protected]
from luckiestars7 :
I'd love to have your password too. My email is luckieracergirl AT yahoo DOT com. ps. I just noticed you like Jill Scott! She is one of my favorite singers of all time :) Heather
from ajax :
Me too. viva_ajaxATyahooDOTcom !
from rhubelerosko :
ya knows where i am at... brookiebabydigs AT hotm@il DOT com
from hulabelly :
No e-mail? Well, I sent you something this morning, so I hope you get it. Can I get a witness? I mean, a password? (breanaATugaDOTedu)
from briddy-b :
EEEEEEEEE! Me too! bridgeth AT hotmail DOT com. xoxoxoxoxoxxoo
from i-roboctopus :
Hi! Me too please. lisa DOT delaine AT verizon DOT net
from emmalola :
hi. password please?
from janest :
Hey lady. I'd love an in if that's OK. [email protected].
from kabes :
may i too, have the password? you can send it kbmello AT hotmail DOT com
from foxy-jeanne :
Me too, me too! princessjeanneAThotmailDOTcom (same as always). Oh, and sorry I missed you online AGAIN on sunday!
from deb-e-ne-ne :
Can I have a pw please? you can email me at silverd45 at excite dot com. Thanks!

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