messages to cowgirljules:
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from horseshoes :
username: horse password: shoes
from horseshoes :
Thanks for the compliments. If you like it so far wait till I get the horses on there!
from doc-sarvis :
Hi Jules. I've been a little too cranky for blogging lately. I'll be back, but it might be a while. I haven't been keeping up with you recently, but I hope you're doing ok.
from after1990 :
You must live on a farm huh? Cool Hey check out my diary
from la-the-sage :
Thanks for buddy listing me. I did a little archive diving and am delighted. I enjoy rodeo. Appreciate farmers and farm country, one of my sorest griefs is the loss of local farms to development. Sounds like you live in Heaven. And I like your concise writing style. The diversity of my buddy listers is amazing and gratifying. I look forward to getting to know you. ~LA
from horseshoes :
I just noticed you added me and checked out your journal. It's nice to see more horse people! I read about your trailer and that's a real pain in the ass. I would be checking in with Better Business Bureau too. Maybe they could direct you on how to handle this guy. Well, happy head hunting and I'll be reading.
from coralsandzz :
You have the right to bitch about anyone you want, it's your journal
from coralsandzz :
I added you
from grouse :
Good to finally get to 'meet' you. Suspect there aren't a lot of hairdos out there that will work under a hardhat... and yeah, it's my guess you're cut out for management. Certainly the folks you end up managing will feel that way.
from sunnflower :
Glad there's a cowgirl diary on diaryland. I just happened upon your diary and found it very interesting.

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