messages to cr8sea:
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from funda :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day (and weekend) in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (Happy V-Day from my other persona too :)
from funda :
thank you, I'll use it after this weekend, for this weekend the computer and brain will be testing new limits of capacity as I try to update several diaries an hour (funda at least every half hour) for 24 hours starting in five hours... of course I should be sleeping, but then, I can do that next week too.
from funda :
You may be a crazy as I am, looking for a roommate online, and through DLand no less. I found a couple of roommates online over the last few years. A couple of nightmares, a couple of friends. Yup, ain't it wonderful to be this way? (But then, at the moment I live in Orlando, not LA, so you may have me beat in the crazy department just now ;)
from unrequited13 :
hey. just wanted to say i am enjoying the new layout. it's cleaner and is easier to read. also, know exactly what you mean bout those eddie moods. i have something similar. so similar, i may even have to start journaling again. i thought i was going to be all strong, but some emotions are stronger.
from ann-frank :
Now, if that were ME with such a swank job, I would say the only thing that could make it better is if there were room for a cooler in the back of that golf cart, and some cup holders!
from raven72d :
I do love your diary... Vur' thoughtful and intense entries...
from unrequited13 :
i'm really sorry about mike. i really feel for you. i'm sure it hurts like hell to have your last bit of hope killed. on the bright side, i love your new layout and you'll find another crush. :)
from destinnevaeh :
from cr8sea :
from amberfalls :
Hi. Thanks for stopping in and signing the guestbook. I make the banners myself using an online graphics program. If you go into the gold member resources, there's a link on how to make a banner online.
from unrequited13 :
hey, just thought I'd drop you a note to tell you I'm reading and I feel ya girl. Men suck. It's hard when you really like someone to let them go, but sometimes you have to. If you don't they think they can take you for granted.. they'll believe that you'll always be there. You deserve so much more than that. I'm a hypocrite though. I might have stopped journaling about my pathetic infatuation, but I still talk to him. I still hurt sometimes. One thing I do know though.. It's time to move on. I wish you all the luck i never had. Keep up the writing... inquiring minds want to know how it all works out. :)

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